

Ratnapura, known as the “City of Gems,” is a captivating tourist attraction nestled in the heart of Sri Lanka. Renowned for its gem mines and gemstone trade, Ratnapura offers a fascinating glimpse into the world of precious stones. Visitors can explore bustling gem markets, witness gem cutting and polishing processes, and even try their luck at gemstone mining. Apart from its gem-related attractions, Ratnapura also boasts picturesque landscapes, cascading waterfalls, and lush greenery. The surrounding rainforests and nature reserves provide opportunities for adventurous activities like trekking and wildlife spotting. The city is also home to ancient temples and historical sites, such as the Maha Saman Devalaya and the historic Katugas Ella Foot Bridge. With its unique blend of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and gemstone treasures, Ratnapura is a must-visit destination for tourists seeking an authentic Sri Lankan experience.

Culture and Archeological Interest of Ratnapura

Ratnapura is a city renowned for its rich cultural heritage and archaeological significance.Ratnapura is often referred to as the “City of Gems” due to its abundant gem deposits. It has a long history of gem mining and is famous for producing some of the world’s finest gemstones, including sapphires, rubies, and cat’s-eye. Ratnapura and its surrounding areas are home to several archaeological sites that provide insights into the region’s ancient history.As a example

Ratnapura is a city renowned for its rich cultural heritage and archaeological significance.Ratnapura is often referred to as the “City of Gems” due to its abundant gem deposits. It has a long history of gem mining and is famous for producing some of the world’s finest gemstones, including sapphires, rubies, and cat’s-eye. Ratnapura and its surrounding areas are home to several archaeological sites that provide insights into the region’s ancient history. As a example The Balangoda archaeological complex, Pahiyangala Cave etc. Saman Devalaya is a significant pilgrimage site for Buddhists and Hindus alike, attracting devotees from all over the country during religious festivals.

Overall, Ratnapura’s cultural heritage, gemstone industry, archaeological sites, traditional crafts, and natural beauty make it a fascinating destination for those interested in exploring Sri Lanka’s history and culture.

Maha Saman Devalaya

Importance and History: Maha Saman Devalaya holds great importance for both Buddhists and Hindus in Sri Lanka. The temple is believed to have been established in ancient times, and it has been a place of worship for centuries. The deity Saman is revered as a guardian and protector of the country, and his worship is believed to bring blessings and prosperity.

Religious Significance: Devotees from various parts of the country visit Maha Saman Devalaya to seek the blessings of Saman. It is believed that the deity has the power to fulfill the wishes and provide protection to his devotees. The temple is especially popular during the annual Esala Perahera, a grand procession held in honor of Saman, which attracts a large number of pilgrims.

Esala Perahera: It takes place in the month of July or August and lasts for several days. The festival features vibrant processions with traditional dancers, drummers, and elephants adorned with elaborate costumes. The sacred tooth relic of Saman is carried in a beautifully decorated tusker during the procession.

Architecture and Features: Maha Saman Devalaya showcases traditional Sri Lankan architecture. The main shrine of the temple is adorned with intricate woodwork and carvings.

Maha Saman Devalaya is not only a place of religious worship but also an important cultural and historical site in Ratnapura. It provides a glimpse into the religious traditions and beliefs of the people of Sri Lanka and offers a serene and spiritually uplifting experience for visitors.

Gem Museum In Ratnapura

Ratnapura, being the “City of Gems,” is home to several gem museums that showcase the rich gemstone heritage of the region. One prominent gem museum in Ratnapura is the Ratnapura Gem Museum.

The Ratnapura Gem Museum is a renowned institution dedicated to educating visitors about the gemstone industry in Ratnapura and Sri Lanka as a whole. It serves as a showcase for the gemstones found in the region and provides insights into their mining, processing, and craftsmanship.

Exhibits and Collections: The museum houses a vast collection of gemstones, including sapphires, rubies, cat’s-eye, topaz, garnets, and more. These gemstones are displayed in various forms such as rough stones, polished gemstones, and exquisite jewelry pieces. The exhibits highlight the diverse colors, cuts, and qualities of the gemstones found in Ratnapura.

Educational Information: The Ratnapura Gem Museum offers informative displays, panels, and videos that explain the geological formation of gemstones, the process of gem mining, and the art of gemstone cutting and polishing. Visitors can learn about the different types of gemstones, their properties, and the factors that determine their value.

Visiting the Ratnapura Gem Museum is a great way to explore the gemstone heritage of the region, learn about the gemstone industry, and appreciate the beauty and craftsmanship associated with Sri Lankan gemstones. It offers an enriching experience for gem enthusiasts, jewelry lovers, and those interested in the cultural and economic significance of gemstones in Ratnapura.


Batadombalena is an important archaeological site located in Kuruwita, Sri Lanka. It holds significant historical and archaeological value, providing insights into early human habitation on the island.

Archaeological Significance: The site gained prominence when a human skeleton was discovered in 1981. This discovery marked the first scientifically excavated skeletal remains of Homo sapiens balangodensis, commonly known as the Balangoda Man. The Balangoda Man is an ancient subspecies of Homo sapiens that lived in Sri Lanka approximately 38,000 years ago.

Excavations and Findings: Extensive excavations have been carried out at Batadombalena, unearthing numerous artifacts and evidence of early human activity. Stone tools, animal bones, and fragments of pottery have been discovered, shedding light on the lifestyles and behaviors of the Balangoda Man. The site also contains a cave, believed to have been used as a shelter by early humans.

Balangoda Man: The Balangoda Man is considered one of the oldest known human populations in Sri Lanka. The skeletal remains found at Batadombalena provide valuable information about the physical characteristics, cultural practices, and technological advancements of this early human population. These findings have contributed significantly to our understanding of prehistoric human settlements in Sri Lanka.

Research and Preservation: Batadombalena and its archaeological findings are of great interest to researchers, anthropologists, and archaeologists. Ongoing studies continue to deepen our knowledge of the Balangoda Man and the ancient history of Sri Lanka. Efforts are also being made to preserve and protect the site for future generations.

Visiting Batadombalena provides a unique opportunity to witness the archaeological remnants of early human civilization in Sri Lanka.

Natural Beauty and Adventure of Ratnapura

Ratnapura, known as the “City of Gems,” is not only rich in cultural and archaeological attractions but also offers abundant natural beauty and opportunities for adventure.

Ratnapura is surrounded by stunning landscapes characterized by lush greenery, rolling hills, and tea plantations. The area is known for its picturesque vistas, especially in the hill country regions surrounding Ratnapura. Traveling through the countryside offers breathtaking views and a chance to immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the region.Sinharaja Forest Reserve is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a biodiversity hotspot. This pristine rainforest is home to a wide range of plant and animal species, including many endemic and endangered species. Nature lovers can explore the forest through guided hikes and witness the unique flora and fauna that thrive in this protected area.

While not exactly a natural attraction, Ratnapura’s gem mining industry can provide a unique adventure experience. Visitors can join guided tours to gem mines, where they can witness the traditional mining methods and try their luck at gemstone digging.

Whether you’re seeking natural beauty, adventure, or a combination of both, Ratnapura offers a range of experiences to satisfy your interests. From exploring waterfalls and rainforests to engaging in outdoor activities and learning about the gemstone industry, Ratnapura has something to offer for every nature lover and adventure seeker.

Adams Peak (Sri Padaya)

Adams Peak, also known as Sri Pada, is a significant pilgrimage site located in the Ratnapura District of Sri Lanka. It is a conical mountain peak standing at an elevation of 2,243 meters (7,359 feet) above sea level.

Spiritual Significance: Adams Peak holds religious importance for multiple faiths, including Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity. The peak is revered for the “Sri Pada” or “Sacred Footprint,” which is believed to be the footprint of Lord Buddha by Buddhists, Lord Shiva by Hindus, Adam by Muslims, and St. Thomas by Christians.

Pilgrimage Season: The pilgrimage season to Adams Peak typically begins in December and lasts until May, with the peak period being January to April. During this time, thousands of devotees, both locals and tourists, embark on the challenging climb to pay homage to the Sacred Footprint and experience the spiritual atmosphere.

The Climb: The ascent to Adams Peak involves climbing a series of steep steps, approximately 5,500 in total, which have been constructed along the route. The traditional starting point is the town of Nallathanniya, where pilgrims gather before commencing their journey. The climb can be physically demanding but is achievable by individuals of varying fitness levels.

Sunrise View: One of the most spectacular experiences at Adams Peak is witnessing the sunrise from the summit. Many pilgrims start their climb in the early hours of the morning to reach the top in time for sunrise. The breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding mountains, clouds, and mist as the sun rises make for a memorable and spiritual experience.

Teahouses and Resting Points: Along the trail, there are several teahouses and resting points where climbers can take a break, enjoy a warm cup of tea, and refuel before continuing their ascent. These pitstops provide a chance to interact with fellow climbers and experience the local hospitality.

Bell-Ringing and Offering Rituals: At the summit, there is a small shrine housing the Sacred Footprint. Devotees ring a bell and offer prayers and flowers as a mark of reverence. It is a moment of reflection and spiritual connection for pilgrims.

Wildlife and Natural Beauty: Adams Peak is nestled within the Peak Wilderness Sanctuary, a protected area known for its rich biodiversity. The climb offers glimpses of this natural beauty and an opportunity to appreciate the serene environment.

Sinharaja Forest Reserve

The Sinharaja Forest Reserve is a renowned UNESCO World Heritage Site located in the southwest of Sri Lanka, spanning across the districts of Ratnapura, Galle, and Matara.

Biodiversity Hotspot: Sinharaja Forest Reserve is considered a biodiversity hotspot and is one of the last remaining primary tropical rainforests in Sri Lanka. It is home to an incredible array of flora and fauna, including numerous endemic species. The forest is renowned for its high species richness and endemism, making it a valuable ecological treasure.

Flora: Sinharaja Forest Reserve boasts a diverse range of plant species, including towering trees, colorful orchids, endemic ferns, and medicinal plants. The forest is characterized by its dense canopy, which allows limited sunlight to penetrate the forest floor, creating a unique and enchanting ecosystem.

Fauna: The forest reserve is teeming with wildlife, including rare and endemic species. It is home to 26 endemic bird species, including the Sri Lanka blue magpie, Sri Lanka junglefowl, and red-faced malkoha. Sinharaja also houses several mammal species such as the purple-faced langur, Sri Lankan leopard, and endemic purple-faced leaf monkey. Reptiles, amphibians, and insects also thrive within the forest’s boundaries.

Trekking and Nature Trails: The Sinharaja Forest Reserve offers a network of well-maintained trekking and nature trails that allow visitors to explore its pristine beauty. The trails vary in length and difficulty, providing options for both casual hikers and more adventurous trekkers. Experienced guides are available to lead visitors and provide information about the forest’s ecology and wildlife.

Birdwatching: The forest reserve is a paradise for birdwatchers, offering exceptional opportunities to spot rare and endemic bird species. The early morning hours are especially rewarding for birdwatching, as the forest comes alive with the sounds of various avian species. The diversity of birdlife makes Sinharaja a favorite destination for bird enthusiasts and ornithologists.

Research and Conservation: Sinharaja Forest Reserve has been the subject of extensive scientific research due to its ecological significance. Researchers and conservationists continue to study and monitor the forest’s unique biodiversity to ensure its long-term conservation. Efforts are made to raise awareness about the importance of preserving this fragile ecosystem.


Kitulgala is a small town located in the Kegalle District of Sri Lanka, approximately 90 kilometers northeast of Colombo.

Natural Beauty: Kitulgala is nestled amidst lush greenery and is surrounded by the verdant forests of the Kelani River Valley. The picturesque landscapes, with the Kelani River flowing through the town, create a serene and idyllic atmosphere. The area’s abundant flora and fauna contribute to its natural beauty.

Adventure Sports and Activities: Kitulgala is famous for its adventure sports and outdoor activities, attracting thrill-seekers and nature enthusiasts. Some popular activities include white-water rafting, where you can navigate the rapids of the Kelani River, providing an adrenaline-pumping experience. Canyoning, trekking, hiking, and waterfall jumps are also available for those seeking adventure.

Film Location: Kitulgala gained international recognition as the filming location for the iconic movie “The Bridge on the River Kwai” in 1957. The bridge constructed for the film still stands today and is a tourist attraction. It offers a glimpse into the area’s cinematic history and provides a picturesque spot for photography.

Rainforest Exploration: The nearby rainforests offer opportunities for nature walks and exploration. You can discover the diverse flora and fauna, including endemic bird species and colorful butterflies. Guided tours are available to provide insights into the forest ecosystem and its importance for conservation.

Waterfall Visits: Kitulgala is home to several stunning waterfalls that are worth a visit. The nearby Kadiyanlena Falls, located in the Kelani River Valley, is a popular spot for picnics and nature appreciation. The falls offer a refreshing cascade of water amidst the greenery, creating a tranquil setting.

Birdwatching: The region around Kitulgala is a paradise for birdwatching enthusiasts. The area is known for its diverse avian species, including many endemic and migratory birds. The surrounding forests and riverbanks provide excellent opportunities to spot and photograph various bird species.

Kitulgala is a haven for adventure seekers, nature lovers, and those looking to escape the bustling city life. Its stunning natural landscapes, thrilling activities, and opportunities for outdoor exploration make it an appealing destination for both local and international travelers.

Boptah Ella Falls

Bopath Ella Falls is a beautiful waterfall located in the Ratnapura District of Sri Lanka. It is situated in the village of Agalawatta, approximately 13 kilometers northeast of Ratnapura town.

Natural Beauty: Bopath Ella Falls is known for its natural beauty and is a popular tourist attraction in the area. The waterfall cascades down from a height of approximately 30 meters (98 feet) into a large pool at the base, creating a picturesque setting. The lush greenery surrounding the falls adds to its charm.

Legend and Name: The name “Bopath Ella” is derived from the Sinhala language, with “Bo” meaning “Bo” tree and “path” meaning “pathway.” According to local folklore, the shape of the waterfall resembles the leaf of the sacred Bo tree, which is significant to Buddhists in Sri Lanka.

Picnic Spot: The area around Bopath Ella Falls provides a serene and picturesque setting, making it a popular spot for picnics. Visitors can relax by the pool or on the grassy banks while enjoying the natural beauty and the soothing sound of the cascading water.

Visiting Bopath Ella Falls allows you to experience the natural splendor of Sri Lanka and enjoy a peaceful and refreshing retreat in the midst of nature. The tranquil atmosphere, scenic surroundings, and the legend associated with the falls make it a worthwhile destination for nature lovers, photographers, and those seeking a serene getaway.

Bambarakanda Waterfalls

Height and Location: Bambarakanda Falls stands at an impressive height of approximately 263 meters (863 feet), making it the tallest waterfall in Sri Lanka. It is located in the Badulla District, near the village of Kalupahana, which is about 18 kilometers from Haputale.

Natural Beauty: The waterfall is set amidst the verdant hills of the Horton Plains and offers breathtaking views of cascading water against a backdrop of lush greenery. The area surrounding Bambarakanda Falls is characterized by tea plantations, rugged landscapes, and mist-covered mountains, creating a picturesque setting.

Accessibility: The falls can be reached by a short hike from the main road. A trail leads through scenic landscapes, passing tea estates and forests, until you reach the viewpoint from where you can admire the majestic waterfall. The hike is relatively easy and suitable for most visitors.

Swimming and Bathing: The base pool of Bambarakanda Falls provides a refreshing spot for swimming and bathing. The crystal-clear water cascading down creates a natural pool where visitors can cool off and enjoy the serene environment. However, it is important to exercise caution and be aware of the current and water conditions.

Trekking and Hiking: The area around Bambarakanda Falls offers opportunities for trekking and hiking enthusiasts. There are various trails and routes that allow you to explore the surrounding landscapes, including the nearby Horton Plains National Park and the Kirigalpoththa Peak, which is the second highest mountain in Sri Lanka.

Nearby Attractions: While visiting Bambarakanda Falls, you can also explore other nearby attractions, such as the Horton Plains National Park, World’s End viewpoint, and the Ohiya Gap. These locations offer stunning views, unique flora and fauna, and opportunities for wildlife sightings.

Katugas Ella Waterfalls

Katugas Ella Waterfall is situated in the Ratnapura District of Sri Lanka, surrounded by lush greenery and natural beauty. The waterfall flows gracefully down a series of rocky steps, forming multiple tiers that add to its visual appeal.

Height and Spray: The water descends from a considerable height, creating a stunning sight as it forms a white foamy spray before gently settling into a crystal-clear pool at the base.

Pool: The pool at the bottom of the waterfall is an inviting oasis, with emerald-green water that offers a refreshing respite from the tropical heat. Visitors can take a dip and feel the invigorating rush of the waterfall on their skin.

Scenic Surroundings: The waterfall is surrounded by dense foliage, including towering trees, swaying palms, and vibrant flowers, which enhance its visual beauty. The lush greenery provides shade and a cool ambiance, making it an ideal spot for relaxation.

Trekking Trail: To reach Katugas Ella Waterfall, visitors may need to traverse a short trek through the verdant forest. The well-marked trail offers glimpses of exotic flora and fauna, such as butterflies and birds, adding to the enchantment of the journey.

Picnic Spot: The picturesque landscape around the waterfall is perfect for picnics. Visitors can sit on the surrounding rocks, enjoy the misty spray, and immerse themselves in the tranquility of the surroundings.

Nature Photography: Katugas Ella Waterfall provides ample opportunities for nature photography. The cascading water, lush greenery, and vibrant surroundings create stunning backdrops for capturing memorable moments.

Serene Ambiance: The overall ambiance of Katugas Ella Waterfall is serene and peaceful, making it an ideal destination for those seeking solace in nature and a break from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

Katugas Ella Waterfall offers a memorable experience for nature lovers, adventure enthusiasts, and anyone looking to explore the natural beauty of Ratnapura. It’s a must-visit destination that showcases the captivating wonders of Sri Lanka’s waterfalls.



Trincomalee, located on the northeastern coast of Sri Lanka, is a captivating tourist destination renowned for its breathtaking beauty and historical significance. Its pristine beaches, such as Nilaveli and Uppuveli, offer crystal-clear turquoise waters and golden sand, making it a haven for sun-seekers and water sports enthusiasts. The city is home to ancient landmarks like the Koneswaram Temple, a revered Hindu pilgrimage site, and the 17th-century Fort Frederick, which showcases colonial architecture. Trincomalee also boasts a rich marine life, with opportunities for snorkeling and diving in Pigeon Island National Park. Its natural harbor, one of the world’s largest, adds to the city’s allure, attracting maritime enthusiasts. Trincomalee’s unique blend of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and coastal charm make it an irresistible destination for tourists visiting Sri Lanka.

Religious and Cultural Places in Trincomalee

Trincomalee, a city with a rich multicultural heritage, is home to various religious and cultural sites that reflect the diverse religious traditions and historical significance of the area.

Seruwawila Mangala Raja Maha Viharaya in Trincomalee is a sacred Buddhist temple believed to house a sacred hair relic of the Buddha, making it a significant pilgrimage site for Buddhists in Sri Lanka. Its historical and religious significance attracts devotees and visitors seeking spiritual solace and cultural insights.

Koneswaram Temple is a renowned Hindu temple dedicated to Lord Shiva. It is one of the most sacred Hindu sites in Sri Lanka, offering panoramic views of the Trincomalee Bay. The Pathirakali Amman Temple is a prominent Hindu temple dedicated to Goddess Kali. Known for its vibrant architecture and religious festivals, it is an important place of worship for Hindus in Trincomalee. St. Mary’s Cathedral, also known as Trincomalee Cathedral, is a Roman Catholic church with a rich history. The cathedral features impressive architecture and serves as the seat of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Trincomalee.

These religious and cultural places offer a glimpse into the diverse heritage of Trincomalee, allowing visitors to explore the religious traditions, architectural beauty, and cultural practices of the area.

Koneswaram Temple

Koneswaram Temple, also known as the Temple of a Thousand Pillars, is a significant Hindu temple located atop Swami Rock in Trincomalee, Sri Lanka. It is one of the most revered religious sites in the country and holds both historical and cultural importance.

History: The history of Koneswaram Temple dates back to ancient times, with references to the temple found in various Hindu scriptures and Tamil literature. It is believed to have been built and rebuilt by different rulers over the centuries, including the Chola, Pandyan, and Pallava dynasties. The temple was also a center of learning and pilgrimage during its heyday.

Architectural Style: The temple showcases a fusion of Dravidian and Pallava architectural styles, characterized by intricately carved stone pillars, elaborate sculptures, and colorful artwork. The main sanctum of the temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva, while there are smaller shrines dedicated to other deities within the temple complex.

Location and Scenic Views: Perched on a rocky promontory overlooking the Indian Ocean, Koneswaram Temple offers stunning panoramic views of the Trincomalee Bay and the surrounding coastline. The temple’s location atop Swami Rock adds to its dramatic and picturesque setting.

Cultural Significance: The temple is considered one of the Pancha Ishwarams (five abodes) of Lord Shiva in Sri Lanka. It holds deep cultural significance for Hindus, and it attracts devotees from both Sri Lanka and around the world. The temple is also an important pilgrimage site for Tamil Hindus, especially during the Maha Shivaratri festival

Seruwawila Mangala Raja Maha Viharaya

Seruwawila Mangala Raja Maha Viharaya, also known as Seruwila Raja Maha Viharaya, is a prominent Buddhist temple located in Seruwila, Trincomalee District, Sri Lanka. It is a sacred place of worship and pilgrimage for Buddhists, with a history dating back thousands of years.

History: Seruwawila Mangala Raja Maha Viharaya is believed to have been established during the reign of King Kavantissa, who ruled in the 2nd century BCE. The temple gained significant importance during the ancient Anuradhapura Kingdom and continued to be revered throughout different periods of Sri Lankan history.

Sacred Relic: The temple is known for enshrining a sacred relic, believed to be a lock of hair from the head of Lord Buddha. This relic is venerated by devotees and attracts pilgrims from various parts of the country.

Architecture: The temple complex features a blend of ancient and modern architectural styles. The main shrine is adorned with intricate carvings and sculptures, reflecting the rich Buddhist heritage of Sri Lanka. The stupa (dome-shaped structure) at Seruwawila is also a notable feature of the temple.

Spiritual Significance: Seruwawila Mangala Raja Maha Viharaya holds great spiritual significance for Buddhists. It is believed that paying homage to the sacred relic and engaging in religious activities at the temple can bring blessings, protection, and spiritual merit to devotees.

Visiting Seruwawila Mangala Raja Maha Viharaya offers a chance to experience the serene surroundings, engage in religious practices, and witness the rich cultural heritage of Sri Lanka. As with any religious site, it is important to dress modestly and show respect for the traditions and customs observed at the temple.

