
Ampara & Arugambay

Ampara is a district located in the Eastern Province of Sri Lanka, known for its diverse and beautiful natural landscapes.

Ampara is blessed with a long coastline along the eastern shores of Sri Lanka. The district is home to stunning beaches such as Arugam Bay, Pasikudah, and Kalkudah. These beaches are known for their pristine white sand, clear turquoise waters, and opportunities for water sports like surfing and snorkeling.

Ampara is home to several wildlife sanctuaries that preserve the region’s natural biodiversity. Lahugala Kitulana National Park is known for its large elephant population and diverse birdlife. Gal Oya National Park, encompassing Gal Oya Reservoir, provides opportunities for safari tours to spot elephants, deer, crocodiles, and various bird species.

Ampara is known for its agricultural landscapes, with vast paddy fields spread across the district. The region’s fertile soil supports the cultivation of rice, vegetables, and other crops, contributing to the rural charm and scenic beauty of the area.

Arugam Bay

Arugam Bay beach is known for its stunning natural beauty. The beach stretches along a wide coastline with golden sands, framed by swaying palm trees and clear turquoise waters. The pristine and unspoiled surroundings create a serene and tranquil atmosphere.

Surfing Paradise: Arugam Bay beach is renowned as a world-class surfing destination. It offers consistent waves that attract surfers from all over the world. The beach features several surf breaks suitable for surfers of all levels, from beginners to advanced riders. The most popular surf point, “Main Point,” offers long rides and powerful waves, making it a favorite spot for surf enthusiasts.

In addition to surfing, Arugam Bay beach offers a range of water sports and activities. Visitors can engage in snorkeling, diving, jet skiing, paddleboarding, and fishing. Equipment rental facilities and tour operators are available in the area.

Arugam Bay offers a variety of beachfront accommodation options, including guesthouses, boutique hotels, and resorts. Many of these establishments provide stunning views of the beach and easy access to the sand. The beachfront also hosts a wide selection of restaurants, cafes, and beach bars, offering a diverse range of cuisines and refreshing beverages.

Arugam Bay beach is an excellent spot to witness breathtaking sunsets. As the sun descends over the horizon, the sky turns into a palette of vibrant colors, creating a mesmerizing backdrop for unforgettable moments.

Pottuvil Point

Pottuvil Point is known as one of the best surf breaks in Sri Lanka. It offers consistent and powerful waves that attract surfers of all skill levels. The break is characterized by a long, peeling right-hand wave, making it a favorite spot for both local and international surfers.

The waves at Pottuvil Point are known for their fast and hollow nature, providing an exhilarating surfing experience. The wave quality and length make it suitable for advanced surfers looking for challenging rides, while there are also sections of the wave that are more forgiving for beginners.

Beautiful Scenery: Pottuvil Point is surrounded by stunning natural beauty. The beach is pristine with golden sand, and the area is characterized by lush greenery and palm trees. The scenic surroundings add to the overall appeal and charm of the surf break.

Accessible Location: Pottuvil Point is easily accessible from Pottuvil town, located just a short distance away. There are accommodations, restaurants, and surf shops in the vicinity, making it convenient for surfers to access the surf break and enjoy their time in the area.

Surfers visiting Pottuvil Point can enjoy the thrill of riding challenging waves in a beautiful and less crowded setting. The combination of great surf, scenic surroundings, and the potential for wildlife encounters makes Pottuvil Point a popular choice among surfers exploring the surf breaks in the Ampara District of Sri Lanka.

Gal Oya National Park

Gal Oya National Park is known for its rich biodiversity and diverse ecosystems. The park covers an area of approximately 25,900 hectares and is home to a wide range of flora and fauna. It encompasses evergreen forests, savannah grasslands, and the largest inland body of water in Sri Lanka, the Senanayake Samudraya reservoir.

Wildlife: The park is a sanctuary for numerous wildlife species, including elephants, leopards, sloth bears, water buffalo, sambar deer, spotted deer, wild boar, and crocodiles. Gal Oya National Park is also renowned for its abundant birdlife, with over 150 species recorded, including several endemic and migratory birds.

Elephant Gathering: Gal Oya National Park is famous for its annual “Elephant Gathering.” During the dry season, large herds of elephants migrate to the park’s reservoirs to quench their thirst and engage in social interactions. This unique phenomenon offers a spectacular opportunity to witness these majestic creatures in their natural habitat.