Pathirakali Amman Temple

Pathirakali Amman Temple is a significant Hindu temple located in Trincomalee, Sri Lanka. Dedicated to the goddess Kali, it is one of the prominent religious sites in the city and holds cultural and historical importance.

History: The Pathirakali Amman Temple has a history that dates back several centuries. It is believed to have been built during the 17th century by the Tamil community in Trincomalee. Over the years, the temple has undergone renovations and expansions to its current form.

Goddess Kali: The temple is dedicated to Goddess Kali, a fierce deity in Hinduism often associated with power and protection. Devotees come to the temple to seek blessings, offer prayers, and perform rituals to honor the goddess.

Architecture: The temple showcases a blend of Dravidian and South Indian architectural styles. It features colorful and intricately carved gopurams (entrance towers), mandapams (pillared halls), and sculptures depicting various deities and mythological figures. The temple’s vibrant exterior is a sight to behold.

Festivals and Celebrations: Pathirakali Amman Temple is known for its elaborate festivals and celebrations, which attract a large number of devotees and tourists. The annual Kumbhabhishekam (consecration ceremony) is a significant event held at the temple, where rituals are performed to renew the spiritual energy of the temple.

Visiting the Pathirakali Amman Temple offers an opportunity to immerse oneself in the spiritual ambiance, witness the architectural beauty, and experience the cultural vibrancy of Trincomalee.

St Mary’s Cathedral

St. Mary’s Cathedral, also known as the Cathedral of St. Mary or Trincomalee Cathedral, is a beautiful Roman Catholic church located in Trincomalee, Sri Lanka. It is the seat of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Trincomalee and holds religious and historical significance.

History: St. Mary’s Cathedral has a long history that dates back to the 17th century. The original church was built by the Portuguese in the 17th century, and subsequent renovations and expansions have taken place over the years. The current structure is the result of renovations carried out in the early 20th century.

Architecture: The cathedral showcases an impressive blend of architectural styles, combining elements of Portuguese, Dutch, and local influences. The exterior of the church features beautiful white walls and a prominent bell tower. The interior boasts high ceilings, ornate altars, stained glass windows, and intricate woodwork.

Religious Significance: St. Mary’s Cathedral is a significant religious site for the Catholic community in Trincomalee. It serves as the principal place of worship for Catholics in the area and holds regular religious services, including Masses and other ceremonies.

Visiting St. Mary’s Cathedral offers an opportunity to admire the architectural beauty, experience the religious atmosphere, and learn about the Catholic heritage of Trincomalee.

Nature and Costal Beauty of Trincomalee

Trincomalee, located on the northeast coast of Sri Lanka, is renowned for its natural beauty and coastal charm. It is considered one of the finest natural harbors in the world and offers a wide range of scenic landscapes and breathtaking views.

Trincomalee is home to several stunning beaches that attract both locals and tourists. Nilaveli Beach, Uppuveli Beach etc. These beaches provide the perfect setting for swimming, sunbathing, and enjoying water sports. Pigeon Island National Park is a marine sanctuary teeming with vibrant coral reefs and diverse marine life. Snorkeling or diving in the crystal-clear waters here offers an opportunity to witness colorful coral formations, tropical fish, and even sea turtles.The Koneswaram Temple, perched on Swami Rock, is a prominent Hindu religious site and a major attraction in Trincomalee. The temple offers stunning panoramic views of the city and the Indian Ocean.

Trincomalee is also known for its natural hot springs, located in the nearby village of Kanniyai. The hot water contains minerals believed to have therapeutic properties. Visitors can immerse themselves in these warm waters, which are said to offer relaxation and healing benefits.

Trincomalee offers a range of accommodations catering to different budgets. From luxury resorts and boutique hotels to budget guesthouses, there are options to suit various preferences. Additionally, the cost of food and transportation in Trincomalee is generally affordable, making it an attractive destination for travelers seeking natural beauty without breaking the bank.

Nilaveli Beach

Nilaveli Beach is a stunning coastal paradise located on the northeast coast of Sri Lanka, near Trincomalee.

Scenic Beauty: Nilaveli Beach boasts a breathtakingly beautiful landscape. The soft, powdery white sands extend for several kilometers, providing ample space for visitors to relax and enjoy the surroundings. The beach is fringed with swaying palm trees, creating a postcard-perfect tropical setting.

Serene Atmosphere: Compared to the more bustling Uppuveli Beach, Nilaveli Beach offers a quieter and more serene atmosphere. It is an ideal destination for those seeking a peaceful and secluded beach experience. The absence of large crowds and commercial developments contributes to the beach’s calm and tranquil ambiance.

Swimming and Sunbathing: The clear, shallow waters of Nilaveli Beach make it ideal for swimming. The gentle slope of the seabed and lack of strong currents make it safe for visitors of all ages to enjoy a refreshing swim. Sunbathing on the soft sands and basking in the tropical sunshine is another popular activity at Nilaveli Beach.

Water Sports and Activities: Nilaveli Beach offers a range of water sports and activities for adventure enthusiasts. Snorkeling and diving are particularly popular here due to the vibrant coral reefs and abundant marine life. Exploring the underwater world reveals a kaleidoscope of colorful fish, coral formations, and even sea turtles. Other activities include jet skiing, kayaking, and paddleboarding.

Dolphin and Whale Watching: Nilaveli Beach is also known for its opportunities to spot dolphins and whales. Boat excursions are available, allowing visitors to witness these majestic creatures in their natural habitat. Spinner dolphins and, occasionally, even blue whales can be seen off the coast of Nilaveli.

Uppuveli Beach

Uppuveli Beach is a beautiful coastal destination located near Trincomalee on the northeast coast of Sri Lanka.

Stunning Beachscape: Uppuveli Beach features soft golden sands that stretch along the shoreline, creating a picturesque setting. The beach is relatively wide, providing ample space for sunbathing, picnicking, or simply taking a leisurely stroll along the coast.

Swimming and Sunbathing: Uppuveli Beach is ideal for swimming and sunbathing. The waters are generally calm and inviting, making it a safe spot for visitors to enjoy a refreshing dip or relax under the warm tropical sun.

Water Sports: The beach offers a variety of water sports activities for adventure enthusiasts. Jet skiing, banana boat rides, and tube rides are popular options. Visitors can also try their hand at kayaking or paddleboarding to explore the surrounding waters.

Beachfront Dining: Uppuveli Beach is dotted with beachfront restaurants, cafes, and bars where visitors can savor delicious seafood, Sri Lankan cuisine, and refreshing beverages. Enjoying a meal or a drink while overlooking the beach and the ocean is a delightful experience.

Boat Rides and Fishing: Uppuveli Beach is a fishing village, and visitors have the opportunity to take boat rides with local fishermen. These rides provide a unique perspective of the coastline and an insight into the traditional fishing practices of the area.

Uppuveli Beach offers a range of accommodation options, including beachfront resorts, guesthouses, and boutique hotels. The availability of various accommodations ensures that visitors can find options to suit their preferences and budgets.

Pigeon Island National Park

Coral Reefs and Marine Life: Pigeon Island is renowned for its vibrant coral reefs and diverse marine life. The park consists of two islands, known as Pigeon Island Small and Pigeon Island Large, which are surrounded by a protected coral reef ecosystem. The coral reefs are home to a variety of hard and soft corals, creating a colorful underwater landscape. Snorkelers and divers can witness a wide range of marine species, including reef fish, sea turtles, moray eels, and even blacktip reef sharks.

Snorkeling and Diving: Pigeon Island National Park offers excellent opportunities for snorkeling and diving. Snorkelers can explore the shallow waters close to the beach, where they can observe the vibrant coral formations and swim alongside schools of tropical fish. For certified divers, there are dive sites around the island with varying depths and unique underwater features. Diving in Pigeon Island allows for encounters with a greater diversity of marine life and the chance to explore the deeper sections of the reef.

Glass-Bottom Boat Rides: If you prefer to stay dry but still want to experience the beauty of the underwater world, glass-bottom boat rides are available at Pigeon Island. These boat rides provide a clear view of the coral reefs and marine life beneath the surface, allowing you to observe the underwater scenery without getting into the water.

Nature Trails and Birdwatching: Pigeon Island National Park also has nature trails that lead visitors through the island’s forests and coastal vegetation. As you walk along these trails, you can spot a variety of bird species, including endemic and migratory birds. Keep an eye out for species such as the White-bellied Sea Eagle, Black-capped Kingfisher, and the rare Nicobar Pigeon.

Pigeon Island National Park offers a unique opportunity to explore the underwater wonders of Trincomalee and witness the beauty of its coral reefs and marine life.

Kanniya Hot Springs Well

Kanniya Hot Springs is a well-known natural attraction located in the town of Kanniyai, near Trincomalee in Sri Lanka. These hot springs are a popular destination for both locals and tourists due to their believed therapeutic properties and relaxing environment.

Hot Springs: Kanniya Hot Springs comprise a cluster of seven wells, each containing hot water with varying temperatures. These wells are said to have different mineral compositions, which are believed to offer healing benefits. The water temperature can reach up to 42 degrees Celsius (108 degrees Fahrenheit), providing a soothing and warm bathing experience.

Therapeutic Properties: The hot springs at Kanniya are considered to have medicinal properties and are believed to alleviate various ailments such as skin conditions, rheumatism, and arthritis. The mineral-rich water is thought to have healing effects on the body, promoting relaxation and rejuvenation.

Bathing Pools: The hot springs are managed by the local authorities, and bathing pools have been created around each well to facilitate visitors’ access to the hot water. The pools are designed to capture and contain the hot spring water, allowing visitors to immerse themselves and enjoy the therapeutic benefits.

Natural Surroundings: The hot springs are set amidst a serene and picturesque environment, surrounded by lush greenery and tall trees. The peaceful atmosphere adds to the overall experience, making it a tranquil place to relax and unwind.

Cultural Significance: Kanniya Hot Springs also hold cultural significance for the local population. According to folklore, it is believed that the hot springs date back to the era of King Ravana, a mythical figure in Sri Lankan history. The springs are associated with a legend from the Hindu epic Ramayana, making them a site of cultural and historical importance.

Kanniya Hot Springs provide a unique experience to relax in warm mineral-rich water and enjoy the serene natural surroundings near Trincomalee.

Fort Frederick

Fort Frederick, also known as Trincomalee Fort, is a historical fortification located in the city of Trincomalee, Sri Lanka.

History: Fort Frederick was constructed by the Portuguese in 1624 when they first arrived in Trincomalee. The fort changed hands multiple times, with the Dutch capturing it from the Portuguese in 1639 and the British taking control in 1795. Over the years, the fort underwent renovations and expansions, resulting in its present-day form.

Architecture: The fort features a mix of architectural influences, reflecting the different colonial powers that ruled over the region. It combines Portuguese, Dutch, and British architectural styles. The walls of the fort are made of coral and limestone, creating a sturdy structure that has withstood the test of time.

Location and Views: Fort Frederick is strategically positioned on Swami Rock, providing panoramic views of Trincomalee and its surroundings. Visitors can enjoy stunning vistas of the Indian Ocean, the Trincomalee Bay, and the bustling city below. The vantage point from the fort offers excellent opportunities for photography and sightseeing.

Attractions within the Fort: Within Fort Frederick, you can explore several interesting attractions, including the Koneswaram Temple. This Hindu temple is located within the fort’s premises and is an important religious site in Trincomalee. It offers a fascinating blend of history, spirituality, and stunning views.

British Lighthouse: The fort is also home to a British lighthouse that was built in the 19th century. The lighthouse stands tall within the fort and serves as a navigational aid for ships entering the Trincomalee Bay.

Military Significance: Fort Frederick has served as a military stronghold throughout its history due to its strategic location. It played a role in various conflicts and was even used as a base by the British during World War II. Today, the fort is still in use by the Sri Lankan military.

Fort Frederick in Trincomalee stands as a testament to the region’s colonial heritage and offers a captivating experience for history enthusiasts and those interested in architectural marvels

Maritime and Naval History Museum

The Maritime and Naval History Museum in Trincomalee, Sri Lanka, is a fascinating museum that showcases the rich maritime heritage and naval history of the region. Located within the premises of Fort Frederick, the museum offers visitors an insight into the naval traditions, artifacts, and historical significance of Trincomalee.

History: The Maritime and Naval History Museum was established in 2001 with the aim of preserving and displaying the maritime and naval history of Trincomalee. The museum is housed within a colonial-era building within Fort Frederick, adding to its historical ambiance.

Exhibits: The museum features a diverse range of exhibits that highlight the naval history of Trincomalee. Visitors can explore displays of ancient maritime artifacts, including ship models, cannons, anchors, navigation instruments, and naval weaponry. The exhibits showcase the development of naval technology and the maritime activities that have shaped the region’s history.

Artifacts and Memorabilia: The museum houses a collection of artifacts related to the naval heritage of Trincomalee. These include historical photographs, documents, uniforms, medals, and other memorabilia associated with the Sri Lankan Navy and its engagement in naval conflicts and peacetime operations.

Information and Interpretation: The museum provides informative displays and panels that offer insights into the maritime history of Trincomalee, including its importance as a strategic port, the role of naval forces in protecting the region, and the cultural significance of maritime traditions. Visitors can learn about the maritime trade routes, naval battles, and the impact of colonial powers on the region’s maritime heritage.

Visiting the Maritime and Naval History Museum in Trincomalee offers a unique opportunity to delve into the maritime past of the region. The museum provides a comprehensive overview of the naval traditions, historical events, and artifacts that have shaped Trincomalee’s maritime identity.



Kalutara is a district located in the southwestern coastal region of Sri Lanka. It is known for its beautiful natural surroundings, including stunning beaches, lush greenery, and vibrant wildlife. One of the main highlights of Kalutara is its pristine coastline. The district is blessed with long stretches of golden sandy beaches, fringed with swaying palm trees and clear blue waters of the Indian Ocean. These beaches, such as Kalutara Beach and Beruwala Beach, offer a tranquil setting for sunbathing, swimming, and enjoying various water sports like snorkeling and diving.

Nature of Kalutara

Kalutara is also home to the Kalu Ganga River, which flows through the district. The river is flanked by mangrove forests and provides a habitat for various bird species and other wildlife. For nature lovers, the Sinharaja Forest Reserve, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is located near Kalutara.

Overall, the nature of Kalutara offers a blend of coastal charm, inland serenity, and abundant wildlife

Kalutara Beach – Calido Beach

Kalutara beach is a long stretch of a golden shore spreading from Waskaduwa to Payagala.
Divided by the Kalu river estuary, it has a charm of Its own and certain dark hue in the sand around the estuary. Calido Beach is known for its beautiful stretch of golden sand, clear blue waters, and stunning sunsets. The beach offers a peaceful and relaxed atmosphere, making it a favorite spot for both locals and tourists. Visitors can enjoy activities like swimming, sunbathing, beach strolls, and watching traditional fishing boats along the shore. Calido beach, the local’s favourite is located north of the estuary and can be reached from the town. People usually can be seen flying kites, volleyball and even football here.

Thudugala Ella Falls

Thudugala Ella is situated in the village of Thudugala, which is about 10 kilometers away from Kalutara town. The waterfall is nestled within a lush green forest, creating a serene and picturesque setting.Thudugala Ella Falls cascades down from a height of about 100 feet (30 meters), forming a mesmerizing sight. The water flows into a natural pool at the base, creating a perfect spot for swimming and cooling off during hot weather. The surrounding area is rich in biodiversity, with various species of flora and fauna adding to the natural charm of the place.

Visiting Thudugala Ella Falls offers an opportunity to experience the beauty of nature and enjoy a refreshing dip in the cool waters. It’s a popular destination among nature lovers, photographers, and those seeking a peaceful retreat away from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Beruwala Beach

Beruwala Beach is a popular coastal destination located in the Kalutara district of Sri Lanka. It is situated approximately 60 kilometers south of Colombo, the capital city. Beruwala Beach is known for its pristine sandy shores, clear turquoise waters, and a laid-back tropical atmosphere.

The beach stretches for several kilometers along the coastline, offering ample space for relaxation and sunbathing.Visitors can engage in activities such as jet skiing, banana boat rides, snorkeling, and diving to explore the vibrant marine life in the area.

Along the beach, you’ll find a selection of beachfront resorts, hotels, and guesthouses offering accommodation options to suit various budgets. Many of these establishments provide stunning views of the ocean and easy access to the beach.

Beruwala Beach is also a gateway to exploring other attractions in the region. Nearby places of interest include the Bentota River, which offers boat tours through mangrove forests and opportunities for wildlife spotting, as well as the Brief Garden and Kosgoda Turtle Hatchery. Overall, Beruwala Beach is a fantastic destination for beach lovers, water sports enthusiasts, and those seeking a relaxing coastal getaway in Sri Lanka.

Heritage of Kalutara

Kalutara, a district in southwestern Sri Lanka, is rich in cultural and historical heritage.One of the most significant heritage sites in Kalutara is the Kalutara Bodhiya.

Furthermore, Kalutara is known for its traditional crafts, including the production of woven items such as mats and baskets. Visitors can witness the skilled craftsmen at work and even purchase these unique handcrafted products as souvenirs.

Heritage of Kalutara encompasses ancient temples, colonial architecture, traditional crafts, and vibrant festivals, providing a captivating glimpse into the region’s rich cultural and historical tapestry. Visitors to Kalutara can immerse themselves in the beauty and legacy of these heritage sites, gaining a deeper appreciation for the cultural heritage of Sri Lanka.

Kalutara Bodhiya

Kalutara Bodhiya is a significant Buddhist temple and a sacred site located in the town of Kalutara, Sri Lanka. It is known for its impressive dagoba (stupa), which is one of the tallest in the country.

The Kalutara Bodhiya is believed to house a sapling from the Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi in Anuradhapura, which is considered to be one of the oldest living trees in recorded history and is highly revered by Buddhists. The sapling was brought to Kalutara in the 1960s, and since then, the temple has become an important pilgrimage site for Buddhists.

The stupa at Kalutara Bodhiya stands at a height of approximately 100 feet (30 meters) and is adorned with intricate carvings and decorations. It is surrounded by a spacious courtyard where visitors can walk and pay their respects. The temple complex also includes several smaller shrines, statues, and meditation areas. Visitors to the Kalutara Bodhiya can engage in various religious activities such as offering flowers and lighting oil lamps, as well as participate in meditation and prayers.

Apart from its religious significance, the Kalutara Bodhiya offers beautiful views of the surrounding area, including the Kalutara town and the Indian Ocean.

Richmond Castle

Richmond Castle is a magnificent mansion located in the Kalutara district of Sri Lanka. It is situated in the town of Palatota, about 10 kilometers away from Kalutara. The castle is a stunning example of architectural splendor and is known for its unique blend of various architectural styles.

Built during the British colonial era in the late 19th century, Richmond Castle was the residence of a wealthy regional governor named Don Arthur de Silva. The mansion was designed by a mix of local and European architects, resulting in a combination of Neo-Baroque, Neo-Renaissance, and Indian architectural influences.

Richmond Castle features intricate carvings, ornate woodwork, and grand halls adorned with chandeliers and antique furniture. The mansion is surrounded by well-maintained gardens and lush greenery, adding to its charm and providing a peaceful ambiance.

Visitors to Richmond Castle can explore the interior of the mansion, which showcases the opulent lifestyle of the colonial era. The rooms are adorned with period furniture, vintage photographs, and decorative pieces that give a glimpse into the history and culture of the time.

A visit to Richmond Castle provides a unique glimpse into Sri Lanka’s colonial past and offers an opportunity to appreciate the architectural beauty of the region. It is a place where visitors can step back in time and immerse themselves in the grandeur of a bygone era.

Pahiyangala (Fa-Hien) Caves

Pahiyangala, also known as Fa-Hien Cave, is a historic and archaeological site located in the Kalutara district of Sri Lanka. It is situated in the village of Yatagampitiya, approximately 40 kilometers north of Kalutara town.

Pahiyangala is renowned for being one of the largest natural rock caves in Sri Lanka, with a rich history dating back thousands of years. The cave has significant archaeological importance, as it has been found to contain evidence of human habitation dating back to the prehistoric era.

According to archaeological findings, Pahiyangala Cave was inhabited by prehistoric humans around 37,000 years ago. Excavations at the site have unearthed stone tools, artifacts, and skeletal remains, providing valuable insights into the ancient civilizations that once thrived in the region.

The cave itself is a fascinating geological formation. It is formed by a large rock overhang and has a massive entrance, creating an awe-inspiring sight. The interior of the cave is vast, with high ceilings and several chambers. Exploring the cave allows visitors to witness the impressive rock formations and gain a sense of the ancient history that unfolded within its walls.

Apart from its archaeological significance, Pahiyangala also offers panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. The site is nestled amidst lush greenery and offers glimpses of the rural countryside and the Kalu Ganga (Black River) flowing nearby.

Visitors to Pahiyangala can take guided tours of the site to learn about its historical importance, geology, and the lifestyles of prehistoric humans. The cave is easily accessible and has a staircase that leads to the entrance, making it relatively convenient for exploration.

Bodhinagala Forest Hermitage

The Bodhinagala Forest Hermitage, also known as Bodhinagala Raja Maha Viharaya, is a Buddhist monastery and meditation retreat located in the Kalutara district of Sri Lanka.

The hermitage is known for its historical and religious significance. It is believed to have been established during the reign of King Parakramabahu VI in the 15th century. The ancient rock cave temple within the premises contains exquisite wall paintings and stone carvings, showcasing the rich heritage of Sri Lankan Buddhist art.

The Bodhinagala Forest Hermitage is renowned as a meditation center where monks and practitioners engage in intensive meditation retreats. The tranquil surroundings, abundant nature, and serene atmosphere provide an ideal setting for inner reflection and mindfulness practice. Visitors can participate in meditation sessions, learn from experienced meditation teachers, and experience the peaceful ambiance of the hermitage.

The hermitage is also known for its wildlife sanctuary. The Bodhinagala Forest Reserve is home to various species of animals and birds, including monkeys, deer, and a wide range of avian species. Exploring the forest trails allows visitors to appreciate the natural beauty and biodiversity of the area.

Visiting the Bodhinagala Forest Hermitage offers a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in Buddhist culture, engage in meditation, and connect with nature. It is advisable to check the availability of meditation programs and seek permission before visiting, as it is primarily a place for spiritual practice and may have specific guidelines for visitors.

Kande Viharaya

Kande Viharaya situated in the town of Aluthgama, it is a significant religious and cultural site in the region. The temple is known for its massive Buddha statue, which stands tall on a hilltop and is visible from a distance. The statue, known as the Kande Viharaya Buddha Statue, is one of the tallest sitting Buddha statues in the world, reaching a height of approximately 160 feet (48.8 meters). The statue is made of concrete and adorned with intricate architectural details and colorful decorations.

Kande Viharaya has a rich history dating back many centuries. It is believed to have been established during the reign of King Parakramabahu VI in the 14th century. Over the years, the temple has undergone renovations and additions, including the construction of the towering Buddha statue.