Safari Experiences: Visitors can embark on safari tours in Gal Oya National Park to explore its natural wonders and spot wildlife. Jeep safaris are the most common way to navigate the park, allowing visitors to venture deep into its wilderness and observe animals in their natural surroundings.

Boat Safaris: One of the distinctive features of Gal Oya National Park is the opportunity to take boat safaris on Senanayake Samudraya reservoir. These safaris provide a unique perspective, allowing visitors to spot wildlife along the water’s edge, including elephants swimming between islands and a variety of water birds.

Gal Oya National Park offers a captivating blend of wildlife, natural beauty, and cultural heritage. It provides an opportunity to witness the majestic elephants, explore diverse ecosystems, and immerse oneself in the serenity of nature. A visit to Gal Oya National Park is a memorable experience for wildlife enthusiasts, nature lovers, and those seeking a deeper connection with the natural world.

Kumana National Park

Kumana National Park is known for its incredible biodiversity, particularly its birdlife. The park is home to over 200 bird species, making it a paradise for birdwatchers. Migratory birds, such as the rare and endangered species, arrive at the park during the nesting season from April to July.

Birds of Kumana: Kumana National Park is best known for its bird species, including the iconic and rare painted storks, pelicans, herons, egrets, spoonbills, and many more. The park provides a natural habitat and nesting grounds for these birds, making it a significant bird sanctuary in Sri Lanka.

Jeep Safaris: Jeep safaris are a popular activity in Kumana National Park, allowing visitors to explore its diverse habitats and spot wildlife. Knowledgeable park guides accompany visitors on these safaris, enhancing the experience by providing information about the park’s wildlife and natural features.

Wildlife: In addition to its avian population, Kumana National Park is home to a variety of other wildlife species. Visitors may spot elephants, leopards, sloth bears, deer, crocodiles, wild boar, and a range of reptiles and amphibians. The park also supports a diverse ecosystem of plant and marine life.

Camping: Kumana National Park offers camping facilities for visitors who wish to spend a night under the stars amidst the wilderness. Camping allows for a more immersive experience, where visitors can listen to the sounds of nature and appreciate the park’s tranquility.

Whether you are a birdwatcher, wildlife enthusiast, or nature lover, a visit to Kumana National Park promises an unforgettable journey into the heart of Sri Lanka’s wildlife.

Lahugala Kithulana National Park

Elephant Population: The national park is home to a significant population of elephants. Visitors have the opportunity to observe these majestic creatures in their natural habitat and witness their behavior, interactions, and feeding habits.

Birdlife: Lahugala Kitulana National Park is also renowned for its rich birdlife. The park provides a sanctuary for numerous bird species, making it a paradise for birdwatchers. Visitors can spot a wide variety of birds, including endemic and migratory species, adding to the overall biodiversity of the area.

Safari Tours: Safari tours are available in Lahugala Kitulana National Park, allowing visitors to explore the park and observe its wildlife. Jeep safaris accompanied by experienced guides provide the opportunity to venture deep into the park, increasing the chances of spotting elephants and other animals.

The national park features a picturesque landscape with open grasslands, wetlands, and small water bodies. The scenic beauty of the park adds to the overall experience, creating a serene and peaceful environment for visitors.

Lahugala Kitulana National Park is a must-visit destination for wildlife enthusiasts, nature lovers, and birdwatchers. Its thriving elephant population, diverse birdlife, and scenic beauty make it a remarkable place to experience the wonders of Sri Lanka’s natural heritage.

Buddhangala Monastery

Historical Significance: Buddhangala Monastery has a rich history dating back to ancient times. According to legends, it is believed to have been visited by Lord Buddha during his third and final visit to Sri Lanka. The monastery has since been an important pilgrimage site for Buddhists.

Serene Setting: The monastery is situated amidst scenic surroundings, featuring lush greenery, rock formations, and a tranquil atmosphere. The peaceful ambiance of Buddhangala provides an ideal environment for meditation, contemplation, and spiritual practices.

Sacred Stupa: At the heart of Buddhangala Monastery stands a majestic stupa (dome-shaped structure), which is considered the main focal point of the temple. The stupa is adorned with intricate designs and architectural details, attracting devotees and visitors alike.

Cave Dwellings: The area surrounding Buddhangala Monastery features a series of caves that were historically used by monks for dwelling and meditation. These cave dwellings add a sense of mystique to the monastery and offer a glimpse into the traditional monastic lifestyle.

Buddhangala Monastery serves as a spiritual sanctuary, attracting devotees, pilgrims, and individuals seeking solace and enlightenment. Its historical significance, serene setting, and cultural festivities make it a notable destination for those interested in Buddhism, meditation, and Sri Lanka’s religious heritage.


Historical Importance: Rajagala is believed to have been an ancient Buddhist monastic complex dating back to the 1st century BCE. The site was a thriving center for monastic activities and is associated with the Mahayana and Theravada Buddhist traditions.

The site of Rajagala contains extensive ruins and remains of ancient structures, including monastic buildings, meditation caves, stupas, ponds, and stone inscriptions. These archaeological remnants provide insights into the layout and architecture of the ancient monastic complex.

Several stupas (dome-shaped Buddhist structures) can be found at Rajagala, along with statues of the Buddha and other deities. These monuments highlight the religious and spiritual significance of the site.

Rock Inscriptions: Rajagala is known for its rock inscriptions, which provide valuable historical and linguistic information. These inscriptions, written in Brahmi and ancient Sinhala scripts, offer insights into the daily life, religious practices, and cultural context of the ancient inhabitants.

Rajagala is gaining popularity among tourists and history enthusiasts due to its cultural and archaeological importance. Visitors can explore the site, learn about its history through guided tours, and appreciate the architectural and artistic remnants of the ancient monastic complex.


Deegavapiya, also known as Deegavapi Stupa or Deegavapi Raja Maha Viharaya, is an important Buddhist religious site located in Ampara District.

Historical Significance: Deegavapiya is believed to have been established during the reign of King Saddhatissa (137-119 BCE) and is closely associated with the ancient Anuradhapura Kingdom. It is one of the 16 sacred places in Sri Lanka believed to have been visited by Gautama Buddha.

Sacred Stupa: The centerpiece of Deegavapiya is the large stupa, which is considered to be one of the most sacred Buddhist monuments in Sri Lanka. The stupa is believed to enshrine relics of Lord Buddha, making it a significant pilgrimage site for Buddhists.

Deegavapiya is not only a stupa but also a functioning Buddhist monastery. The monastery complex consists of various structures such as shrine rooms, meditation halls, monk residences, and other ancillary buildings.

Bodhi Tree: Within the premises of Deegavapiya, there is a sacred Bodhi tree, which is believed to be a sapling from the original Bodhi tree in Bodhgaya, India, under which Gautama Buddha attained enlightenment. The Bodhi tree is highly revered by Buddhists and serves as a focal point for devotional practices.

Archaeological Remains: In addition to the main stupa and monastery, there are several archaeological remains and ruins within the Deegavapiya complex. These include ancient stone inscriptions, moonstones (carved stones at the entrance), ruins of buildings, and other artifacts, which provide insights into the ancient history and architecture of the site.

Deegavapiya is an important pilgrimage site and a place of religious devotion for Buddhists in Sri Lanka. Its historical and cultural significance, coupled with the spiritual atmosphere, makes it a significant destination for those interested in Buddhism, ancient history, and religious heritage.

Muhudu Maha Viharaya

Muhudu Maha Viharaya, located in Ampara district of Sri Lanka, is a revered Buddhist temple with a captivating history and serene coastal setting. The temple’s name translates to “Temple by the Sea,” and it stands as a testament to the rich cultural and religious heritage of the region. According to legends and historical accounts, Muhudu Maha Viharaya is believed to have been visited by Lord Buddha himself during his third visit to the island. The temple complex is nestled along the sandy shores, providing a picturesque backdrop of the Indian Ocean.

The site holds ancient ruins that date back to the 2nd century BC, including a stupa and stone inscriptions that offer glimpses into the past. The remnants of the temple provide a sense of the grandeur and significance it once held. As visitors explore the temple grounds, they can witness intricate carvings, statues, and other architectural elements that showcase the remarkable craftsmanship of the era.

Muhudu Maha Viharaya holds deep spiritual meaning for Buddhists and attracts both devotees and tourists seeking a tranquil and contemplative atmosphere. The sound of crashing waves and the gentle sea breeze contribute to the serene ambiance, inviting visitors to find solace and connect with their spirituality. The temple’s coastal location also offers breathtaking views, making it a perfect spot for meditation and reflection.

Visiting Muhudu Maha Viharaya provides a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in the rich historical and cultural tapestry of Sri Lanka. The temple’s combination of natural beauty, ancient ruins, and spiritual significance makes it a memorable destination for those seeking a deeper understanding of the country’s Buddhist heritage and a peaceful retreat by the sea.

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