The temple is considered a sacred place of worship for Buddhists, and it attracts devotees and pilgrims throughout the year, especially during religious festivals and full moon days. It is also a popular tourist attraction, drawing visitors who are interested in its cultural and religious significance, as well as its impressive architecture and serene surroundings.



Gampaha is a vibrant city located in the western province of Sri Lanka, approximately 20 kilometers north of the capital, Colombo. It serves as the administrative capital of the Gampaha District. Known for its bustling atmosphere and commercial significance, Gampaha offers a blend of urban conveniences and natural beauty. The city is characterized by a mix of residential areas, commercial hubs, and lush greenery. Gampaha is renowned for its lively markets, shopping centers, and eateries that cater to diverse tastes. The city also features several religious and cultural landmarks, including temples and churches that add to its cultural richness. Surrounded by picturesque landscapes and scenic views, Gampaha provides a balance between modern urban living and a serene environment, making it an appealing destination for both residents and visitors alike.

Nature of Gampaha

Gampaha is blessed with a tropical climate, with warm temperatures and abundant rainfall throughout the year, contributing to the fertility of the land.Gampaha District is home to several nature reserves and protected areas that showcase the rich biodiversity of the region. These include the Muthurajawela Marsh, a vast wetland ecosystem renowned for its birdlife and mangrove forests.

In addition to its natural beauty, Gampaha also boasts a number of botanical gardens national parks like Henarathgoda Botanical Garden and Horagolla National park which offer serene settings for relaxation and leisure activities.

Overall, the nature of Gampaha is a harmonious blend of tropical landscapes, diverse ecosystems, and serene surroundings, offering residents and visitors a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of urban life.

Muthurajawela Wetlands

Muthurajawela Wetlands is situated approximately 18 kilometers north of Colombo, the capital city of Sri Lanka. It can be easily reached by road from Negombo or Colombo. The wetlands cover an expansive area of marshland, mangroves, and lagoons.

Muthurajawela is home to a diverse range of plant and animal species. The wetlands support over 200 species of flora, including various mangrove species such as Rhizophora, Avicennia, and Ceriops. The area is also a haven for numerous bird species, with over 190 species recorded. Common sightings include kingfishers, herons, egrets, and waterfowl. Reptiles, mammals, and fish can also be found in the wetlands.

The wetlands serve as a critical habitat for both resident and migratory bird species, providing nesting grounds, feeding areas, and resting places during migration. Muthurajawela Wetlands also plays a significant role in flood control and acts as a natural buffer against coastal erosion.

Various organizations and educational institutions conduct studies and awareness programs to promote conservation and sustainable management of the wetlands.

Boat Rides: One of the best ways to explore Muthurajawela Wetlands is by taking a boat ride. Several operators offer guided boat tours, allowing visitors to navigate through the narrow waterways and enjoy the tranquility of the wetlands. These boat rides provide an opportunity to spot various bird species, reptiles, and other wildlife.

Henarathgoda Botanical Garden

The garden was originally established in 1876 by the British colonial government as an experimental garden for the cultivation of cinchona trees, which were a source of quinine used in the treatment of malaria. Later, it was transformed into a botanical garden to study various plant species and their adaptation to the Sri Lankan climate.

Henarathgoda Botanical Garden covers an area of about 43 acres (17 hectares) and is home to a diverse collection of plants. It features a range of trees, shrubs, flowers, and medicinal plants, including many indigenous and exotic species. Visitors can explore the garden’s well-maintained pathways, enjoying the natural beauty and tranquility of the surroundings.

The first imported rubber tree to Sri Lanka was first planted in this garden and it was the first seedlings of Brazilian rubber tree ever planted in Asia.

The botanical garden provides a valuable resource for scientific research, botanical studies, and educational purposes. Researchers, botanists, and students can study plant taxonomy, ecology, and other aspects of botany within its diverse plant collections.

Henarathgoda Botanical Garden is a popular attraction for both local and international visitors. Its lush greenery, serene ambiance, and well-maintained landscapes make it an ideal place for leisurely walks, picnics, and nature appreciation.

Horagolla National Park

Horagolla National Park sounds like a lesser-known gem for nature enthusiasts and visitors seeking a quieter national park experience.

With its location in Nambadaluwa village near Gampaha, Horagolla National Park offers a chance to explore a diverse range of wildlife within its 13,362-hectare area. Being a part of the wet zone in Sri Lanka, the park is home to various species of birds, mammals, reptiles, and fish.

The park’s rich biodiversity led to its designation as a wildlife refuge in 1973 and later as a national park in 2004. The presence of different tree species such as Hora, Milla, Nadun, Godapara, Diyapara, Kithul Cane, Etamba, Bo, and Ankenda adds to the natural beauty and ecological significance of the park.

Horagolla National Park’s evergreen forests provide habitats for a diverse range of wildlife, including the fishing cat, mouse deer, fox, giant squirrel, and various bird species such as parakeets, black-headed bulbuls, barbets, and Asian koels.

The park’s relative lack of crowds compared to other popular national parks in Sri Lanka makes it an attractive destination for those seeking a tranquil and immersive nature experience.

Negombo Beach

Negombo Beach is a beautiful and popular tourist destination located in the coastal town of Negombo, which is part of the Gampaha District in Sri Lanka.

Negombo Beach offers a wide range of activities for visitors to enjoy. The long stretch of golden sandy beach provides ample space for sunbathing, picnicking, and leisurely walks along the shore. The calm waters are suitable for swimming, and there are designated areas for water sports such as jet skiing, windsurfing, and catamaran rides.

Negombo is known for its vibrant fishing community, and a visit to the beach allows you to witness the traditional fishing practices. It is is renowned for its fresh seafood, and there are numerous restaurants and eateries along the beach that offer a variety of delicious seafood dishes. You can indulge in mouthwatering prawns, crabs, fish, and lobster, prepared in both local and international styles.

Dutch Fort: In the vicinity of Negombo Beach, you can explore the remnants of the Dutch Fort, a historical landmark that dates back to the colonial era. The fort is now used as a prison, but its architecture and historical significance make it worth a visit.

Negombo Beach is a popular destination for tourists seeking sun, sand, and sea. With its beautiful coastline, water sports activities, fresh seafood, and cultural attractions, it offers a delightful beach experience for visitors of all ages.

Heritage of Gampaha

The Gampaha District, located in the western part of Sri Lanka, holds significant heritage importance due to its rich historical and cultural heritage.The district is home to several historical sites that reflect the region’s ancient civilization and architectural brilliance. These include the ancient temples such as Kelaniya Raja Maha Vihara, a renowned Buddhist temple dating back to the 3rd century BCE.

Kelaniya Raja Maha Viharaya

The Kelaniya Raja Maha Vihara, commonly referred to as the Kelaniya Temple, is a renowned Buddhist temple located in Kelaniya, Gampaha District.It is one of the most sacred Buddhist sites in the country and holds significant historical and religious importance.

The temple is believed to have been visited by Lord Buddha himself during his third visit to Sri Lanka in 500 BCE. According to legend, the temple was established to enshrine a sacred relic of Lord Buddha, a gem-studded throne (Dakkhina Jinasena Palliya). Over the centuries, the temple has undergone various renovations and expansions, reflecting the architectural styles of different eras.

The Kelaniya Temple is known for its beautiful architecture, intricate carvings, and vibrant murals that depict Buddhist teachings and stories from Buddhist mythology. The temple’s main stupa (dagoba) is a prominent feature, surrounded by smaller stupas and structures that house statues of the Buddha and other important figures in Buddhism.

Visiting the Kelaniya Temple offers a serene and spiritual experience, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in Buddhist traditions and appreciate the cultural heritage of Sri Lanka.

Maligatenna Raja Maha Viharaya

The Maligathenna Cave Temple is an ancient cave temple located in a small village in the Gampaha district of Sri Lanka. Recognized as an archaeological protected site by the government, this temple is perched on top of a rock on a small hill. It boasts several very old caves, bearing evidence of its ancient origins. The history of Maligathenna Raja Maha Vihara dates back to the Anuradhapura Kingdom era, with legends suggesting that it served as a significant hiding place for kings and ministers during enemy invasions.

The temple is a magnificent sight, built atop a giant rock, offering a majestic view of the surrounding landscape. Upon entering the temple grounds, visitors can observe a mix of old and new structures. The temple is divided into two main levels: Pahala Maluwa (lower level) and Ihala Maluwa (upper level). The Pahala Maluwa includes monks’ quarters, a meditation center, the main shrine, outdoor and indoor promenades (Sakman Maluwa), a sacred bo tree, an ancient temple, and the Sri Devaraja Aakasha Chaitya Rajaya stupa. The Ihala Maluwa features a stupa, another bo tree, and a pond.

To reach the Maligathenna Temple, one must ascend an ancient flight of stone stairs, adding to the sense of adventure and history. The temple’s location atop the rock offers breathtaking views from the plateau, making it an ideal spot for photography enthusiasts. Don’t miss the opportunity to capture the beauty of the surroundings while exploring this remarkable place.

Attanagalla Raja Maha Viharaya

The Attanagalla Rajamaha Viharaya is a renowned ancient royal temple in Sri Lanka. It holds a significant place among its nine subordinate temples and is located in the Western Province, approximately 28 miles northeast of Colombo, the capital city of Sri Lanka.

What sets this temple apart is its historical recognition as the place where a Bodhisattva, a future Buddha, fulfilled his Dana Paramita, which is one of the ten perfections to be completed by a Bodhisattva on the path to becoming a Buddha. In an act of profound gratitude towards a poor countryman, the Bodhisattva sacrificed his life by offering his head. This tale, known as the Sirisanghabo story, is widely celebrated as one of the most popular folk tales in Sri Lanka.

Another noteworthy archaeological treasure within the temple premises is the “Vatadage,” a circular relic house. This particular Vatadage holds special significance as it is the only intact Vatadage in Sri Lanka, although it has undergone several modifications over time.

Visiting the Attanagalla Rajamaha Viharaya allows one to immerse in the rich history and cultural heritage of Sri Lanka, with its unique tales and architectural marvels like the intact Vatadage.

Nuwara Eliya

Nuwara Eliya

Nuwara Eliya is a picturesque city located in the central highlands of Sri Lanka. Situated at an elevation of around 1,868 meters (6,128 feet) above sea level, it is known as the “Little England” of Sri Lanka due to its colonial-era charm and British influence.

The city’s unique geographical location contributes to its pleasant climate, with cool temperatures and misty surroundings. Nestled amidst rolling hills, lush green tea plantations, and scenic landscapes, Nuwara Eliya offers breathtaking natural beauty that attracts both local and international visitors.

One of the main attractions of Nuwara Eliya is its tea industry. The region is famous for producing some of the finest Ceylon tea in the world. Visitors can explore the tea estates, witness the tea plucking process, and even enjoy a cup of freshly brewed tea while enjoying the stunning views.

You can click the below link to explore more to get the full picture about nature of Nuwara Eliya. It will give you a broaden picture about Mountain and waterfalls also.


Nuwara Eliya, nestled amidst the scenic central highlands of Sri Lanka, boasts a collection of popular places that captivate visitors with their beauty and charm. From the serene Gregory Lake offering boating activities to the sprawling tea plantations where visitors can immerse themselves in the tea-making process, Nuwara Eliya has something for everyone. Hakgala Botanical Gardens enchant with their vibrant floral displays. Adding to the allure are the colonial-era buildings that showcase the city’s architectural heritage. With its diverse attractions, Nuwara Eliya is a haven for nature lovers, tea enthusiasts, and history buffs alike.

You can click the below link to explore more to get the full picture about Populer places of Nuwara Eliya. It will give you marvellous experience.


puttalam lagoon


Puttalam District, located in the North Western Province of Sri Lanka, is blessed with abundant natural beauty and cultural significance. The district offers a diverse range of attractions that showcase the region’s rich biodiversity, historical heritage, and cultural traditions.

Wilpattu National Park is one of the largest and oldest national parks in Sri Lanka. It is renowned for its pristine wilderness, picturesque landscapes, and an impressive array of wildlife, including leopards, elephants, sloth bears, and a variety of bird species.Kalpitiya is a paradise for nature enthusiasts. The area is known for its stunning beaches, vibrant coral reefs, and thriving marine life. It is a popular destination for water sports such as kite surfing, snorkeling, and dolphin watching.Puttalam District is home to several traditional fishing villages that offer a glimpse into the coastal livelihoods and cultural practices of the local communities.Anawilundawa is a designated Ramsar site comprising a complex of freshwater tanks, mangrove forests, and marshy areas. It serves as a vital habitat for migratory birds, with over 150 bird species recorded here.

The St. Anne’s Church in Talawila and the Munneswaram Kovil in Chilaw are religious landmarks that attract pilgrims from different communities.

Overall, Puttalam District offers a blend of natural wonders and cultural heritage, making it an intriguing destination for travelers seeking to immerse themselves in Sri Lanka’s diverse landscapes and traditions.

Wilpattu National Park

Wilpattu National Park is one of Sri Lanka’s most renowned and significant national parks. Located in the northwestern part of the country, in the Puttalam District, Wilpattu spans an area of approximately 1,317 square kilometers. It is known for its pristine wilderness, diverse flora and fauna, and its historical and cultural importance.

Biodiversity: Wilpattu is home to a remarkable variety of wildlife species, including the elusive Sri Lankan leopard, elephants, sloth bears, water buffaloes, crocodiles, and various species of deer. The park is also rich in birdlife, with over 200 recorded species, making it a haven for birdwatchers.

Unique Landscape: The park’s landscape is characterized by dense forests, scrublands, grasslands, and numerous natural lakes known as “villus.” These villus, along with their surrounding areas, serve as vital watering holes and habitats for wildlife, creating stunning vistas throughout the park.

Wilpattu’s Lakes: The lakes in Wilpattu National Park, particularly the Kumbuk Villu, Willu Villu, and Nelum Villu, add to the park’s scenic beauty. These lakes attract a wide range of bird species, and the sight of animals gathering around these water bodies is a common occurrence, offering fantastic opportunities for wildlife viewing.

Safari Experiences: Wilpattu offers visitors the chance to embark on thrilling wildlife safaris, allowing them to explore the park’s diverse habitats and observe its wildlife up close. Safari options include jeep safaris and camping, which provide opportunities for memorable encounters with the park’s inhabitants.

Anawilundawa Ramsar Wetland

The Anawilundawa Ramsar Wetland, located in the Puttalam District of Sri Lanka, is a designated Ramsar site recognized for its ecological importance and rich biodiversity. Covering an area of approximately 1,397 hectares, the wetland complex consists of a series of interconnected freshwater tanks, mangrove forests, marshy areas, and paddy fields.

Biodiversity: The Anawilundawa Wetland is a haven for biodiversity, supporting a wide range of flora and fauna. It is home to over 150 bird species, including numerous migratory birds that visit during the winter season. The wetland also serves as a habitat for various fish species, amphibians, reptiles, and small mammals.

Birdwatching: Bird enthusiasts will find Anawilundawa a paradise for birdwatching. The wetland provides excellent opportunities to spot both resident and migratory bird species. Some of the notable birds found here include painted storks, purple herons, black-crowned night herons, Asian openbills, and many species of ducks and waders.

Scenic Beauty: The wetland’s picturesque landscapes, with its serene lakes, lush vegetation, and mangrove forests, offer stunning scenery. Visitors can enjoy peaceful walks along the trails, observing the vibrant flora and tranquil surroundings.

Boat Safaris: Exploring the Anawilundawa Wetland through boat safaris is a popular activity. Visitors can take guided boat tours to navigate the waterways, observing the diverse birdlife and other wildlife up close. The boat rides provide a unique perspective of the wetland and its ecosystems.

Nature Trails and Observation Towers: The wetland features well-maintained nature trails and observation towers that allow visitors to explore and appreciate the natural beauty of the area. The trails provide opportunities for leisurely walks, wildlife spotting, and photography, while the observation towers offer panoramic views of the wetland and its inhabitants.

Visiting the Anawilundawa Ramsar Wetland offers a unique opportunity to witness the beauty of a diverse wetland ecosystem and appreciate the importance of its conservation. It provides a tranquil escape for nature lovers and bird enthusiasts while supporting the sustainable development of the local communities.

Puttalam Lagoon

Puttalam Lagoon is a large and picturesque lagoon located in the Puttalam District of Sri Lanka. It is one of the largest lagoons in the country and spans an area of approximately 3,000 hectares. The lagoon is formed by the estuary of the Puttalam Aru River and is renowned for its ecological importance, diverse wildlife, and economic significance.

Biodiversity: Puttalam Lagoon is a rich and diverse ecosystem that supports a wide range of flora and fauna. It is home to numerous species of fish, crabs, shrimp, and prawns, making it an important fishing ground. The lagoon also provides a habitat for various bird species, including resident and migratory birds, such as flamingos, herons, egrets, and pelicans.

Mangrove Forests: The lagoon is surrounded by extensive mangrove forests that serve as vital breeding grounds and nurseries for many marine species. Mangroves play a crucial role in coastal protection, preventing erosion and providing a habitat for diverse marine life.

Economic Importance: Puttalam Lagoon is of significant economic importance to the local communities. Fishing is a primary livelihood for many residents in the area, with fishing villages dotted along the lagoon’s shores. The lagoon supports both traditional fishing methods and commercial fishing operations, contributing to the local economy.

Birdwatching: Puttalam Lagoon is a popular destination for birdwatchers due to its abundance of birdlife. The lagoon attracts a wide variety of bird species, including migratory birds that visit during the winter season. Birdwatching enthusiasts can explore the lagoon by boat or from observation points along the shoreline to observe and appreciate the diverse avian species.

Boat Tours and Excursions: Visitors can take boat tours and excursions to explore the lagoon and its surroundings. Boat rides offer an opportunity to witness the stunning landscapes, mangrove forests, and wildlife up close. It is also a chance to observe local fishing practices and experience the vibrant coastal culture.

Puttalam Lagoon offers a tranquil and scenic environment for nature enthusiasts, birdwatchers, and those interested in experiencing the local fishing culture. Its ecological significance and economic contributions make it a valuable natural asset in the Puttalam District and a place worth exploring for its beauty and wildlife.

Munneswaram Kovil

The Munneswaram Kovil, also known as the Munneswaram Temple, is a prominent Hindu temple located in Chilaw, a town in the Puttalam District of Sri Lanka. It is considered one of the five ancient temples dedicated to Lord Shiva, collectively known as Pancha Ishwarams. The temple holds great religious and cultural significance for Hindus in Sri Lanka.

Historical Significance: The Munneswaram Kovil has a rich history dating back over a thousand years. It is believed to have been constructed during the reign of King Dappula IV in the 9th century. The temple has since been renovated and expanded by various rulers and devotees over the centuries.

Architecture: The temple’s architecture reflects the Dravidian style commonly found in South Indian temples. It features intricate carvings, colorful sculptures, and decorative elements that showcase the artistic craftsmanship of the region. The gopuram (entrance tower) of the temple is particularly striking and is adorned with intricate details.

Deities: The Munneswaram Kovil is dedicated to Lord Shiva, specifically in the form of Ishwara, one of the manifestations of Shiva. The presiding deity, Munneswaram Bhagavan, is venerated by devotees who seek blessings and fulfill their religious obligations. The temple complex also houses other shrines dedicated to various deities, including Lord Ganesha and Goddess Parvati.

Festivals and Rituals: The Munneswaram Kovil is known for its vibrant festivals and rituals. The annual Munneswaram Festival, held during the Tamil month of Aadi (July-August), is a major event that attracts a large number of devotees. The festival features colorful processions, religious ceremonies, music, dance, and cultural performances.

Pilgrimage Site: The Munneswaram Kovil is considered a significant pilgrimage site for Hindus in Sri Lanka. Devotees from various parts of the country, as well as from abroad, visit the temple to offer prayers, seek blessings, and participate in religious ceremonies. It is believed that worshipping at Munneswaram brings spiritual fulfillment and grants devotees their desires.

Cultural Harmony: The Munneswaram Kovil is also notable for its role in promoting cultural harmony and religious coexistence. It has become a symbol of unity among people of different religious backgrounds, with devotees from various faiths visiting the temple to pay their respects and seek blessings.

Visiting the Munneswaram Kovil provides a glimpse into the rich Hindu heritage of Sri Lanka and offers a chance to witness the cultural and religious practices associated with the temple. It is a place of devotion, spirituality, and historical significance, attracting visitors who are interested in exploring the country’s diverse religious traditions.

St. Anne’s Church in Talawila

St. Anne’s Church in Talawila, located in the Puttalam District of Sri Lanka, is a significant Catholic pilgrimage site known for its religious importance and historical heritage. The church is dedicated to St. Anne, the grandmother of Jesus, and holds a special place in the hearts of Catholics in Sri Lanka.\

Historical Significance: St. Anne’s Church has a history dating back to the 18th century. It is believed to have been established by Portuguese colonizers who built a small chapel in honor of St. Anne. Over the years, the church has been expanded and renovated, becoming an important pilgrimage destination.

Architecture: The architecture of St. Anne’s Church is a blend of European and local influences. The current structure features a grand facade with towering spires, intricate carvings, and stained glass windows that depict biblical scenes. The church’s interior is adorned with religious paintings, statues, and ornate decorations.

Pilgrimage Site: St. Anne’s Church in Talawila is renowned as a significant pilgrimage site, attracting thousands of devotees from both within Sri Lanka and abroad. The annual St. Anne’s Feast, celebrated in the month of July, is the most important event at the church. It spans multiple days and includes religious ceremonies, processions, and special prayers dedicated to St. Anne.

Healing Powers: The site is believed to have healing powers, and many devotees visit the church seeking spiritual solace and physical healing. It is customary for devotees to offer prayers and participate in religious rituals with the hope of receiving blessings and divine intervention.

Cultural Integration: St. Anne’s Church exemplifies the cultural integration and religious harmony in Sri Lanka. People of different religious backgrounds, including Catholics, Buddhists, and Hindus, visit the church to pay their respects and seek blessings. The church’s inclusive atmosphere promotes unity and understanding among diverse communities.

Visiting St. Anne’s Church in Talawila provides a glimpse into the deep religious devotion and cultural significance associated with Catholicism in Sri Lanka. It is a place of prayer, reflection, and spiritual connection, where devotees come to seek St. Anne’s intercession and experience the sense of community and faith that surrounds the church.

Traditional Fishing Villages

Puttalam District is home to several traditional fishing villages that offer a glimpse into the coastal livelihoods and cultural practices of the local communities. These villages, such as Kalpitiya, Kandakuliya, and Marawila, provide opportunities to engage with fishermen, learn about their techniques, and experience the authentic coastal way of life.



Hambantota is a district located in the southeastern part of Sri Lanka, known for its natural beauty, cultural heritage, and strategic location as a hub for trade and tourism. With its diverse attractions, Hambantota offers a unique experience for visitors. Here is a description of Hambantota:

Hambantota holds significant cultural and heritage importance. Here are some cultural and heritage aspects of Hambantota.

Hambantota’s natural beauty encompasses a range of ecosystems, from wildlife-rich national parks to stunning coastal areas, wetlands, and rural landscapes. It provides ample opportunities for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts to immerse themselves in the diverse and captivating natural surroundings.



Colombo is the capital and largest city of Sri Lanka, a tropical island nation located in South Asia. Situated on the western coast of the country, Colombo serves as a vibrant commercial, cultural, and administrative hub. With its rich history, diverse population, and bustling urban atmosphere, the city offers a unique blend of traditional and modern elements.

Colombo is characterized by its bustling streets, high-rise buildings, and a skyline adorned with a mix of colonial-era architecture and contemporary structures. The city’s strategic location on the east-west trade routes has made it a significant trading port for centuries, attracting merchants from various parts of the world.

One of the prominent landmarks in Colombo is the Galle Face Green, a popular seaside urban park stretching along the Indian Ocean. It provides a refreshing escape for locals and visitors alike, with its expansive green space, ocean views, and opportunities for outdoor activities. The adjacent Galle Face Hotel, a historic establishment dating back to the colonial era, adds a touch of nostalgia to the area.

Read the below article to get the full picture.

For those interested in shopping and entertainment, Colombo features numerous modern malls, boutique stores, and bustling markets. The Pettah Market is a vibrant bazaar where one can find a wide array of goods, from traditional textiles and spices to electronics and jewelry. Luxury hotels, restaurants, and vibrant nightlife spots cater to a diverse range of tastes and preferences.

Colombo’s culinary scene is a delightful blend of flavors and influences, ranging from traditional Sri Lankan cuisine to international fare. Restaurants and street food stalls offer a variety of delectable dishes, including rice and curry, string hoppers, hoppers, and an array of seafood specialties.

Overall, Colombo is a dynamic city that encapsulates the essence of Sri Lanka’s cultural heritage and contemporary progress. It serves as a gateway to the country’s stunning natural landscapes, including pristine beaches, lush tea plantations, and wildlife-rich national parks. Whether you are a history enthusiast, a shopaholic, a food lover, or an adventurer, Colombo offers a fascinating and vibrant experience.



Galle is a captivating city located on the southwestern coast of Sri Lanka. It is renowned for its beautifully preserved Dutch Fort, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, which showcases a fascinating blend of colonial architecture and local culture. The fort’s narrow streets are lined with charming boutiques, art galleries, and cafes, offering a delightful ambiance for exploration. Galle is also blessed with pristine beaches, such as the popular Unawatuna Beach, where visitors can enjoy sun-soaked days and engage in exciting water sports. The city’s rich history, vibrant markets, and delectable cuisine make it a must-visit destination for travelers seeking a unique blend of cultural heritage and coastal beauty.

Galle, Sri Lanka, is home to several important and captivating places that contribute to its charm and allure. Here are some of the key attractions in Galle:

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Galle Fort

The Galle Fort, also known as the Dutch Fort, is the most iconic landmark in the city. Built by the Portuguese in the 16th century and fortified by the Dutch in the 17th century, the fort is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It features well-preserved colonial architecture, cobblestone streets, charming cafes, boutique shops, and stunning views of the ocean.

Walking through the narrow cobblestone streets of Galle Fort, visitors can explore a labyrinth of historic buildings, charming boutique shops, art galleries, cafes, and museums.

Galle Fort stands as a living testament to the city’s colonial past, preserving its architectural and cultural heritage. Its historical significance, combined with its picturesque beauty, makes it a must-visit destination for travelers exploring the rich tapestry of Sri Lanka’s history and culture.

Dutch Reformed Church

Located within the Galle Fort, the Dutch Reformed Church is a significant historical site. Constructed during the Dutch colonial era, it showcases impressive Dutch architectural elements and houses ancient tombstones with intricate carvings.

The Dutch Reformed Church showcases a distinctive architectural style, blending elements of Dutch colonial and Protestant design. Its exterior features a simple and elegant façade with a prominent gable, arched windows, and a sturdy bell tower. The building’s construction materials include coral and limestone, adding to its unique charm.

Inside the church, visitors can admire the serene and minimalist interior. The high ceilings, wooden pews, and pulpit reflect the simplicity and austerity of Dutch Protestant architecture. The church’s beautiful stained glass windows depict biblical scenes and add a touch of color to the otherwise subdued interior.

National Maritime Museum

Situated inside a 1671-built Dutch warehouse within the Galle Fort, the National Maritime Museum provides insights into Sri Lanka’s maritime history. The museum’s exhibits provide insights into various aspects of maritime exploration, trade, and naval warfare. Visitors can explore a diverse range of artifacts, models of ships, navigational instruments, cannons, and other maritime relics. These displays shed light on the importance of Galle as a strategic port city throughout history.

The museum aims to preserve and promote awareness of Sri Lanka’s maritime heritage, fostering a deeper understanding of the country’s connection to the sea.

Whether you have a specific interest in maritime history or simply want to delve into the fascinating world of Sri Lanka’s seafaring past, the National Maritime Museum in Galle is a must-visit destination that will leave you with a greater appreciation for the island’s maritime heritage.

Unawatuna Beach

Unawatuna Beach, located just a short distance from Galle, is a stunning coastal gem on the southwestern coast of Sri Lanka. This picturesque crescent-shaped bay is renowned for its pristine golden sand, crystal-clear turquoise waters, and a vibrant coral reef, making it a popular destination for both locals and tourists.

Unawatuna Beach offers a range of activities and attractions for visitors to enjoy. The calm and gentle waters make it an ideal spot for swimming, especially for families and those seeking a relaxing dip. Snorkeling and diving enthusiasts will be delighted by the vibrant marine life and colorful coral formations that can be explored just off the shore.

Surfing is a popular activity, with consistent waves suitable for beginners and experienced surfers alike. Surf schools and rental shops are available for those looking to catch their first wave or improve their skills.

Unawatuna Beach’s natural beauty, vibrant atmosphere, and array of activities make it a must-visit destination for beach lovers and water sports enthusiasts. Whether you seek relaxation, adventure, or a blend of both, Unawatuna Beach offers a memorable coastal experience on the tropical shores of Sri Lanka.

Japanese Peace Pagoda

Situated on a hilltop overlooking the ocean, the Japanese Peace Pagoda is a serene and spiritually significant site. It was built by Japanese monks to promote peace and harmony and offers a tranquil atmosphere for meditation and reflection.

Perched on a hilltop overlooking the Indian Ocean, the Japanese Peace Pagoda offers panoramic vistas of the surrounding coastal landscape, including the pristine Unawatuna Beach. Visitors can climb the hill through a scenic nature trail, immersing themselves in the lush greenery and tranquil ambiance along the way.

The Japanese Peace Pagoda serves as a place of worship and meditation, inviting visitors to find inner peace and harmony. Its interior houses statues and intricate carvings that depict Buddhist teachings and symbols. Visiting the Japanese Peace Pagoda provides an opportunity to connect with one’s inner self, appreciate the beauty of nature, and embrace the universal message of peace.

Jungle Beach

Located a few kilometers away from Galle, Jungle Beach is a hidden gem nestled amidst lush greenery. Accessible via a short hike through the jungle, this secluded beach is perfect for nature lovers and those seeking a peaceful retreat. The beach is relatively small and secluded, often providing a sense of privacy and exclusivity. It is an ideal spot for relaxation, sunbathing, and simply unwinding in a natural setting.

The calm and clear waters of Jungle Beach make it suitable for swimming and snorkeling. Snorkelers can explore the vibrant coral reefs located just off the shore, home to a diverse array of marine life. The beach’s calm waters also make it a safe place for families to enjoy a dip in the sea.

Jungle Beach offers a tranquil and idyllic escape for those seeking natural beauty and seclusion. Its lush jungle setting, pristine shoreline, and opportunities for swimming and snorkeling create a serene and memorable beach experience away from the more crowded tourist spots.


Rumassala is a scenic hill covered in lush greenery and rich biodiversity. This enchanting destination is renowned for its natural beauty, panoramic views, and intriguing legends that surround it.

is a scenic hill covered in lush greenery and rich biodiversity. This enchanting destination is renowned for its natural beauty, panoramic views, and intriguing legends that surround it.

The hill is a haven for nature enthusiasts and hikers, offering various trails that wind through the tropical rainforest. As you venture along the paths, you’ll be surrounded by exotic flora and fauna, including towering trees, vibrant flowers, and a diverse range of bird species.

Rumassala Hill, with its natural beauty, intriguing legends, and panoramic vistas, offers a unique and enchanting experience for visitors. Whether you’re seeking tranquility, hiking adventures, or a connection to nature and spirituality, a visit to Rumassala is sure to leave you with lasting memories of this captivating destination near Galle.

Galle Lighthouse

Positioned near the entrance of the Galle Fort, the Galle Lighthouse is a prominent landmark and an essential navigational aid for ships entering the harbor.

The lighthouse’s primary function is to emit a powerful beam of light, aiding ships in navigation and avoiding hazards. Its light can be seen from a considerable distance, providing guidance and assurance to seafarers approaching the Galle harbor.The Galle Lighthouse is an architectural masterpiece that dates back to the British colonial era in the 19th century. It was constructed to guide ships and warn sailors of the treacherous rocky shores in the vicinity.

Lighthouse has also become a popular attraction for visitors. Its unique architectural design and historical significance draw tourists who are captivated by its beauty and wish to learn about its role in maritime history.

Visitors to the Galle Lighthouse can climb to the top and enjoy breathtaking panoramic views of the city, the fort, and the ocean. From this vantage point, one can witness the enchanting sight of ships sailing in and out of the harbor, while also admiring the fort’s architectural splendor.

Kanneliya Rain Forest Reserve

Kanneliya Rain Forest Reserve is a pristine rainforest located in the Galle District of Sri Lanka. It is recognized as one of the country’s most important biodiversity hotspots and is a designated Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO. Kanneliya spans an area of approximately 5,772 hectares and is known for its lush vegetation, diverse wildlife, and captivating natural beauty.

Exploring Kanneliya Rain Forest Reserve offers visitors the opportunity to immerse themselves in a tropical rainforest ecosystem. The reserve is characterized by dense forests, cascading waterfalls, crystal-clear streams, and an abundance of plant and animal life.

The rainforest is home to a remarkable variety of flora, including numerous endemic plant species. You can find towering trees, vibrant orchids, ferns, and other unique plant species that contribute to the rich biodiversity of the area.

Kanneliya is also home to a diverse array of wildlife. Visitors may encounter various mammal species such as monkeys, deer, porcupines, and even elusive leopards. The reserve is also home to a wide variety of bird species, reptiles, amphibians, and insects.

There are well-maintained walking trails within Kanneliya Rain Forest Reserve, allowing visitors to explore the forest and discover its natural treasures. The most popular trail is the Kabbale Mountain Trail, which offers panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.

While visiting Kanneliya, it’s important to respect the rules and regulations of the reserve to ensure the conservation of its delicate ecosystem. Hiring a local guide is highly recommended as they can provide valuable insights and help navigate through the forest.

Kanneliya Rain Forest Reserve is an excellent destination for nature enthusiasts, hikers, and wildlife lovers seeking to experience the beauty and biodiversity of Sri Lanka’s rainforests. It provides a tranquil and immersive experience, allowing visitors to appreciate the wonders of nature in a preserved and protected environment.



Mahiyanganaya is a scenic town located in the Uva Province of Sri Lanka. Nestled amidst lush greenery and picturesque landscapes, it holds great historical and cultural significance for the country. Mahiyanganaya is known as the place where Lord Buddha visited and left his sacred footprint, making it an important pilgrimage site for Buddhists.

The town is surrounded by the beautiful Knuckles Mountain Range, which adds to its natural charm. It is blessed with a pleasant climate, with cool temperatures and refreshing breezes throughout the year. The area is rich in biodiversity, featuring diverse flora and fauna, making it a haven for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers.

One of the prominent attractions in Mahiyanganaya is the Mahiyangana Raja Maha Vihara, a revered Buddhist temple believed to have been visited by Lord Buddha during his third visit to Sri Lanka.

The town also offers a variety of accommodation options, ranging from comfortable guesthouses to eco-lodges, ensuring a pleasant stay for visitors.

Overall, Mahiyanganaya is a hidden gem in Sri Lanka, offering a blend of spirituality, natural beauty, and cultural experiences that make it a must-visit destination for travelers seeking an authentic Sri Lankan experience.

There are several places of interest near Mahiyanganaya, Sri Lanka. Here are a few notable ones:

Mahiyangana Raja Maha Viharaya

Mahiyanganaya Raja Maha Viharaya – Sri Lanka

Mahiyangana Raja Maha Viharaya is a revered Buddhist temple located in Mahiyanganaya, Sri Lanka. It holds great historical and religious significance as it is believed to be the site where Lord Buddha visited during his third visit to the country. The temple is home to the sacred Buddha’s Footprint, which is venerated by Buddhists from all over the country.

The Mahiyangana Raja Maha Viharaya is surrounded by serene and picturesque surroundings, nestled amidst lush greenery and mountains. The temple complex showcases a mix of ancient and modern architecture, with intricate carvings and colorful paintings adorning the structures.

One of the significant highlights of the Mahiyangana Raja Maha Viharaya is the sacred Bodhi tree, known as the Sri Maha Bodhiya. It is believed to be a sapling of the Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi tree in Anuradhapura.

The Mahiyangana Raja Maha Viharaya stands as a symbol of deep-rooted spirituality and devotion in Sri Lanka, drawing both locals and tourists seeking spiritual solace and cultural experiences. It offers a tranquil and serene atmosphere where visitors can immerse themselves in the teachings of Buddhism and experience the rich religious heritage of the country.

Sorabora Wewa

Sorabora Wewa is an ancient reservoir in Mahiyanganaya, believed to have been built during the reign of King Dutugemunu in the 2nd century BC. It is a testament to the advanced hydraulic engineering skills of ancient Sri Lankans and showcases the rich historical heritage of the region.

The construction of Sorabora Wewa required intricate planning and engineering techniques to ensure water supply, storage, and management. The reservoir played a vital role in supporting agriculture and enhancing the livelihoods of the ancient communities living in the region.

Visitors to Sorabora Wewa can admire the impressive engineering feat of the reservoir and the surrounding landscapes. The serene and picturesque environment offers a tranquil setting for leisurely walks, picnics, and boat rides on the reservoir’s calm waters.


Buduruwagala is a remarkable rock-carving site located near the town of Wellawaya. It features seven colossal statues of Lord Buddha carved into the rock face, dating back to the 10th century. The site showcases the impressive craftsmanship and artistic skills of ancient Sri Lankan sculptors.The largest and central figure is a standing Buddha statue, measuring approximately 51 feet (16 meters) in height, making it one of the tallest free-standing Buddha statues in Sri Lanka.

With its remarkable rock carvings and serene setting, Buduruwagala is a captivating destination that offers a glimpse into the artistic achievements and religious devotion of ancient Sri Lanka.

Visiting Buduruwagala provides a unique opportunity to witness the exquisite craftsmanship of the past and immerse oneself in the serene and spiritual ambiance of the site.

Dambana Village

Dambana Village is a significant cultural and heritage site located near Mahiyanganaya.It is home to the indigenous Vedda community, one of the earliest inhabitants of the island. The village offers a unique opportunity to experience the traditional lifestyle, cultural practices, and ancestral customs of the Vedda people.

The Vedda community has preserved their ancient way of life, living in harmony with nature and practicing hunting and gathering as their traditional livelihood. Visiting Dambana Village provides a glimpse into their rich cultural heritage, where visitors can witness traditional dances, music performances, and rituals that have been passed down through generations.

Exploring Dambana Village allows visitors to interact with the friendly and hospitable Vedda people. They are known for their exceptional knowledge of medicinal plants and the natural environment. Additionally, visitors have the opportunity to participate in activities such as archery, traditional hunting techniques, and gathering forest produce.

It provides a platform for cultural exchange, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of the indigenous heritage of Sri Lanka.

Rantembe Reserve

Rantembe Reserve is a protected forest area located near Mahiyanganaya in the Kandy District of Sri Lanka. It is part of the Central Highlands UNESCO World Heritage Site, which encompasses several important natural and cultural sites in the region.

The reserve covers a significant portion of the Rantembe Mountain Range and is characterized by its lush green forests, pristine landscapes, and diverse ecosystems. It is primarily known for its rich biodiversity and serves as a critical habitat for numerous plant and animal species.

Rantembe Reserve is not only significant for its ecological value but also for its role in maintaining water resources. It acts as a catchment area for the Rantembe Reservoir, which plays a crucial role in supplying water for irrigation and hydropower generation.

It offers an opportunity to explore the untamed beauty of Sri Lanka’s Central Highlands and witness the wonders of its diverse ecosystems.

Ella Sri Lanka


Ella is a picturesque town nestled in the highlands of Sri Lanka. Located in the Badulla District, Ella is renowned for its breathtaking natural beauty, charming tea plantations, and a laid-back atmosphere that attracts both local and international travelers. The town is surrounded by lush green hills, mist-covered mountains, and cascading waterfalls, creating a stunning backdrop for exploration and relaxation.

One of Ella’s most famous attractions is the Ella Rock, a prominent hiking spot offering panoramic views of the surrounding valleys and tea estates.One of Ella’s most famous attractions is the Ella Rock, a prominent hiking spot offering panoramic views of the surrounding valleys and tea estates.The iconic Nine Arch Bridge is another must-visit landmark in Ella. This architectural marvel is famous for its impressive nine arches, and it provides a picturesque setting for photography and train spotting as the train passes through.

Ella’s enchanting beauty, coupled with its pleasant climate, makes it a popular destination for nature lovers, adventure seekers, and those looking to escape the bustling cities.

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Nine Arch Bridge

The Nine Arch Bridge, also known as the Bridge in the Sky or Demodara Nine Arch Bridge, is an iconic tourist attraction located near Ella in Sri Lanka. It was constructed during the British colonial period in the early 20th century, and its nine arches were built using only bricks, stones, and cement, without any steel. The bridge stands at a height of around 24 meters and stretches for approximately 91 meters.

Visitors can reach the Nine Arch Bridge by taking a short walk from Ella town or by enjoying a scenic train ride on the famous Sri Lankan railway line that passes over the bridge. The train journey itself is a delightful experience as you witness the train snaking its way through the tea plantations and making its way over the picturesque bridge.

The Nine Arch Bridge offers breathtaking views, especially when a train crosses over it, creating a picturesque and awe-inspiring sight. The lush greenery surrounding the bridge adds to its charm, making it a popular spot for photography enthusiasts. Many visitors gather at vantage points near the bridge to capture stunning images of the train passing through the arches against the backdrop of the scenic valley.

The bridge has become an iconic symbol of Sri Lanka’s railway heritage and a testament to the country’s engineering prowess. It is not only a visual delight but also a reminder of the historical significance of the railway network in Sri Lanka.

Ella Rock

Ella Rock is a prominent and popular hiking destination in Ella, Sri Lanka. It is a challenging yet rewarding trek that attracts adventurous travelers and nature enthusiasts. Hiking to Ella Rock offers stunning views of the surrounding landscapes and is a memorable experience for visitors.

The hike typically starts from Ella town, and the trail takes you through tea plantations, forests, and rocky terrain. It is recommended to hire a local guide or join a guided tour as the path can be a bit tricky to navigate, especially in certain sections.

Reaching the summit of Ella Rock rewards you with stunning vistas that stretch as far as the eye can see. On a clear day, you can spot the majestic Ravana Falls, Ella Gap, and the rolling hills that define the region. It’s a perfect spot to take in the beauty of Sri Lanka’s hill country and capture memorable photographs.

The hike to Ella Rock is considered moderately challenging, with some steep and rocky sections. It’s advisable to wear comfortable hiking shoes, carry enough water, and be prepared for a few hours of hiking, depending on your pace. It’s also recommended to start early in the morning to avoid the midday heat and to allow ample time to enjoy the views from the summit.

Overall, hiking to Ella Rock is an adventure that allows you to connect with nature, witness the scenic beauty of the region, and challenge yourself physically. It’s a must-do activity for outdoor enthusiasts visiting Ella and offers a unique perspective on the natural wonders of Sri Lanka.

Ravana Falls

Ravana Falls, also known as Ravana Ella, is a stunning waterfall located near the town of Ella in Sri Lanka. It is named after the legendary King Ravana from the Hindu epic Ramayana, adding a touch of mythology to its beauty. The waterfall is one of the most popular natural attractions in the region and draws visitors with its cascading waters and serene surroundings.

Ravana Falls is situated amidst lush greenery, surrounded by dense forests and towering mountains. The waterfall tumbles down from an impressive height of approximately 25 meters (82 feet) and forms a pool at the base, creating a picturesque setting. The water flows in multiple tiers, making it a visually captivating sight.

To reach Ravana Falls, visitors can take a short drive or hike from Ella town, following a scenic path through tea plantations and charming villages. Upon arrival, you can hear the sound of rushing water and feel the cool mist emanating from the waterfall, adding to the sensory experience.

The pool at the base of Ravana Falls provides an opportunity for visitors to take a refreshing dip and enjoy a swim. The natural pool is surrounded by rocks and boulders, creating a tranquil spot where you can relax and soak in the natural beauty. However, it’s important to exercise caution and adhere to safety guidelines when swimming, as the water currents can be strong at times.

Ravana Falls is not only a sight to behold but also carries cultural and historical significance. According to folklore, it is believed to be the place where King Ravana, a prominent character in the Ramayana, bathed and refreshed himself. The waterfall is often associated with the rich mythology and legends of Sri Lanka.

Ravana Cave

Ravana Cave, also known as Ravana Ella Cave, is an intriguing natural site located in Ella. This cave holds great significance in Sri Lankan folklore and is associated with the legendary King Ravana from the Hindu epic Ramayana.

According to local legends, Ravana Cave is believed to be one of the many places where King Ravana sought refuge during his reign. It is said that Ravana used these caves as hidden chambers to hide and protect Princess Sita, whom he had abducted from India. The cave’s association with this mythical tale adds a touch of mysticism and historical fascination to its allure.

Ravana Cave is nestled amidst lush greenery and surrounded by breathtaking natural landscapes. The cave itself is a large rock formation with a series of interconnected chambers and passages. Exploring the cave allows visitors to imagine the historical and mythological events that unfolded within its rocky confines.

Visiting Ravana Cave provides an opportunity to delve into Sri Lanka’s rich folklore and immerse oneself in the ancient tales of King Ravana. It allows visitors to appreciate the natural beauty of the surroundings while reflecting on the cultural heritage and mythical stories that have shaped the country’s identity.

Nil Diya Pokuna

Nildiya Pokuna, located at a distance of 13.3 km from the Ella, is a great place to have an adventurous experience. 

Nil Diya Pokuna is an underwater pond situated in a cave or a tunnel complex in Ella which is believed to have been built by king Ravana. The pond lies 80 meters deep inside a mountain cave in Karandagolla. This is a massive pond around 150 square meters in size with peaceful, crystal clear water in an underground cave.

Nil Diya Pokuna ( Blue Water Pond) is named for its crystal-clear, turquoise-colored water, which gives it a striking and mesmerizing appearance. The pond is fed by a natural spring, and the purity of the water is often attributed to the high mineral content.

The pond is surrounded by dense vegetation and towering trees, creating a tranquil and peaceful atmosphere. It is a hidden gem that offers visitors a chance to escape the crowds and immerse themselves in nature’s beauty.

Nil Diya Pokuna is a place to be explored by the adventurous and caution should be taken during this journey. The climb downhill is a challenging trail, passing narrow passageways and wet cliff edges. Nil Diya Pokuna is not as frequently visited as other popular tourist attractions, it’s advisable to check with locals or hire a guide who can assist you in finding the exact location and provide any necessary guidance.

Little Adam’s Peak

Little Adam’s Peak is a popular tourist attraction located in Ella. It is a scenic hiking spot that offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes and is a favorite among travelers visiting the area.

Despite its name, Little Adam’s Peak does not require the same level of physical effort as its taller counterpart, Adam’s Peak. The hike to Little Adam’s Peak is relatively easy and suitable for hikers of various fitness levels, including families with children.

The trail begins from the village of Ella and takes you through lush tea plantations, picturesque landscapes, and charming rural villages. As you ascend, you’ll be treated to panoramic views of the rolling hills, valleys, and the town of Ella below.

The hike to Little Adam’s Peak can typically be completed within 1-2 hours, depending on your pace and the amount of time you spend enjoying the views at the top. It’s advisable to start early in the morning to avoid the midday heat and to have enough time to savor the breathtaking scenery.

Once you reach the summit of Little Adam’s Peak, you’ll be rewarded with stunning vistas that stretch as far as the eye can see. On a clear day, you can admire the beauty of Ella Gap, Ella Rock, and the vast tea estates that dot the area.

It’s a must-visit attraction for outdoor enthusiasts and those seeking to immerse themselves in the scenic wonders of Sri Lanka’s hill country.

Ella Gap

Ella Gap is a natural phenomenon and a popular viewpoint located in the town of Ella. It refers to the scenic gap or valley that stretches between two mountain ranges, offering breathtaking vistas of the surrounding landscapes.

Ella Gap provides a dramatic and picturesque view of the rolling hills, deep valleys, and tea plantations that characterize the region. The gap offers a unique perspective, allowing visitors to witness the contrasting landscapes and appreciate the beauty of the hill country.

To experience Ella Gap, visitors can hike up to various viewpoints or choose to enjoy the panoramic views from the comfort of their accommodations or nearby restaurants. Many guesthouses and hotels in Ella are strategically positioned to take advantage of the stunning vistas offered by Ella Gap.

Overall, Ella Gap is a must-visit attraction in Ella, Sri Lanka, known for its captivating views and natural splendor. It allows visitors to immerse themselves in the beauty of the hill country and create lasting memories of their time in this picturesque destination.

St. Anthony’s Church

It is a Catholic church that holds significance for the local Catholic community and is also visited by tourists who are interested in exploring the cultural and religious heritage of the area. Built in the 18th- century, this Roman Catholic Church still retains its old world charm. St. Anthony’s Church is known for its architectural beauty and serene atmosphere. The church building features a combination of traditional and modern elements, with vibrant colors and intricate details. It provides a peaceful sanctuary for prayer and reflection.

The interior of the church is adorned with religious artwork, statues, and stained glass windows that depict various scenes from the life of Jesus and saints. The ambiance is serene and inviting, creating a space for spiritual contemplation.

Matale heritage

Matale- Sigiriya- Dambulla

Matale / Mathale, town is in between Kandy and Dambulla where you can find many species gardens along the road. This place is a hidden gem which is away from the sight of the tourists. Enclosed by the Knuckles Mountain Range, there are many things which can be experienced at this place. Alongside this there are some handpicked places to visit in Matale where people can enjoy the beauty of the landscapes and also explore the heritage of the town. From temples to exploring the hiking trails, there is a long list of attractions which cannot be missed while at this region.


You can plan a tour between Mathale, Dambulla and Sigiriya since they are located within minutes.


Mathale, Sigiriya and Dambulla areas are fond of Natural beauty.To get the full picture please read the below article.


Badulla Sri Lanka


Badulla is a city in Badulla District of Uva Province of Sri Lanka. Badulla is located in the southeast of Kandy, almost encircled by the Badulu Oya , about 680 m (2,230 ft) above sea level and is surrounded by tea plantations. The city is overshadowed by the Namunukula range of mountains (highest peak 2,016 m (6,614 ft) above sea level). It was a base of a pre-colonial Sinhalese local prince (regional king) who ruled the area under the main King in Kandy before it became part of the British Empire. Later, it became one of the provincial administrative hubs of the British rulers. The city was the terminus of upcountry railway line built by the British in order to take mainly tea plantation products to Colombo.

Badulla has fast emerged into a major tourist destination to explore Sri Lanka for many decades. The scenic beauty of this region enchants all visitors and so are splendid its parks, tea gardens, and historic locations that make it best suitable eco-tourist spot. The listicle below has 09 notable places to visit in Badulla which you mustn’t forget adding in your itinerary.



As well as the scenic beauty, Badulla is famous of its historic and sacred locations that make it best suitable eco-tourist spot. Muthiyangana Temple,Dowa Rajamaha Viharaya,Bogoda Ancient Wooden Bridge,Demodara Railway Station,Badulla’s Kataragama Devalaya are some of those places. Use the below link to explore well on the heritage importance of Badulla.


The scenic beauty of this region enchants all visitors and so are splendid its parks, tea gardens, and historic locations that make it best suitable eco-tourist spot.

Near by Destinations for plan you trip

Destinations near Badulla

Click below links to explore more…

  • Bandarawela
  • Ella
  • Monaragala



Kithulgala is a small scenic town located in the Sabaragamuwa Province of Sri Lanka. Nestled amidst lush green mountains and bordered by the Kelani River, it is renowned for its natural beauty and adventurous offerings.

The town gained international recognition as the primary filming location for the iconic movie “The Bridge on the River Kwai” in 1957. Today, it attracts both local and international tourists seeking thrilling outdoor activities and a tranquil escape from the bustling city life.

Kithulgala is particularly famous for its water-based adventures. The Kelani River provides opportunities for white-water rafting, where visitors can navigate through exhilarating rapids and admire the breathtaking landscapes along the way. The river is also ideal for swimming and kayaking, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in its refreshing waters.

Nature enthusiasts can explore the surrounding rainforests, which are home to a diverse range of flora and fauna. Guided hikes and nature walks offer a chance to witness the region’s stunning biodiversity, including various bird species, butterflies, and endemic plants.

Overall, Kithulgala is a haven for adventure seekers and nature lovers, offering a delightful blend of thrilling activities, natural wonders, and serenity that make it a must-visit destination in Sri Lanka.

White Water Rafting

White water rafting in Kithulgala is a thrilling and popular adventure activity that draws countless visitors to this scenic town in Sri Lanka. With its fast-flowing Kelani River and stunning surroundings, Kithulgala provides an ideal setting for an exhilarating rafting experience.

The white water rafting journey typically begins with a safety briefing and the distribution of necessary equipment, including life jackets and helmets. Experienced guides accompany the participants and provide instructions on paddling techniques and safety procedures.

As you embark on the rafting adventure, you’ll navigate through a series of rapids, ranging from gentle to more challenging ones, depending on the water levels and the chosen route. The rapids are graded according to international standards, ensuring that there are options suitable for both beginners and experienced rafters.

While paddling through the rapids, you’ll be immersed in the breathtaking beauty of the surrounding rainforest, with cascading waterfalls, lush greenery, and vibrant birdlife enhancing the experience. The rafting journey also offers occasional calm stretches, allowing you to appreciate the serenity of the river and take in the natural wonders around you.

Whether you are an adrenaline junkie seeking an adrenaline rush or simply looking to enjoy a unique outdoor experience, white water rafting in Kithulgala promises an unforgettable adventure. It is recommended to book your rafting excursion with a reputable tour operator who prioritizes safety and provides trained guides to ensure a memorable and enjoyable journey.

Rain Forest Trekking

Rainforest trekking in Kitulgala offers an immersive and adventurous experience, allowing you to explore the untouched beauty of the Kitulgala Forest Reserve. The trek begins with a unique river crossing in an open catamaran-type traditional wooden boat without a sail, providing an authentic and traditional mode of transportation.

As you cross the Kelani River, the clear waters offer excellent visibility, allowing you to observe the shimmering shoals of fish and the riverbed below. This serene journey sets the tone for your rainforest adventure.

Once you reach the other side of the river, you’ll embark on a trek through the dense and captivating rainforest. The Kitulgala Forest Reserve is known for its rich biodiversity, and you’ll have the opportunity to witness various fauna and flora along the way. Keep an eye out for endemic bird species, colorful butterflies, and unique plant life that flourish in this lush environment.

As you venture deeper into the rainforest, you’ll encounter picturesque waterfalls and meandering streams hidden within the foliage. The beauty of these natural wonders will leave you awe-inspired and provide ample opportunities for stunning photographs. Feel free to take a refreshing dip in one of the scenic flowing water streams, rejuvenating yourself amidst the tranquil surroundings.

Throughout the rainforest trek, experienced guides will share their knowledge about the local ecosystem, pointing out interesting features and providing insights into the region’s flora and fauna. They will also ensure your safety and help you navigate the terrain, making the experience enjoyable for everyone.

Rainforest trekking in Kitulgala offers a unique chance to immerse yourself in the unspoiled beauty of nature. It is recommended to wear comfortable clothing, sturdy footwear, and bring along essentials like insect repellent, water, and snacks to make the most of your trekking adventure.

Canyoning (Confidence Jumps and natural water stream slides)

Canyoning in Kithulgala offers a thrilling and adventurous experience, allowing you to explore the natural rock pools and waterfalls of Kataran-Oya. This activity is gaining popularity worldwide and has become a sought-after adventure in Sri Lanka as well.

The canyoning adventure begins with a trek through the picturesque surroundings, covering a distance of approximately 1.5 kilometers. As you make your way through the lush rainforest, you’ll encounter a series of seven stunning natural pools, each a gift of nature’s beauty.

The canyoning experience involves utilizing various techniques and skills such as swimming, hiking, bouldering, sliding, wading, and scrambling. You’ll navigate through the canyons, immersing yourself in the natural environment and encountering different obstacles along the way.

One of the highlights of canyoning in Kithulgala is the opportunity to engage in confidence jumps. These jumps involve leaping into deep pools of water from varying heights, providing an adrenaline rush and a sense of accomplishment as you conquer your fears.

Additionally, you’ll encounter natural water stream slides, where you can glide down smooth rock formations into crystal-clear pools below. These natural slides offer a thrilling and fun-filled experience, allowing you to connect with nature in a unique way.

Throughout the canyoning adventure, experienced guides will be by your side, ensuring your safety and providing instructions on how to navigate the terrain. They are trained to handle any challenges that may arise and will make the experience enjoyable for participants of different skill levels.

It is important to come prepared for canyoning with suitable swimwear, sturdy shoes or water shoes, and protective gear as recommended by the tour operator. They will provide you with any necessary equipment such as helmets and life jackets to ensure a safe and enjoyable canyoning experience.

Canyoning in Kithulgala offers an exciting blend of exploration, adventure, and natural beauty. It is an ideal activity for thrill-seekers and nature enthusiasts looking to immerse themselves in the stunning landscapes of Sri Lanka.

Zip Lining / Aerial Rope Activity (400ft length & 30ft height)

Zip lining or aerial rope activity in Kithulgala offers an exhilarating and adventurous ride, allowing you to soar through the air and experience the breathtaking aerial view of the surrounding forest and the river below.

The zip line typically spans a length of 400 feet and is set at a height of 30 feet, providing a thrilling and unique perspective of the landscape. As you glide along the inclined cable, you’ll feel a rush of adrenaline and the sensation of flying like an eagle.

The adventure begins with a safety briefing, where experienced instructors will provide instructions on how to properly use the equipment and ensure your safety throughout the activity. You’ll be equipped with a harness, helmet, and other necessary gear to ensure a secure and enjoyable zip lining experience.

Once you’re ready, you’ll be hooked onto the zip line and released, allowing gravity to propel you along the cable. As you zip through the air, you’ll witness the river flowing through the forest from a mesmerizing vantage point. The lush greenery, the sound of rushing water, and the sheer thrill of the ride create a memorable and adrenaline-pumping experience.

Zip lining is suitable for individuals of various fitness levels and age groups, making it a popular choice for adventure enthusiasts and families alike. It offers a perfect blend of adventure, adrenaline, and natural beauty, allowing you to appreciate the surroundings from a unique perspective.

It is important to follow the instructions of the guides, maintain proper body position, and enjoy the ride responsibly. Safety measures and equipment are in place to ensure a secure experience for all participants.

Zip lining in Kithulgala provides an unforgettable adventure and a chance to create lasting memories. Whether you’re a thrill-seeker or simply want to experience the thrill of flying through the air, this activity promises an exciting and awe-inspiring journey.

Waterfall Abseiling

Waterfall abseiling in Kithulgala offers an extraordinary and adrenaline-fueled adventure that takes you beyond the typical sightseeing experience. While enjoying the breathtaking view of a stunning waterfall is already amazing, abseiling adds a whole new level of excitement and thrill to the adventure.

Abseiling involves descending down the face of a waterfall using a rope and specialized equipment. As you make your way down, you’ll experience the intense and powerful feeling of the cascading water around you, immersing yourself in the natural elements of the waterfall.

The sheer height and vertical drop, combined with the rushing water, create a thrilling and unforgettable experience. The sensation of hanging on a rope with nothing but water beneath and above you pushes your adrenaline levels to new heights, providing an exhilarating rush like no other.

The adventure begins with a safety briefing and instruction on how to properly use the abseiling equipment. Experienced guides will be with you every step of the way, ensuring your safety and guiding you through the descent.

As you descend down the waterfall, you’ll witness the awe-inspiring beauty of the cascading water, the lush surroundings, and the stunning rock formations. The close proximity to the waterfall allows you to appreciate its power and grandeur in a unique and immersive way.

Waterfall abseiling is an adventure activity that requires a reasonable level of physical fitness and a willingness to embrace the excitement and challenges it presents. It is important to listen to the instructions of the guides, use the equipment correctly, and follow proper safety procedures throughout the experience.

This thrilling activity is a must-try for adventure enthusiasts who seek an adrenaline rush and a unique way to appreciate the natural wonders of Kithulgala. Waterfall abseiling offers an unforgettable adventure that combines the beauty of the waterfall with an adrenaline-fueled descent, creating memories that will last a lifetime.

Bird watching

Bird watching in Kithulgala is a captivating experience that enthralls nature lovers and bird enthusiasts alike. The town’s diverse ecosystems, including rainforests and riverbanks, provide ideal habitats for a wide array of bird species, including several endemic to Sri Lanka.

One of the main attractions for bird watchers in Kithulgala is the opportunity to spot endemic bird species such as the Sri Lanka Orange-billed Babbler and Chestnut-backed Owlet. These unique and rare species can be found within the lush foliage of the rainforest, making bird watching in Kithulgala a rewarding experience.

Butterflies are another delightful aspect of Kithulgala’s natural beauty. The town is home to a variety of butterfly species, including colorful and elusive specimens. Spotting these fluttering insects as they dance through the air adds a touch of enchantment to the bird watching experience.

Whether you are a seasoned birder or a casual nature lover, Kithulgala offers an abundance of avian treasures and natural wonders to explore. Bird watching in this scenic town is an immersive and rewarding experience, allowing you to connect with the incredible biodiversity of Sri Lanka.

Mountain Biking

Mountain biking in Kithulgala is an exciting adventure that allows you to explore the picturesque landscapes, tea estates, rubber estates, and other scenic locations in the region. It offers a unique way to experience the natural beauty of the area while immersing yourself in the local village lifestyles.

The mountain biking tracks in Kithulgala take you through various terrains, including uphill and downhill stretches. As you pedal through the lush tea estates, you’ll be treated to breathtaking views of rolling hills covered in neatly pruned tea bushes. The fragrance of fresh tea leaves and the cool mountain air enhance the cycling experience.

Rubber estates also form part of the mountain biking routes, providing a different backdrop with their neat rows of rubber trees. These plantations showcase the agricultural aspects of the region and offer a glimpse into the local economy.

Mountain biking in Kithulgala is a fantastic way to appreciate the sceneries, experience the local village lifestyles, and enjoy the thrill of cycling through diverse landscapes. It caters to both nature lovers and adventure enthusiasts, offering a memorable and immersive journey through the heart of Sri Lanka’s stunning countryside.

Kalpitiya Kite Surfing


Kalpitiya is a coastal town situated on the northwestern tip of Sri Lanka, overlooking the azure waters of the Indian Ocean and the Puttalam Lagoon. Known for its stunning natural beauty and diverse marine life, Kalpitiya has emerged as a popular tourist destination in recent years.

One of the main attractions of Kalpitiya is its pristine beaches. The area boasts a long stretch of golden sand, fringed with palm trees, and offers a tranquil and serene atmosphere. Travelers can enjoy leisurely walks along the shore, relax under the shade of swaying palms, or indulge in water activities such as swimming, snorkeling, and diving.

Kalpitiya is particularly renowned for its excellent conditions for kitesurfing. The region experiences strong winds, making it an ideal spot for kitesurfing enthusiasts, both beginners and professionals alike. Kite schools and rental centers are available, providing all the necessary equipment and training for a thrilling kitesurfing experience.

Another remarkable feature of Kalpitiya is its rich biodiversity. The surrounding waters are home to a diverse range of marine creatures, including dolphins, whales, sea turtles, and a variety of fish species. Dolphin and whale-watching tours are popular activities, offering visitors the opportunity to witness these majestic creatures in their natural habitat.

In addition to its coastal beauty, Kalpitiya is also known for its mangrove ecosystems and wildlife-rich wetlands. The Kalpitiya Peninsula is dotted with mangrove forests, which can be explored through boat rides or kayaking tours. These excursions provide a chance to observe numerous bird species, such as flamingos, pelicans, and migratory birds.

The town of Kalpitiya itself offers a blend of local culture and traditions. Visitors can explore the vibrant fish markets, taste delicious seafood dishes, and interact with the friendly local community. The area also has a few historical and religious sites, such as the St. Anne’s Church and the Dutch Fort, which add a touch of heritage to the region.

Overall, Kalpitiya presents an enticing destination for nature lovers, adventure enthusiasts, and those seeking a peaceful coastal retreat. Its unspoiled beaches, abundant marine life, and cultural charm make it a captivating place to explore in Sri Lanka.


Kalpitiya Beach

Kalpitiya Beach is a picturesque coastal stretch located in the town of Kalpitiya, nestled on the northwestern tip of Sri Lanka. It is a captivating destination known for its natural beauty, pristine beaches, and diverse marine life.

The beach in Kalpitiya offers a serene and idyllic setting, with soft golden sand and clear turquoise waters. It is relatively unspoiled and less crowded compared to other popular beach destinations in Sri Lanka, making it a perfect spot for those seeking tranquility and relaxation.

Kalpitiya Beach is renowned for its exceptional water sports opportunities, especially kitesurfing. The area benefits from strong and consistent winds, creating ideal conditions for kitesurfing enthusiasts of all skill levels. Kitesurfing schools and rental facilities are available, allowing visitors to learn and enjoy this thrilling water sport.

Beyond kitesurfing, Kalpitiya Beach offers various other water activities such as swimming, snorkeling, and diving. The waters are home to a diverse marine ecosystem, including dolphins, sea turtles, and a variety of colorful fish. Snorkelers and divers can explore the vibrant coral reefs and encounter fascinating underwater life.

The beach is also a great place to unwind and soak up the sun. Visitors can lounge on the soft sands, enjoy a refreshing swim in the calm waters, or simply take leisurely strolls along the shoreline, admiring the picturesque surroundings.

Kalpitiya Beach is surrounded by mangrove forests and wetlands, adding to its natural charm. Exploring the mangroves on a boat ride or kayaking tour is a popular activity, allowing visitors to observe a variety of bird species and immerse themselves in the region’s rich biodiversity.

The town of Kalpitiya, located near the beach, offers a glimpse into the local culture and way of life. Travelers can sample delicious seafood delicacies at beachside restaurants, browse through vibrant fish markets, and interact with the friendly local community.

In summary, Kalpitiya Beach presents a serene and captivating coastal escape, combining stunning natural beauty, exciting water sports, and a peaceful ambiance. Whether you seek adventure or relaxation, this hidden gem on Sri Lanka’s northwestern coast is a must-visit destination.

Island Of Baththlangunduwa

The island of Baththlangunduwa is a small and charming island located off the coast of Kalpitiya in Sri Lanka. It is a serene and secluded destination that offers a unique experience for visitors.

Baththlangunduwa Island is known for its pristine and untouched beauty. It is surrounded by crystal-clear waters and has pristine sandy beaches that are perfect for leisurely walks and sunbathing. The island is relatively untouched by tourism, providing a peaceful and tranquil environment.

One of the highlights of Baththlangunduwa Island is its vibrant fishing village. Visitors can witness the traditional lifestyle of the local fishing community and observe their daily activities. The island is famous for its fresh seafood, and visitors can savor delicious dishes prepared with the day’s catch.

Exploring the island is a delightful experience. You can stroll through the narrow paths, interact with friendly locals, and witness their traditional way of life. The island is also home to lush vegetation and mangrove forests, adding to its natural charm.

Boat rides are available to reach Baththlangunduwa Island from Kalpitiya. These boat trips provide an opportunity to enjoy scenic views of the surrounding waters, spot dolphins, and take in the beauty of the coastal landscape.

Visiting Baththlangunduwa Island is like stepping back in time and experiencing a slice of authentic Sri Lankan coastal life. It offers a peaceful retreat and a chance to connect with nature and local culture.

Mangrove forest in the Kalpitiya Lagoon

The Kalpitiya Lagoon in Sri Lanka is renowned for its expansive and ecologically significant mangrove forest. This diverse ecosystem plays a vital role in supporting the local environment and provides numerous benefits to both wildlife and humans.

The mangrove forest in the Kalpitiya Lagoon is characterized by a variety of mangrove species, including Rhizophora mucronata (Red Mangrove), Avicennia marina (Grey Mangrove), and Ceriops tagal (Yellow Mangrove). These trees have specialized adaptations that allow them to thrive in saline and waterlogged conditions.

One of the key functions of the mangrove forest is its role in coastal protection. The intricate network of mangrove roots acts as a natural buffer, reducing the impact of coastal erosion and acting as a barrier against storm surges and high tides. The mangroves also stabilize the shoreline, preventing soil erosion and maintaining the integrity of the surrounding ecosystems.

The Kalpitiya Lagoon’s mangrove forest supports a rich biodiversity. It provides a habitat for numerous bird species, including herons, egrets, kingfishers, and migratory birds. These birds find abundant food sources, nesting sites, and protection within the mangrove ecosystem. Additionally, the lagoon is home to various fish species, crabs, and other invertebrates that rely on the mangroves for shelter and breeding grounds.

Exploring the mangrove forest in the Kalpitiya Lagoon is an exciting experience. Visitors can embark on boat tours or kayak excursions to navigate through the narrow waterways that weave through the dense mangrove forests. These guided tours offer opportunities to observe the unique flora and fauna, learn about the importance of mangrove conservation, and appreciate the natural beauty of the area.

Furthermore, the Kalpitiya Lagoon’s mangrove forest contributes to the overall health of the ecosystem by filtering pollutants, improving water quality, and serving as a carbon sink, helping to mitigate climate change.

The preservation and conservation of the mangrove forest in the Kalpitiya Lagoon are of great importance. Efforts are being made to raise awareness about the significance of this ecosystem and promote sustainable practices to protect it for future generations to enjoy and benefit from.

Dolphin and Whale watching

Kalpitiya, located on the northwestern coast of Sri Lanka, is renowned for its abundant marine life, including dolphins and whales. The region offers fantastic opportunities for dolphin and whale watching, providing visitors with unforgettable experiences in the Indian Ocean.

Dolphin watching in Kalpitiya is a popular activity, attracting nature enthusiasts and wildlife lovers from around the world. The waters around Kalpitiya are home to several species of dolphins, including spinner dolphins, bottlenose dolphins, and Risso’s dolphins. These intelligent and playful creatures can often be seen in large pods, leaping and diving through the waves.

Boat tours are organized by experienced guides and operators who are knowledgeable about the behavior and habitats of dolphins. These tours typically depart early in the morning when the ocean is calm and the chances of dolphin sightings are high. Travelers can witness the spectacular acrobatic displays of dolphins as they swim alongside the boats, creating magical moments.

In addition to dolphins, Kalpitiya is also known as a seasonal destination for whale watching. The waters off the coast provide a migratory route for various whale species, including the magnificent blue whales, the largest animals on Earth. Other whales that may be spotted include sperm whales, Bryde’s whales, and occasionally even killer whales (orcas).

Whale watching tours in Kalpitiya are usually conducted during the migration season, which runs from November to April when the chances of encountering these majestic creatures are at their peak. Experienced guides and boat operators ensure a safe and respectful approach to observing whales, following ethical guidelines to minimize disturbance to their natural behaviors.

It’s important to note that wildlife encounters can never be guaranteed, as their presence is influenced by various factors such as weather conditions, migration patterns, and natural behavior. However, Kalpitiya is considered one of the best places in Sri Lanka for dolphin and whale watching, offering incredible opportunities to witness these magnificent marine creatures in their natural habitat.

Whether you choose to embark on a dolphin or whale watching tour, the experience in Kalpitiya is awe-inspiring, providing a deeper appreciation for the wonders of the ocean and the importance of marine conservation efforts.

Wilpattu National Park

Wilpattu National Park is a renowned wildlife reserve located in the northwest coast of Sri Lanka. With its expansive area of approximately 1,317 square kilometers, it is the largest national park in the country. Wilpattu is celebrated for its diverse ecosystems, abundant wildlife, and picturesque landscapes.

The park is characterized by its unique topography, which includes dense forests, open grasslands, and numerous lakes, or “villus.” These villus serve as watering holes for wildlife, attracting a wide range of animal species. Wilpattu is particularly famous for its population of elusive leopards, making it one of the best places in Sri Lanka to spot these majestic big cats in their natural habitat.

Apart from leopards, Wilpattu National Park is home to a rich array of wildlife. Visitors have the opportunity to encounter elephants, sloth bears, spotted deer, water buffalo, wild boars, and various species of primates, including langurs and macaques. The park is also a paradise for birdwatchers, with over 200 species of resident and migratory birds, including eagles, owls, storks, and colorful kingfishers.

Exploring Wilpattu National Park is an adventurous experience. The park offers game drives and safari tours, where visitors can venture into its rugged landscapes in search of wildlife. The safari routes meander through the park’s diverse habitats, providing opportunities for close encounters with its inhabitants and the chance to witness fascinating animal behaviors.

Wilpattu’s untouched and serene environment adds to its allure. The park’s relatively low number of visitors compared to other popular national parks in Sri Lanka offers a more exclusive and intimate wildlife experience. The vastness of the park allows for tranquil moments amidst nature, providing a sense of peace and harmony with the surroundings.

Wilpattu National Park, with its diverse wildlife, scenic landscapes, and a sense of raw wilderness, presents an exceptional opportunity for nature enthusiasts and wildlife lovers to immerse themselves in the natural wonders of Sri Lanka.

Bird Watching in Kalpitiya Lagoons

Kalpitiya Lagoons in Sri Lanka offer a fantastic opportunity for bird watching enthusiasts. The lagoons and surrounding wetlands provide a diverse and rich habitat for numerous resident and migratory bird species, making it a haven for birdlife.

The lagoons and marshes of Kalpitiya attract a wide variety of waterbirds. Visitors can expect to spot elegant wading birds such as herons, egrets, storks, and ibises. These birds can be seen gracefully stalking their prey in the shallow waters or perched on the branches of the mangroves.

The lagoons also provide an excellent habitat for various species of ducks, including pintails, teals, and shovelers. They can often be seen swimming in groups or resting on the water’s edge. Other water-dependent birds such as kingfishers, terns, and sandpipers can also be spotted around the lagoons.

One of the highlights of bird watching in Kalpitiya is the opportunity to observe migratory birds. During the winter months, the lagoons become a temporary home for many species of migratory birds that escape the colder climates of the Northern Hemisphere. Visitors may encounter species such as flamingos, pelicans, and various types of shorebirds.

To fully appreciate the birdlife in Kalpitiya Lagoons, guided bird watching tours are available. Knowledgeable local guides can accompany visitors, providing insights into the different bird species, their behaviors, and their habitats. They know the best vantage points for observing birds and can assist in identifying the various species.

Bird watching in Kalpitiya Lagoons is not only a rewarding experience for bird enthusiasts but also an opportunity to appreciate the importance of wetland conservation. The lagoons and surrounding areas are vital ecosystems that provide food, shelter, and breeding grounds for a wide range of bird species.

Whether you are a seasoned birder or simply have an interest in avian life, exploring the Kalpitiya Lagoons offers a chance to immerse yourself in the natural beauty and diverse birdlife of Sri Lanka.

Kudawa Beach

Kudawa beach is a hub for a range of water sports ranging from kitesurfing to boat excursions, and it is ideal for some peaceful time away from the city’s regular hustle and bustle. Kudawa Beach is best visited between December and April when the waves are quiet, and the winds are gentle.

Alankuda Beach

Alankuda Beach, also known as Alankuda/Kudawa Beach, is a stunning coastal destination located in the Kalpitiya area of Sri Lanka. It is situated on the northwest coast of the country and is renowned for its pristine sandy beaches, turquoise waters, and tranquil atmosphere.

Alankuda Beach is known for its serene and untouched beauty. The beach stretches for miles, offering a peaceful and idyllic setting for relaxation and unwinding. Visitors can enjoy leisurely walks along the soft sand, sunbathe under the warm tropical sun, or simply take in the breathtaking views of the Indian Ocean.

One of the main attractions of Alankuda Beach is its clear and calm waters. The gentle waves and shallow depths make it an ideal spot for swimming and snorkeling. Snorkelers can explore the vibrant coral reefs teeming with colorful fish and other marine life, creating a captivating underwater experience.

The beach is also famous for its water sports activities. Kitesurfing enthusiasts can take advantage of the consistent winds in the area, which make it a popular spot for this thrilling sport. Kiteboarding schools and rental centers are available, providing equipment and lessons for both beginners and experienced kiteboarders.

Alankuda Beach is an excellent base for exploring the natural wonders of the Kalpitiya Peninsula. The nearby lagoons, mangrove forests, and wetlands offer opportunities for boat rides, kayaking, and bird watching. The region is home to a diverse range of bird species, including migratory birds, making it a paradise for bird enthusiasts.

The area surrounding Alankuda Beach is still relatively undeveloped, offering a tranquil and off-the-beaten-path experience. There are a few eco-friendly resorts and guesthouses that provide accommodation options for visitors, ensuring a comfortable stay while being close to nature.

Alankuda Beach provides a serene coastal getaway, away from the hustle and bustle of more crowded tourist destinations. Its natural beauty, pristine beaches, and opportunities for water sports and nature exploration make it a hidden gem in Kalpitiya, Sri Lanka.


Kitesurfing Kalpitiya

Kalpitiya in Sri Lanka is renowned as one of the best kitesurfing destinations in Asia. With its consistent winds, shallow lagoons, and wide sandy beaches, it offers ideal conditions for kitesurfing enthusiasts of all levels.

The main kitesurfing season in Kalpitiya runs from May to October when the southwest monsoon winds create favorable conditions for the sport. During this time, the wind blows consistently, averaging around 15-25 knots, providing excellent opportunities for kitesurfing.

Kalpitiya offers a variety of kitesurfing spots to cater to different preferences and skill levels. The main areas for kitesurfing include the Kalpitiya Lagoon, which provides flatwater conditions and is perfect for beginners and freestyle riders. The lagoon is shallow and has a sandy bottom, making it safe and user-friendly.

For more experienced kitesurfers and wave riders, the Indian Ocean side of Kalpitiya offers fantastic waves and open water conditions. The ocean swells provide opportunities for thrilling wave riding and advanced kitesurfing maneuvers.

Kitesurfing schools and centers are available in Kalpitiya, offering equipment rental, kiteboarding lessons, and coaching. These schools have experienced instructors who can teach beginners the basics of kitesurfing, including kite control, body dragging, and board riding techniques. Advanced riders can benefit from coaching sessions to improve their skills or learn new tricks.

Kalpitiya’s kitesurfing community is vibrant and welcoming, making it an excellent destination for both solo travelers and groups. The relaxed atmosphere and stunning natural surroundings add to the overall kitesurfing experience.

In summary, Kalpitiya is a paradise for kitesurfing enthusiasts, offering consistent winds, a variety of kitesurfing spots, and a welcoming community. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced rider, Kalpitiya provides an unforgettable kitesurfing experience in a beautiful coastal setting.

Snorkeling & Scuba Dive in Kalpitiya

Kalpitiya offers fantastic opportunities for snorkeling and scuba diving. The region boasts pristine coral reefs, vibrant marine life, and clear waters, making it a paradise for underwater exploration.

Snorkeling in Kalpitiya allows you to discover the beauty of the underwater world without the need for extensive training or equipment. Many snorkeling sites are easily accessible from the shore or by short boat rides. The coral reefs in Kalpitiya are home to a plethora of colorful fish, fascinating coral formations, and other marine creatures. Snorkelers can expect to encounter a variety of tropical fish species, including angelfish, parrotfish, butterflyfish, and many more. It’s also common to spot turtles, rays, and even small reef sharks while snorkeling in Kalpitiya.

For those looking for a more immersive and in-depth experience, scuba diving is a popular activity in Kalpitiya. The region offers a range of dive sites suitable for divers of different skill levels. The coral reefs and underwater rock formations are teeming with marine life, creating a captivating and diverse underwater ecosystem. Divers can explore the reefs, swim alongside schools of fish, and marvel at the intricate details of the coral gardens. Some dive sites in Kalpitiya are known for encounters with larger marine species, such as reef sharks and barracudas.

Diving centers and operators in Kalpitiya provide scuba diving courses and guided dives for both beginners and experienced divers. They ensure safety protocols and provide all the necessary equipment for a memorable diving experience. Professional dive instructors can guide you through the underwater wonders, sharing their knowledge and ensuring a safe and enjoyable dive.

It’s important to note that the best time for snorkeling and scuba diving in Kalpitiya is during the dry season, which generally runs from November to April. During this period, the sea conditions are typically calm, with good visibility and favorable water temperatures.

Exploring the underwater world of Kalpitiya through snorkeling or scuba diving is a truly mesmerizing experience. The vibrant coral reefs, diverse marine life, and the thrill of being immersed in an underwater paradise make Kalpitiya a must-visit destination for water enthusiasts and nature lovers alike.

Kayaking and Lagoon Trips Kalpitya

Kalpitiya offers fantastic opportunities for kayaking and lagoon trips. The region is renowned for its picturesque lagoons, mangrove forests, and diverse ecosystem, making it an ideal destination for water-based activities.

Kayaking in Kalpitiya allows you to explore the serene lagoons and mangrove forests at your own pace. Renting a kayak or joining a guided kayaking tour enables you to navigate through the calm waters, immersing yourself in the natural beauty of the surroundings. Paddling along the lagoons offers a unique perspective, allowing you to witness the rich biodiversity and stunning landscapes up close.

The Kalpitiya Lagoon is particularly popular for kayaking. Its shallow waters and protected environment make it suitable for all skill levels, including beginners. As you paddle through the lagoon, you can observe various bird species, spot marine life swimming beneath you, and enjoy the tranquility of the mangrove-fringed waterways.

Lagoon trips are also a popular activity in Kalpitiya. These trips typically involve a boat ride through the lagoons, providing a leisurely and scenic experience. The boat takes you through the mangroves, where you can witness the unique ecosystem and the abundant birdlife that thrives in these habitats. Some lagoon trips also include stops at small islands, allowing you to explore pristine sandy beaches and enjoy a picnic amidst nature.

During the lagoon trips, you may encounter locals engaged in traditional fishing methods, such as stilt fishing or crab catching. This gives you a glimpse into the local way of life and adds cultural significance to your experience.

Guided tours and operators in Kalpitiya offer kayaking and lagoon trip packages, providing equipment, knowledgeable guides, and ensuring safety during the activities. They are well-versed in the local environment and can offer insights into the flora, fauna, and cultural aspects of the region.

Whether you choose to kayak through the lagoons or embark on a lagoon trip, the experiences in Kalpitiya offer a peaceful and immersive way to connect with nature, explore unique ecosystems, and create lasting memories of your visit to this beautiful coastal destination.



Kurunegala is a city located in the North Western Province of Sri Lanka. It holds significant heritage and archaeological importance due to its rich historical and cultural past.Kurunegala was the capital city of the medieval Sinhalese kingdom known as Kurunegala Kingdom. Established in the 13th century by King Buvanekabahu II, the kingdom flourished until the 14th century. The city served as a center of political, administrative, and cultural activities during this period.

The heritage and archaeological importance of Kurunegala make it a fascinating destination for history enthusiasts, archaeologists, and tourists interested in exploring Sri Lanka’s rich past. The city’s historical landmarks, ancient temples, and archaeological sites provide a glimpse into the ancient civilization that once thrived in the region, making it a valuable cultural and historical treasure.

Here are some key aspects of Kurunegala’s heritage and archaeological significance:

Ridi Viharaya / Silver Temple

Ridi Viharaya, also known as the Silver Temple, is a significant Buddhist temple located in the Kurunegala District of Sri Lanka.

Historical Significance: Ridi Viharaya is believed to have a history dating back over 2,000 years. It is said to have been established during the reign of King Dutugemunu (2nd century BCE), a renowned ancient Sri Lankan king. The temple holds great historical and religious significance in Sri Lanka.

Relic of the Buddha: Ridi Viharaya is famous for housing a sacred relic believed to be a hair relic of Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism. This relic is enshrined in a stupa (dagoba) within the temple premises, making it a revered place of worship for Buddhists.

Architectural Style: The temple exhibits traditional Sinhalese Buddhist architectural elements. It features intricate carvings, elaborate paintings, and statues that showcase the artistic craftsmanship of ancient Sri Lankan artisans.

Ridi Asthana: Ridi Viharaya is known for its unique architectural feature called “Ridi Asthana.” It is a stone platform adorned with intricate carvings of animals, mythical creatures, and other decorative motifs. This platform is believed to have been used by royalty and dignitaries to witness important ceremonies and events.

Visiting Ridi Viharaya provides an opportunity to immerse oneself in the rich Buddhist heritage of Sri Lanka. The temple’s historical significance, sacred relic, unique architectural features, and serene atmosphere make it a noteworthy destination for spiritual seekers and those interested in Sri Lankan culture and Buddhism.


Historical Significance: Yapahuwa served as a royal capital and fortress during the 13th century. It was established by King Buvanekabahu I, who moved the capital from Polonnaruwa to Yapahuwa. The kingdom of Yapahuwa played a crucial role in Sri Lanka’s history during that period.

Rock Fortress: Yapahuwa is situated on a massive rock outcrop, similar to Sigiriya and Dambulla. The natural rock formation provided a strategic advantage for defense and protection.

Architectural Features: The fortress complex of Yapahuwa consists of several structures built on different levels of the rock. The main attraction is the elaborate entrance gateway known as the “Yapahuwa Lion Gate,” which features stone carvings of lions. Other architectural remains include a palace complex, a stupa (dagoba), image houses, and other structures.

At the top of the rock, there is a stupa that holds religious significance. Nearby, you can find an image house housing statues of the Buddha and other deities, showcasing the religious aspect of the ancient capital.

Yapahuwa features a unique water management system, including an impressive elephant-shaped pond carved out of stone. This pond was used to store water and supply it to the palace complex and surrounding areas.

Yapahuwa is known for its cultural and artistic heritage. The ruins bear witness to the architectural and sculptural achievements of the time, with intricate carvings and designs reflecting the craftsmanship of the ancient Sri Lankan artisans.

Climbing to the top of Yapahuwa offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. The elevated position of the fortress allows visitors to appreciate the natural beauty and landscapes of the area.

Arankele Monastery

Location: Arankele Monastery is situated in the Arankele village, which is approximately 30 kilometers southeast of Kurunegala city. It is nestled amidst lush greenery and natural surroundings, providing a serene and peaceful atmosphere.

Historical Significance: The monastery has a rich history that dates back to the ancient Anuradhapura period (3rd century BCE to 10th century CE). It is believed to have been established during the reign of King Mahasen (3rd century CE). The monastery flourished as a center for Buddhist learning and meditation during this time.

Arankele Monastery is known as a forest monastery (Aranya). It follows the traditional Theravada Buddhist monastic practices and emphasizes meditation and seclusion in a natural forest environment.

Cave Dwellings: Arankele Monastery features a complex of natural caves that serve as dwelling places for monks. These caves, carved into the rocks, provide simple and secluded living quarters for meditation and spiritual contemplation.

Within the monastery premises, you may find ancient ruins such as stupa foundations, stone pillars, and remnants of ancient structures, reflecting the past glory of the monastery.

The monastery is situated in a picturesque location surrounded by forests and lush greenery. The natural beauty of the area adds to the peaceful ambiance and provides a conducive environment for meditation and introspection.

Panduwasnuwara Ancient Kingdom

Historical Significance: Panduwasnuwara was an important city during ancient times, believed to have been the capital of the island during the reign of King Panduvasdeva in the 4th century BCE. It served as a royal capital for several centuries and played a significant role in the country’s history.

The site of Panduwasnuwara contains the ruins of various structures that reflect the ancient architectural styles and urban planning. These include remnants of palaces, temples, monastic complexes, and other buildings, offering insights into the civilization and culture of the time.

The royal palace of Panduwasnuwara was the residence of the ruling monarchs. Although now in ruins, the remains provide a glimpse into the grandeur and layout of the ancient palace complex.

Image House and Temple: The ancient kingdom is known for its image house, which is believed to have housed important religious statues and artifacts. The temple complex, along with its architectural features, provides evidence of the religious practices and beliefs prevalent during the ancient period.

Visiting Panduwasnuwara offers the opportunity to explore the ancient remains and gain a deeper understanding of Sri Lanka’s rich history. The archaeological site provides a glimpse into the past, allowing visitors to appreciate the achievements and legacy of the ancient kingdom.

Padeniya Raja Maha Viharaya

Padeniya Raja Maha Viharaya is situated in the Padeniya area, which is in the Kurunegala District of the North Western Province of Sri Lanka. It is located approximately 20 kilometers southeast of the city of Kurunegala.

Padeniya Raja Maha Viharaya has a long history dating back several centuries. It is believed to have been founded during the reign of King Parakramabahu the Great (12th century CE). The temple has undergone several renovations and expansions over the years, reflecting the influence of different architectural styles.

The shrine hall often showcases intricate woodwork and traditional architectural elements. The temple might showcase wall paintings and murals that depict various scenes from Buddhist mythology, Jataka tales (stories of the Buddha’s previous lives), and other significant events in Buddhism. These artworks provide visual storytelling and add to the cultural and aesthetic value of the temple.

Padeniya Raja Maha Viharaya might house relics and artifacts of religious and historical importance. These could include sacred relics associated with Buddhism, ancient manuscripts, and other items of significance to the temple’s history.

Athugala (Elephant Rock)

Athugala is located in Kurunegala, in the North Western Province of Sri Lanka. It is a prominent rock formation that resembles an elephant’s back, giving it the name Elephant Rock.

There is a large Samadhi Buddha statue overlooking the city of Kurunegala.

Athugala offers scenic views of the surrounding landscape, making it a popular spot for visitors. The elevated location of the rock provides a panoramic view of Kurunegala and its surroundings, allowing for stunning photo opportunities.

There are steps carved into the rock, enabling visitors to climb to the top of Athugala. The ascent can be steep and require some effort, but the rewarding views make it worthwhile.

Athugala (Elephant Rock) is a notable landmark in Kurunegala, offering picturesque views and an opportunity to explore the cultural and historical aspects of the region. It is worth visiting for its natural beauty, rock inscriptions, and the unique rock formation resembling an elephant’s back.


Ampara & Arugambay

Ampara is a district located in the Eastern Province of Sri Lanka, known for its diverse and beautiful natural landscapes.

Ampara is blessed with a long coastline along the eastern shores of Sri Lanka. The district is home to stunning beaches such as Arugam Bay, Pasikudah, and Kalkudah. These beaches are known for their pristine white sand, clear turquoise waters, and opportunities for water sports like surfing and snorkeling.

Ampara is home to several wildlife sanctuaries that preserve the region’s natural biodiversity. Lahugala Kitulana National Park is known for its large elephant population and diverse birdlife. Gal Oya National Park, encompassing Gal Oya Reservoir, provides opportunities for safari tours to spot elephants, deer, crocodiles, and various bird species.

Ampara is known for its agricultural landscapes, with vast paddy fields spread across the district. The region’s fertile soil supports the cultivation of rice, vegetables, and other crops, contributing to the rural charm and scenic beauty of the area.

Arugam Bay

Arugam Bay beach is known for its stunning natural beauty. The beach stretches along a wide coastline with golden sands, framed by swaying palm trees and clear turquoise waters. The pristine and unspoiled surroundings create a serene and tranquil atmosphere.

Surfing Paradise: Arugam Bay beach is renowned as a world-class surfing destination. It offers consistent waves that attract surfers from all over the world. The beach features several surf breaks suitable for surfers of all levels, from beginners to advanced riders. The most popular surf point, “Main Point,” offers long rides and powerful waves, making it a favorite spot for surf enthusiasts.

In addition to surfing, Arugam Bay beach offers a range of water sports and activities. Visitors can engage in snorkeling, diving, jet skiing, paddleboarding, and fishing. Equipment rental facilities and tour operators are available in the area.

Arugam Bay offers a variety of beachfront accommodation options, including guesthouses, boutique hotels, and resorts. Many of these establishments provide stunning views of the beach and easy access to the sand. The beachfront also hosts a wide selection of restaurants, cafes, and beach bars, offering a diverse range of cuisines and refreshing beverages.

Arugam Bay beach is an excellent spot to witness breathtaking sunsets. As the sun descends over the horizon, the sky turns into a palette of vibrant colors, creating a mesmerizing backdrop for unforgettable moments.

Pottuvil Point

Pottuvil Point is known as one of the best surf breaks in Sri Lanka. It offers consistent and powerful waves that attract surfers of all skill levels. The break is characterized by a long, peeling right-hand wave, making it a favorite spot for both local and international surfers.

The waves at Pottuvil Point are known for their fast and hollow nature, providing an exhilarating surfing experience. The wave quality and length make it suitable for advanced surfers looking for challenging rides, while there are also sections of the wave that are more forgiving for beginners.

Beautiful Scenery: Pottuvil Point is surrounded by stunning natural beauty. The beach is pristine with golden sand, and the area is characterized by lush greenery and palm trees. The scenic surroundings add to the overall appeal and charm of the surf break.

Accessible Location: Pottuvil Point is easily accessible from Pottuvil town, located just a short distance away. There are accommodations, restaurants, and surf shops in the vicinity, making it convenient for surfers to access the surf break and enjoy their time in the area.

Surfers visiting Pottuvil Point can enjoy the thrill of riding challenging waves in a beautiful and less crowded setting. The combination of great surf, scenic surroundings, and the potential for wildlife encounters makes Pottuvil Point a popular choice among surfers exploring the surf breaks in the Ampara District of Sri Lanka.

Gal Oya National Park

Gal Oya National Park is known for its rich biodiversity and diverse ecosystems. The park covers an area of approximately 25,900 hectares and is home to a wide range of flora and fauna. It encompasses evergreen forests, savannah grasslands, and the largest inland body of water in Sri Lanka, the Senanayake Samudraya reservoir.

Wildlife: The park is a sanctuary for numerous wildlife species, including elephants, leopards, sloth bears, water buffalo, sambar deer, spotted deer, wild boar, and crocodiles. Gal Oya National Park is also renowned for its abundant birdlife, with over 150 species recorded, including several endemic and migratory birds.

Elephant Gathering: Gal Oya National Park is famous for its annual “Elephant Gathering.” During the dry season, large herds of elephants migrate to the park’s reservoirs to quench their thirst and engage in social interactions. This unique phenomenon offers a spectacular opportunity to witness these majestic creatures in their natural habitat.

Safari Experiences: Visitors can embark on safari tours in Gal Oya National Park to explore its natural wonders and spot wildlife. Jeep safaris are the most common way to navigate the park, allowing visitors to venture deep into its wilderness and observe animals in their natural surroundings.

Boat Safaris: One of the distinctive features of Gal Oya National Park is the opportunity to take boat safaris on Senanayake Samudraya reservoir. These safaris provide a unique perspective, allowing visitors to spot wildlife along the water’s edge, including elephants swimming between islands and a variety of water birds.

Gal Oya National Park offers a captivating blend of wildlife, natural beauty, and cultural heritage. It provides an opportunity to witness the majestic elephants, explore diverse ecosystems, and immerse oneself in the serenity of nature. A visit to Gal Oya National Park is a memorable experience for wildlife enthusiasts, nature lovers, and those seeking a deeper connection with the natural world.

Kumana National Park

Kumana National Park is known for its incredible biodiversity, particularly its birdlife. The park is home to over 200 bird species, making it a paradise for birdwatchers. Migratory birds, such as the rare and endangered species, arrive at the park during the nesting season from April to July.

Birds of Kumana: Kumana National Park is best known for its bird species, including the iconic and rare painted storks, pelicans, herons, egrets, spoonbills, and many more. The park provides a natural habitat and nesting grounds for these birds, making it a significant bird sanctuary in Sri Lanka.

Jeep Safaris: Jeep safaris are a popular activity in Kumana National Park, allowing visitors to explore its diverse habitats and spot wildlife. Knowledgeable park guides accompany visitors on these safaris, enhancing the experience by providing information about the park’s wildlife and natural features.

Wildlife: In addition to its avian population, Kumana National Park is home to a variety of other wildlife species. Visitors may spot elephants, leopards, sloth bears, deer, crocodiles, wild boar, and a range of reptiles and amphibians. The park also supports a diverse ecosystem of plant and marine life.

Camping: Kumana National Park offers camping facilities for visitors who wish to spend a night under the stars amidst the wilderness. Camping allows for a more immersive experience, where visitors can listen to the sounds of nature and appreciate the park’s tranquility.

Whether you are a birdwatcher, wildlife enthusiast, or nature lover, a visit to Kumana National Park promises an unforgettable journey into the heart of Sri Lanka’s wildlife.

Lahugala Kithulana National Park

Elephant Population: The national park is home to a significant population of elephants. Visitors have the opportunity to observe these majestic creatures in their natural habitat and witness their behavior, interactions, and feeding habits.

Birdlife: Lahugala Kitulana National Park is also renowned for its rich birdlife. The park provides a sanctuary for numerous bird species, making it a paradise for birdwatchers. Visitors can spot a wide variety of birds, including endemic and migratory species, adding to the overall biodiversity of the area.

Safari Tours: Safari tours are available in Lahugala Kitulana National Park, allowing visitors to explore the park and observe its wildlife. Jeep safaris accompanied by experienced guides provide the opportunity to venture deep into the park, increasing the chances of spotting elephants and other animals.

The national park features a picturesque landscape with open grasslands, wetlands, and small water bodies. The scenic beauty of the park adds to the overall experience, creating a serene and peaceful environment for visitors.

Lahugala Kitulana National Park is a must-visit destination for wildlife enthusiasts, nature lovers, and birdwatchers. Its thriving elephant population, diverse birdlife, and scenic beauty make it a remarkable place to experience the wonders of Sri Lanka’s natural heritage.

Buddhangala Monastery

Historical Significance: Buddhangala Monastery has a rich history dating back to ancient times. According to legends, it is believed to have been visited by Lord Buddha during his third and final visit to Sri Lanka. The monastery has since been an important pilgrimage site for Buddhists.

Serene Setting: The monastery is situated amidst scenic surroundings, featuring lush greenery, rock formations, and a tranquil atmosphere. The peaceful ambiance of Buddhangala provides an ideal environment for meditation, contemplation, and spiritual practices.

Sacred Stupa: At the heart of Buddhangala Monastery stands a majestic stupa (dome-shaped structure), which is considered the main focal point of the temple. The stupa is adorned with intricate designs and architectural details, attracting devotees and visitors alike.

Cave Dwellings: The area surrounding Buddhangala Monastery features a series of caves that were historically used by monks for dwelling and meditation. These cave dwellings add a sense of mystique to the monastery and offer a glimpse into the traditional monastic lifestyle.

Buddhangala Monastery serves as a spiritual sanctuary, attracting devotees, pilgrims, and individuals seeking solace and enlightenment. Its historical significance, serene setting, and cultural festivities make it a notable destination for those interested in Buddhism, meditation, and Sri Lanka’s religious heritage.


Historical Importance: Rajagala is believed to have been an ancient Buddhist monastic complex dating back to the 1st century BCE. The site was a thriving center for monastic activities and is associated with the Mahayana and Theravada Buddhist traditions.

The site of Rajagala contains extensive ruins and remains of ancient structures, including monastic buildings, meditation caves, stupas, ponds, and stone inscriptions. These archaeological remnants provide insights into the layout and architecture of the ancient monastic complex.

Several stupas (dome-shaped Buddhist structures) can be found at Rajagala, along with statues of the Buddha and other deities. These monuments highlight the religious and spiritual significance of the site.

Rock Inscriptions: Rajagala is known for its rock inscriptions, which provide valuable historical and linguistic information. These inscriptions, written in Brahmi and ancient Sinhala scripts, offer insights into the daily life, religious practices, and cultural context of the ancient inhabitants.

Rajagala is gaining popularity among tourists and history enthusiasts due to its cultural and archaeological importance. Visitors can explore the site, learn about its history through guided tours, and appreciate the architectural and artistic remnants of the ancient monastic complex.


Deegavapiya, also known as Deegavapi Stupa or Deegavapi Raja Maha Viharaya, is an important Buddhist religious site located in Ampara District.

Historical Significance: Deegavapiya is believed to have been established during the reign of King Saddhatissa (137-119 BCE) and is closely associated with the ancient Anuradhapura Kingdom. It is one of the 16 sacred places in Sri Lanka believed to have been visited by Gautama Buddha.

Sacred Stupa: The centerpiece of Deegavapiya is the large stupa, which is considered to be one of the most sacred Buddhist monuments in Sri Lanka. The stupa is believed to enshrine relics of Lord Buddha, making it a significant pilgrimage site for Buddhists.

Deegavapiya is not only a stupa but also a functioning Buddhist monastery. The monastery complex consists of various structures such as shrine rooms, meditation halls, monk residences, and other ancillary buildings.

Bodhi Tree: Within the premises of Deegavapiya, there is a sacred Bodhi tree, which is believed to be a sapling from the original Bodhi tree in Bodhgaya, India, under which Gautama Buddha attained enlightenment. The Bodhi tree is highly revered by Buddhists and serves as a focal point for devotional practices.

Archaeological Remains: In addition to the main stupa and monastery, there are several archaeological remains and ruins within the Deegavapiya complex. These include ancient stone inscriptions, moonstones (carved stones at the entrance), ruins of buildings, and other artifacts, which provide insights into the ancient history and architecture of the site.

Deegavapiya is an important pilgrimage site and a place of religious devotion for Buddhists in Sri Lanka. Its historical and cultural significance, coupled with the spiritual atmosphere, makes it a significant destination for those interested in Buddhism, ancient history, and religious heritage.

Muhudu Maha Viharaya

Muhudu Maha Viharaya, located in Ampara district of Sri Lanka, is a revered Buddhist temple with a captivating history and serene coastal setting. The temple’s name translates to “Temple by the Sea,” and it stands as a testament to the rich cultural and religious heritage of the region. According to legends and historical accounts, Muhudu Maha Viharaya is believed to have been visited by Lord Buddha himself during his third visit to the island. The temple complex is nestled along the sandy shores, providing a picturesque backdrop of the Indian Ocean.

The site holds ancient ruins that date back to the 2nd century BC, including a stupa and stone inscriptions that offer glimpses into the past. The remnants of the temple provide a sense of the grandeur and significance it once held. As visitors explore the temple grounds, they can witness intricate carvings, statues, and other architectural elements that showcase the remarkable craftsmanship of the era.

Muhudu Maha Viharaya holds deep spiritual meaning for Buddhists and attracts both devotees and tourists seeking a tranquil and contemplative atmosphere. The sound of crashing waves and the gentle sea breeze contribute to the serene ambiance, inviting visitors to find solace and connect with their spirituality. The temple’s coastal location also offers breathtaking views, making it a perfect spot for meditation and reflection.

Visiting Muhudu Maha Viharaya provides a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in the rich historical and cultural tapestry of Sri Lanka. The temple’s combination of natural beauty, ancient ruins, and spiritual significance makes it a memorable destination for those seeking a deeper understanding of the country’s Buddhist heritage and a peaceful retreat by the sea.



Matara is a city located on the southern coast of Sri Lanka. It is known for its rich natural beauty and cultural heritage.

Matara is blessed with stunning natural landscapes. It boasts beautiful sandy beaches, palm-fringed shores, and clear turquoise waters. One of the most famous beaches in Matara is Polhena Beach, known for its calm waters and vibrant marine life, making it a popular spot for snorkeling and diving. Mirissa Beach, located nearby, is renowned for its picturesque sunsets and as a great spot for whale watching.

Matara Fort is a significant historical landmark in the city. Built by the Portuguese in the 16th century and later developed by the Dutch, it stands as a testament to the colonial era.

Matara is home to several ancient temples that hold religious and cultural significance. One of the most prominent temples is the Matara Paravi Duwa Temple, located on a small island accessed by a bridge. The Weherahena Temple is another notable religious site, featuring a massive Buddha statue and a stunning underground tunnel adorned with Buddhist art.

Matara is surrounded by lush wetlands and protected nature reserves. The Kalametiya Bird Sanctuary, located nearby, is a haven for birdwatchers with its diverse avian population.

These are just a few highlights of the nature and heritage of Matara. The city’s combination of natural beauty, historical sites, and cultural traditions make it a captivating destination for travelers seeking a mix of relaxation and cultural exploration.

Polhena Beach

Polhena Beach offers a picturesque setting with its soft golden sand, crystal-clear waters, and stunning sunsets. The beach is surrounded by palm trees and lush greenery, creating a tropical paradise for visitors.

Swimming and Snorkeling: Polhena Beach is known for its calm and shallow waters, making it an ideal spot for swimming, especially for families with children. The beach also offers excellent snorkeling opportunities. The coral reef that stretches along the shoreline is home to a variety of marine life, including colorful tropical fish and sea turtles.

Sea Turtle Conservation: Polhena Beach is famous for its sea turtle population. The area is a nesting site for several turtle species, including the endangered Olive Ridley turtles. The beach has a turtle hatchery where visitors can learn about the conservation efforts and even witness the release of baby turtles into the ocean.

Relaxation and Beach Activities: Polhena Beach provides a tranquil and laid-back atmosphere, making it an excellent place to relax, sunbathe, and enjoy the soothing sounds of the ocean. There are also opportunities for beach volleyball and other beach activities for those seeking a bit of adventure.

Overall, Polhena Beach offers a mix of natural beauty, marine biodiversity, and recreational activities. Whether you want to swim, snorkel, observe sea turtles, or simply unwind on the beach, Polhena Beach provides a wonderful coastal experience in Matara.

Mirissa Beach

Mirissa Beach is a popular coastal destination located on the southern coast of Sri Lanka, approximately 40 kilometers west of Matara.

Beach and Coastal Setting: Mirissa Beach is renowned for its pristine sandy shores and turquoise waters. The beach stretches for about a kilometer and is surrounded by palm trees and lush greenery. The calm and clear waters make it an ideal spot for swimming, sunbathing, and enjoying water activities.

Whale Watching: Mirissa is famous for its whale watching opportunities. It is one of the best places in Sri Lanka to witness the majestic marine giants, such as blue whales, sperm whales, and dolphins. Several tour operators offer whale watching excursions from Mirissa, providing a chance to observe these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat.

Surfing: Mirissa Beach is also suitable for surfing, especially during the high season from November to April when the waves are more consistent. Surf schools and rental shops are available for beginners and experienced surfers looking to catch some waves.

Dining and Nightlife: Mirissa Beach offers a variety of beachfront restaurants and bars where visitors can enjoy fresh seafood, Sri Lankan cuisine, and international dishes. The beach also has a vibrant nightlife scene, with beach parties, live music, and bonfires adding to the festive atmosphere.

Water Sports and Activities: In addition to swimming and surfing, Mirissa Beach provides opportunities for other water activities such as snorkeling, diving, and paddleboarding. Equipment rentals and guided tours are available for those interested in exploring the underwater world or trying their hand at water sports.

Mirissa Beach attracts visitors from around the world, offering a blend of relaxation, natural beauty, and exciting activities. Whether you’re looking to soak up the sun, witness marine life, surf the waves, or simply enjoy the coastal scenery, Mirissa Beach provides a delightful coastal experience on Sri Lanka’s southern coast.

Hiriketiya Beach

Hiriketiya Beach, also known as Hiriketiya Bay or “Hiri” by locals, is a picturesque beach located on the southern coast of Sri Lanka, near the town of Dikwella.

Beach Setting: Hiriketiya Beach is nestled within a horseshoe-shaped bay, surrounded by lush green hills and coconut palm trees. The beach itself is relatively small, with golden sand and clear turquoise waters. The bay is sheltered, making the water calm and ideal for swimming and water activities.

Surfing: Hiriketiya Beach is known as one of the best surfing spots in southern Sri Lanka. The bay offers consistent waves that are suitable for both beginners and experienced surfers. The beach has a sandy bottom and a mellow point break, providing an excellent setting for longboarding and shortboarding. Surfboard rentals and surf schools are available for those looking to learn or improve their skills.

Relaxation and Swimming: Hiriketiya Beach provides a tranquil and laid-back atmosphere, making it a perfect place to relax and unwind. The calm waters are great for swimming and paddling, and there are shaded areas under the palm trees where visitors can lounge and enjoy the beach vibes.

Scenic Views and Sunsets: The hilly landscape surrounding Hiriketiya Beach provides stunning panoramic views. Visitors can hike up the nearby hills to enjoy breathtaking vistas of the bay and coastline. Additionally, the beach offers captivating sunsets, making it a favorite spot for watching the sun dip below the horizon.

Hiriketiya Beach’s natural beauty, surf-friendly waves, and tranquil ambiance make it a hidden gem on the southern coast of Sri Lanka. Whether you’re a surfer, yoga enthusiast, or beach lover, Hiriketiya Beach offers a memorable coastal experience in a charming and relaxed setting.

Dondara Head Lighthouse

The Dondra Head Lighthouse is located at Dondra Point, the southernmost tip of Sri Lanka, near the city of Matara. It is a historic lighthouse that has been guiding ships and boats through the treacherous waters of the Indian Ocean since its construction in the 19th century.

Historical Significance: The Dondra Head Lighthouse was built by the British in 1889 during the colonial era. It was constructed to enhance maritime safety and serve as a navigational aid for ships traveling along the southern coast of Sri Lanka.

Architectural Features: The lighthouse is an impressive structure, standing tall at a height of approximately 49 meters (161 feet). It features a cylindrical tower made of granite, with a white exterior that contrasts against the surrounding greenery. The lighthouse has a lantern room at the top, which houses the light source.

Function and Operation: The primary purpose of the Dondra Head Lighthouse is to emit a powerful light signal that serves as a navigational beacon for ships and boats approaching the southern coast of Sri Lanka. The lighthouse is equipped with a powerful Fresnel lens that produces a distinct beam of light, visible from a considerable distance at sea.

Scenic Location: The lighthouse is situated in a scenic location, offering panoramic views of the Indian Ocean and the surrounding coastline. The area around Dondra Head is known for its rugged cliffs, crashing waves, and dramatic coastal scenery, making it a popular spot for photography and sightseeing.

Tourism and Accessibility: The Dondra Head Lighthouse is open to visitors, who can climb to the top and enjoy breathtaking views from the observation deck. However, it’s important to note that access to the lighthouse might be restricted during certain times or for maintenance purposes, so it’s advisable to check ahead of time.

Matara Paravi Duwa Temple

The Matara Paravi Duwa Temple is a significant Buddhist temple located in Matara, a city on the southern coast of Sri Lanka. It is situated on a small island, accessible by a bridge, known as “Paravi Duwa,” which translates to “Pigeon Island” in English.

Historical Significance: The Matara Paravi Duwa Temple has a rich history dating back to ancient times. It is believed to have been established during the reign of King Parakramabahu II (1236-1270 AD). The temple has undergone renovations and additions over the centuries, preserving its historical and cultural importance.

Unique Location: The temple’s distinct feature is its location on a small island surrounded by the Nilwala River, creating a serene and secluded atmosphere. Visitors must cross a bridge to reach the temple, enhancing the sense of spiritual significance and tranquility.

Architectural Features: The architecture of the Matara Paravi Duwa Temple showcases a blend of traditional Sri Lankan and South Indian architectural styles. The temple complex consists of several buildings, including the main shrine hall, the stupa (dome-shaped structure), and various smaller shrines. The structures are adorned with intricate carvings and vibrant paintings depicting Buddhist stories and motifs.

Religious Significance: The Matara Paravi Duwa Temple holds great religious significance for the Buddhist community in Sri Lanka. It serves as a place of worship, meditation, and spiritual retreat. Many devotees visit the temple to offer prayers, make merit, and engage in religious rituals.

Scenic Surroundings: The temple’s location on Paravi Duwa Island offers beautiful views of the surrounding river and lush greenery. The peaceful atmosphere and natural surroundings make it an ideal place for contemplation and introspection.

Weherahena Temple

Historical Significance: The Weherahena Temple has a rich history dating back to ancient times. It was built in the 18th century and has since become an important place of worship for Buddhists in Sri Lanka. The temple has undergone renovations and expansions over the years, contributing to its present-day splendor.

Architectural Marvels: The temple is renowned for its impressive architecture and intricate designs. One of its most striking features is the massive Buddha statue, which stands at a height of around 39 meters (130 feet). This statue is made of concrete and covered in gold, creating a majestic sight for visitors. Inside the statue, there is a series of chambers depicting scenes from the life of the Buddha.

Underground Tunnel: A unique and fascinating aspect of the Weherahena Temple is the underground tunnel. Visitors can descend into the tunnel, which is adorned with beautiful Buddhist murals and sculptures. The tunnel represents the path to enlightenment and serves as a place for meditation and reflection.

Beautiful Surroundings: The temple is situated amidst lush greenery, offering a tranquil and serene ambiance. The surrounding gardens and pathways are meticulously maintained, creating a peaceful environment for visitors to explore and enjoy the natural beauty.

Sacred Relics: The Weherahena Temple houses several sacred relics of the Buddha, which are venerated by devotees. These relics are believed to have great spiritual significance and are revered as objects of devotion and blessings.

The Weherahena Temple is not only a place of worship but also a cultural and spiritual attraction that showcases the rich Buddhist heritage of Sri Lanka.

Old Dutch Trade Centre

The Old Dutch Trade Centre is believed to have been built by the Dutch in 1775, shortly after the construction of the Star Fort. The building is characterized by its distinctive ‘T’ shape, which is perfectly symmetrical and reflects the neo-Palladian style used in its construction. While the main structure follows the architectural principles of the time, the roof of the building incorporates a local touch influenced by the Kandyan Kingdom.

The roof of the Old Dutch Trade Centre features tiles and a construction style that originated from the Kandyan Kingdom, which was a historical kingdom in Sri Lanka known for its unique architectural traditions. This blending of Dutch and local elements in the building’s design showcases the cultural influences and historical context of the period.

Despite its age, the Old Dutch Trade Centre remains an active hub of commercial activity, preserving its historical significance and showcasing the atmosphere of its heyday. Visitors can experience the ambiance of the past and witness the enduring commercial spirit that has persisted throughout the years.

Star Fort Matara

The Star Fort in Matara is indeed the last defensive structure undertaken by the Dutch in Sri Lanka. Its name derives from its unique shape, resembling a six-pointed star. The fort was strategically constructed by the Dutch to serve as a defensive stronghold against potential external threats. It is located across the river from the Matara Fort and is relatively small in size compared to other forts in Sri Lanka.

The Star Fort’s design features six points forming a star shape, with each point facing a different direction. This configuration allowed for effective defense and coverage from all sides. To further fortify its defenses, each point of the star was equipped with two large cannons. The fort is surrounded by a deep moat, providing additional protection. Within the fort’s premises, there is a central well that provided a reliable water source for the occupants.

Despite the passage of time, the Star Fort still stands as a testament to the colonial era in Sri Lanka. It serves as a reminder of the historical significance and architectural achievements of the Dutch colonial period. Visiting the Star Fort in Matara offers an opportunity to explore and appreciate the rich history and unique architectural aspects of the Dutch presence in Sri Lanka.

Matara Fort

History: Matara Fort was initially constructed by the Portuguese in the 16th century as a defense structure. However, it was later expanded and fortified by the Dutch during their colonial rule in the 17th century. The fort played a strategic role in protecting the southern coast from invasions and maritime threats.

Architecture: The architecture of Matara Fort showcases a blend of Portuguese and Dutch influences. The fort is built in a star-shaped design, which was a common feature of European forts during that era. It is made of coral and limestone, and its solid walls and bastions give it a formidable appearance.

Landmarks within the Fort: Inside the fort, you can find several noteworthy landmarks. The Old Dutch Church, also known as the Dutch Reformed Church, is a prominent feature and stands as a testament to the Dutch colonial presence. The church exhibits Dutch architectural elements and is still an active place of worship.

Visitor Experience: Matara Fort is open to the public, allowing visitors to explore its grounds and appreciate its historical significance. Walking along the fort’s ramparts provides an opportunity to take in the panoramic views and enjoy the sea breeze. The fort is also located near other attractions in Matara, such as beaches, temples, and markets, making it a popular destination for tourists.

Kalametiya Bird Sanctuary

Location and Size: Kalametiya Bird Sanctuary is situated on the southeastern coast of Sri Lanka, approximately 20 kilometers northwest of Tangalle. It covers an area of around 3,160 hectares and comprises a diverse range of habitats, including mangroves, lagoons, scrublands, and sand dunes.

Bird Species: The sanctuary is home to a wide variety of bird species, making it a haven for birdwatching enthusiasts. Over 150 species of birds have been recorded in Kalametiya, including migratory birds that visit during the winter months. Some notable bird species found in the sanctuary include painted storks, black-necked storks, egrets, terns, herons, pelicans, and various species of shorebirds.

Biodiversity and Conservation: Kalametiya Bird Sanctuary is not only important for birds but also supports a diverse range of flora and fauna. The sanctuary’s mangrove ecosystems serve as nurseries for various marine species, and its wetlands attract numerous water birds. The conservation efforts in Kalametiya focus on preserving the biodiversity and habitats of the sanctuary.

Activities: Visitors to Kalametiya Bird Sanctuary can engage in birdwatching, nature walks, and wildlife photography. The sanctuary provides observation towers and well-maintained trails, allowing visitors to explore the different habitats and spot a wide range of bird species. Boating and canoeing are also available in some areas to explore the lagoons and mangroves.

Visiting Kalametiya Bird Sanctuary provides a unique opportunity to witness a diverse range of bird species and experience the natural beauty of Sri Lanka’s southern coast. Whether you’re a bird lover or a nature enthusiast, the sanctuary offers a memorable experience immersed in the sights and sounds of its avian residents.



Polonnaruwa, located in Sri Lanka, is an ancient city that holds great historical and architectural importance. It served as the capital of Sri Lanka during the 11th and 12th centuries, under the reign of the Chola dynasty and later the Sinhalese kings.

Polonnaruwa is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, reflecting its outstanding universal value as a cultural and historical site. It was inscribed in 1982 due to its well-preserved archaeological remains and its role as a capital city during a significant period in Sri Lankan history. Polonnaruwa showcases remarkable architectural achievements. The most iconic structure is the Royal Palace complex, which consists of multiple buildings, including the Audience Hall, Council Chamber, and King’s Quarters.

Polonnaruwa is home to several religious structures, such as the Gal Vihara, a collection of four Buddha statues carved out of a single granite rock. The Cholas, who ruled Polonnaruwa for a period, left behind significant Hindu temples. The Shiva Devale No. 2 and the Siva Devale No. 1 are two notable temples dedicated to Lord Shiva.

Polonnaruwa boasts an intricate network of ancient irrigation systems, including large reservoirs and canals. These systems, such as the Parakrama Samudra (Sea of Parakrama), were crucial for agriculture and water management during the city’s heyday.

Visitors can explore the various structures and gain a deep understanding of the city’s layout, urban planning, and architectural diversity. The park provides a glimpse into the grandeur and sophistication of the ancient city.

Table of Contents

King Parakramabahu Palace

The palace is situated in the northeastern part of the ancient city. It covers a large area, indicating the grandeur and importance of the royal residence. The palace complex consists of multiple buildings, halls, and chambers, arranged in a strategic manner.

Architectural Features: The King Parakramabahu Palace exhibits impressive architectural features that reflect the artistic and engineering skills of the time. The structures are made of brick and stone, with intricate carvings and decorative elements. The palace showcases a blend of Sinhalese and South Indian architectural styles.

Audience Hall: The most prominent structure within the palace complex is the Audience Hall (Vijayothpaya). It is a large raised platform with rows of finely carved stone columns, which supported a wooden roof. The Audience Hall was the place where the king held audiences with his subjects, conducted official ceremonies, and received foreign dignitaries.

Royal Quarters: The palace complex also housed the private quarters of the king, known as the King’s Quarters. These chambers included living spaces, bedrooms, and other facilities that catered to the needs of the royal family. The design and layout of the King’s Quarters showcased the luxurious lifestyle of the king and his entourage.

Water Management: The King Parakramabahu Palace complex featured an advanced water management system. It had a sophisticated network of tanks, canals, and reservoirs that ensured a steady water supply for the palace and the surrounding areas.

Visiting the King Parakramabahu Palace in Polonnaruwa allows visitors to appreciate the architectural brilliance of the ancient kingdom and gain insights into the royal lifestyle of that era. It stands as a testament to the grandeur and sophistication of the Polonnaruwa civilization and is a significant heritage site that contributes to our understanding of Sri Lanka’s rich history.

Dalada Maluwa

The Vatadageya is a significant architectural structure and a Buddhist shrine located within the ancient city of Polonnaruwa in Sri Lanka.

Location and Purpose: The Vatadageya is situated in the Quadrangle area of the ancient city of Polonnaruwa. It is believed to have been constructed during the reign of King Parakramabahu the Great (1153-1186 AD). The Vatadageya served as a protective enclosure for a sacred relic, possibly a tooth relic of the Buddha or another significant Buddhist relic.

Architectural Design: The Vatadageya follows a circular design, which is a unique feature of Sri Lankan architecture during that era. It is a small building with a circular platform surrounded by a concentric row of stone pillars. The outermost row of pillars is adorned with exquisitely carved stone guardstones (muragalas). The entrance to the Vatadageya is through a stone staircase.

Decorative Elements: The Vatadageya is adorned with intricate stone carvings, depicting various symbols, figures, and mythical creatures. The carvings include lotus motifs, meditating Buddhas, guardian deities, and other decorative elements. These carvings showcase the artistic and architectural skills of the ancient Sri Lankan craftsmen.

Relic House: At the center of the circular platform, there is a small shrine known as the relic house. It is believed to have once housed the sacred relic.

Spiritual Significance: The Vatadageya is considered a sacred site by Buddhists and holds religious and historical significance. It represents an important place of worship and devotion for Buddhists in Sri Lanka. Visitors often offer prayers, make offerings, and engage in religious rituals at the Vatadageya.

The Vatadageya, also known as the Dalada Maluwa, is an architectural marvel that reflects the rich Buddhist heritage and the artistic achievements of ancient Sri Lanka. It stands as a testament to the skill and craftsmanship of the period and continues to be a revered site of pilgrimage and cultural interest.

Nissanka Latha Mandapaya

Location and Purpose: The Nissanka Latha Mandapaya is situated in the Quadrangle area of Polonnaruwa, close to the Rankot Vihara stupa. It was constructed during the reign of King Nissanka Malla (1187-1196 AD) and is believed to have served as an assembly hall or a place for religious gatherings.

Architectural Design: The Nissanka Latha Mandapaya is a raised platform with elaborately carved stone pillars. The platform is rectangular in shape and has a flight of steps leading to it. The pillars are adorned with intricate carvings of various floral motifs, including the lotus, vine, and liana patterns. The roof of the structure is no longer present, but it is believed to have been made of wood or other perishable materials.

Decorative Elements: The highlight of the Nissanka Latha Mandapaya is its intricate stone carvings. The pillars feature exquisite detailing, including intricate scrollwork, foliage, and mythical creatures. The carvings showcase the skill and craftsmanship of ancient Sri Lankan artisans.

Historical Significance: The Nissanka Latha Mandapaya is considered a significant historical and architectural site in Polonnaruwa. It represents the artistic and cultural achievements of the Polonnaruwa civilization and provides insights into the religious and social practices of the time.

Visiting the Nissanka Latha Mandapaya allows visitors to appreciate the intricate stone carvings and architectural grandeur of the ancient city of Polonnaruwa. It stands as a testament to the rich history and cultural heritage of Sri Lanka and continues to be a popular attraction for tourists and history enthusiasts.

Pothgul Viharaya (Aniciant Library)

Location: The Pothgul Viharaya is situated within the Quadrangle area of the ancient city of Polonnaruwa. It is located near the Rankot Vihara and the Nissanka Latha Mandapaya.

Purpose and History: The Pothgul Viharaya is believed to have been a library or a repository of ancient Buddhist texts during the Polonnaruwa Kingdom. It was likely a center for Buddhist scholarship and education.

Architectural Features: The Pothgul Viharaya consists of a rectangular-shaped building with a raised platform. The structure is made of stone, and the entrance is marked by a stone doorway. The walls of the building are adorned with intricate carvings, depicting various decorative motifs, floral patterns, and mythological figures.

Relic Chamber: Inside the Pothgul Viharaya, there is a small relic chamber that is thought to have housed sacred Buddhist relics. The chamber has a stone slab with a central hole, possibly used for securing the relic casket.

Historical Significance: The Pothgul Viharaya is considered an important archaeological site that sheds light on the intellectual and educational pursuits of the ancient Polonnaruwa Kingdom. It provides insight into the advanced level of knowledge and learning that existed during that time.

Visiting the Pothgul Viharaya allows visitors to witness the remnants of an ancient library and appreciate the architectural and historical significance of the Polonnaruwa Kingdom. It serves as a reminder of the intellectual and cultural heritage of the period and offers glimpses into the Buddhist traditions and scholarly pursuits of ancient Sri Lanka.

Alahana Pirivena

Location: Alahana Pirivena is situated in the southern part of the ancient city of Polonnaruwa, close to the Alahana Parivena Stupa and the Gal Vihara.

Historical Significance: Alahana Pirivena was established during the Polonnaruwa Kingdom and served as a prominent center for monastic education and learning. It played a vital role in the dissemination and preservation of Buddhist teachings and scholarship during that time.

Role as a Monastic Complex: Alahana Pirivena functioned as a residential monastery for Buddhist monks, providing them with accommodation and facilities for meditation, study, and religious practices. It was a place where monks received education, engaged in spiritual practices, and contributed to the religious and intellectual development of the period.

Architectural Features: The architectural remains at Alahana Pirivena include several buildings, stupas, and other structures. The remains suggest the presence of a large complex with multiple structures, including living quarters for monks, meditation halls, libraries, and possibly lecture halls.

Ruins and Restoration: Over the centuries, Alahana Pirivena fell into ruin and was covered by vegetation. However, restoration efforts have been undertaken to preserve and protect the site. Visitors can explore the remnants of the ancient monastery and gain insights into its past glory and significance.

Archaeological Exploration: Archaeological excavations at Alahana Pirivena have unearthed various artifacts, including stone sculptures, inscriptions, and pottery fragments, which provide valuable insights into the history, culture, and religious practices of the Polonnaruwa Kingdom.

Visiting Alahana Pirivena allows visitors to experience the serene and historical atmosphere of an ancient Buddhist monastery. It offers a glimpse into the spiritual and intellectual pursuits of the Polonnaruwa era and provides an opportunity to appreciate the cultural and religious heritage of Sri Lanka.

Gal Viharaya

Location: The Gal Viharaya is situated in the northern part of the Quadrangle area in Polonnaruwa, close to the Alahana Pirivena and the Royal Palace complex.

Architectural Highlights: The Gal Viharaya comprises four Buddha statues carved out of a single granite rock face. Each statue represents a different posture of the Buddha:

a. Standing Buddha: The largest statue at the Gal Viharaya is a standing Buddha statue, measuring about 7 meters in height. The Buddha is depicted with a serene expression and is adorned with intricate details.

b. Seated Buddha: There are two seated Buddha statues, one in the Dhyana Mudra (meditation pose) and the other in the Samadhi Mudra (deep concentration pose). These statues showcase the artistry and skill of the ancient sculptors.

c. Reclining Buddha: The smallest statue at the Gal Viharaya is a reclining Buddha statue, depicting the Buddha during his final moments before attaining parinirvana (nirvana after death).

Sculptural Detailing: The Buddha statues at the Gal Viharaya exhibit remarkable craftsmanship and artistic excellence. They feature delicate facial expressions, intricate hair patterns, and flowing robes that accentuate the serene beauty of the sculptures.

Spiritual Significance: The Gal Viharaya holds immense spiritual significance for Buddhists. It serves as a place of worship and contemplation, where devotees and visitors can pay their respects, meditate, and reflect on the teachings of Buddhism.

Visiting the Gal Viharaya in Polonnaruwa allows visitors to witness the exceptional rock-cut sculptures and experience the peaceful ambiance of the ancient temple complex. It stands as a testament to the artistic achievements of the Polonnaruwa civilization and serves as a significant pilgrimage site for Buddhists while offering a glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of Sri Lanka.

Rankoth Vehara

Location: Rankoth Vihara is situated in the Quadrangle area of the ancient city of Polonnaruwa. It is one of the prominent landmarks in the archaeological site.

Architecture: Rankoth Vihara is a large stupa built during the Polonnaruwa period. It stands at a height of approximately 55 meters (180 feet) and is considered one of the tallest stupas in Sri Lanka. The stupa features a bell-shaped dome, known as a “vatadage,” which is a characteristic architectural element of the era. The dome is surrounded by a circular terrace, and the base of the stupa is decorated with stone carvings and moonstones.

Historical Significance: Rankoth Vihara was constructed during the reign of King Nissanka Malla (1187-1196 AD) and is believed to have been built to enshrine relics of the Buddha. It holds religious and historical significance and is considered a sacred site for Buddhists.

Pilgrimage Site: Rankoth Vihara is a popular pilgrimage site where Buddhists come to pay their respects, offer prayers, and engage in religious activities. The stupa holds spiritual significance and is believed to bring blessings and merit to those who visit and engage in devotional practices.

Conservation Efforts: Rankoth Vihara has undergone restoration and conservation efforts to preserve its historical and architectural importance. The stupa has been maintained and protected to ensure its longevity and cultural heritage.

Visiting Rankoth Vihara allows visitors to witness the grandeur of a monumental stupa from the Polonnaruwa period and appreciate its architectural and historical significance. It offers a serene and peaceful environment for contemplation and reflection, while also providing insights into the religious practices and beliefs of ancient Sri Lanka.

Medirigiriya Vatadageya

Location: The Medirigiriya Vatadage is situated in Medirigiriya, which is approximately 40 kilometers east of Polonnaruwa.

Historical Significance: The Medirigiriya Vatadage dates back to the Anuradhapura period, which was a significant era in Sri Lankan history. The structure is believed to have been a place of religious worship and possibly enshrined a sacred relic.

Architectural Design: The Medirigiriya Vatadage is a circular shrine, commonly known as a vatadage, which was a distinctive architectural feature of ancient Sri Lankan Buddhist architecture. It consists of a raised circular platform supported by stone pillars. The outermost circle of pillars is now mostly ruined, but remnants can still be seen. The innermost circle contains four entrances, aligned with the cardinal directions.

Decorative Elements: The vatadage is adorned with decorative carvings, although some have been weathered over time. The carvings include floral motifs, lotus patterns, and guardian figures. The stone carvings showcase the artistic and craftsmanship skills of the ancient Sri Lankan artisans.

Spiritual Significance: The Medirigiriya Vatadage served as a place of religious worship and would have been a center for Buddhist rituals, ceremonies, and meditation. It would have been an important site for the local community to pay homage and engage in religious practices.

Visiting the Medirigiriya Vatadage offers a glimpse into the architectural and religious heritage of ancient Sri Lanka. It provides an opportunity to appreciate the craftsmanship of the ancient artisans and the spiritual significance of the site. The location also provides a serene and peaceful environment for visitors to explore and reflect on the historical and cultural richness of the region.

Nelum Pokuna

The Nelum Pokuna, also known as the Lotus Pond, is located within the ancient city of Polonnaruwa in Sri Lanka. It is situated near the Quadrangle, which is the central area of the archaeological site.

Architectural Feature: The Nelum Pokuna is a large ancient stone pond designed in the shape of a lotus flower. The pond is adorned with intricate stone carvings and has steps leading down to the water. The lotus shape represents its symbolic significance in Buddhism, symbolizing purity and enlightenment.

Purpose and Significance: The Nelum Pokuna served as a bathing pool for the monks who resided in the monastic complexes of the Polonnaruwa Kingdom. Monks would use the pond for ritualistic bathing and purification before engaging in religious activities. It was an essential component of the monastic lifestyle and played a significant role in the daily routines of the Buddhist clergy.

Architectural Style: The Nelum Pokuna showcases the advanced architectural skills and craftsmanship of the ancient Sri Lankan artisans. The intricate stone carvings and the attention to detail highlight the artistic finesse prevalent during the Polonnaruwa Kingdom.

Visiting the Nelum Pokuna in Polonnaruwa offers a glimpse into the architectural and cultural heritage of the Polonnaruwa Kingdom. It allows visitors to appreciate the craftsmanship of the ancient Sri Lankan artisans and provides an opportunity to connect with the religious and historical significance of the site within the context of the ancient kingdom.

Gal Potha stone inscription (Stone Book)

The Gal Potha is situated within the Quadrangle area of the archaeological site in Polonnaruwa. It is located near the famous Gal Viharaya.

Description: The Gal Potha is a massive stone slab that serves as a horizontal inscription. It measures about 9 meters (30 feet) in length and is believed to weigh around 25 tons. The slab is made of granite and is positioned on a stone platform.

Inscriptions: The Gal Potha features inscriptions written in ancient Sinhala script, known as “Brahmi script.” The inscriptions are attributed to King Nissanka Malla (1187-1196 AD) of the Polonnaruwa Kingdom. The text provides details about the king’s genealogy, his accomplishments, and the history of the kingdom.

Symbolism and Purpose: The Gal Potha is considered a monumental proclamation of the king’s achievements and serves as a testament to the glory of the Polonnaruwa Kingdom. It was likely meant to establish the king’s legitimacy, communicate his power and authority, and provide a historical record for future generations.

Artistic Elements: The Gal Potha is decorated with intricate carvings and decorative motifs. The edges of the slab feature a pattern resembling flames, while the central part displays a carved lotus motif. The carvings highlight the artistic skills prevalent during the Polonnaruwa period.

Visiting the Gal Potha allows visitors to observe a remarkable ancient stone inscription and gain insights into the history, culture, and achievements of the Polonnaruwa Kingdom. It stands as an important historical artifact, contributing to our understanding of Sri Lanka’s past and the significance of the Polonnaruwa era.

Sathmahal Prasada

The Sathmahal Prasadaya, also known as the Seven-Storey Building, is an architectural marvel built during the reign of King Parakramabahu the Great (1153-1186 AD). It is constructed entirely with bricks and takes the shape of a pyramid. The base of the building is square, measuring 35 feet on each side.

Unique Design: The Sathmahal Prasadaya has a distinctive seven-story design, with each level gradually decreasing in size as it reaches the top. The structure is believed to have served as a palace or a royal residence during ancient times

Unique Design: The Sathmahal Prasadaya has a distinctive seven-story design, with each level gradually decreasing in size as it reaches the top. The structure is believed to have served as a palace or a royal residence during ancient times.

Although the Sathmahal Prasadaya is now in ruins, some remnants of the original structure still exist, allowing visitors to appreciate its former grandeur and architectural significance.

Siva Devalaya No. 1 of Polonnaruwa

Siva Devalaya No. 1 in Polonnaruwa refers to a specific Hindu temple dedicated to Lord Shiva, located within the ancient city of Polonnaruwa in Sri Lanka. Siva Devalaya No. 1 exhibits the architectural style prevalent during the Polonnaruwa Kingdom. It features stone carvings, intricate sculptures, and decorative elements. The temple follows a typical Dravidian architectural style, which is common in South India and Sri Lanka.

Siva Devalaya No. 2 of Polonnaruwa

Siva Devalaya 02 is the oldest Hindu shrine found in the ancient city of Polonnaruwa. Siva Dewalaya-02 structure its history dates back to the brief Chola period when the Indian invaded the city. Siva Devalaya No.2 is very much similar in style to the Shiva Devalaya No.1. Its unique feature is that it is built entirely of stone which is why it still stands very much as it was initially built.

Archaeological Museum

The Archaeological Museum in Polonnaruwa is a museum that showcases and preserves the rich cultural and historical heritage of the ancient city of Polonnaruwa in Sri Lanka.

Collection: The museum houses a diverse collection of artifacts discovered during archaeological excavations in and around Polonnaruwa. The collection includes sculptures, statues, pottery, coins, inscriptions, and other archaeological finds that provide insights into the history, culture, and daily life of the Polonnaruwa Kingdom.

Exhibitions: The museum showcases these artifacts through well-curated exhibitions. The exhibits are designed to provide visitors with a chronological journey through the history of Polonnaruwa, highlighting the significant periods and developments of the ancient city.

Educational and Interpretive Displays: The museum offers educational displays and interpretive panels that provide context and information about the artifacts and the historical significance of Polonnaruwa. These displays help visitors understand the cultural and historical importance of the ancient city.

Conservation and Preservation: The Archaeological Museum in Polonnaruwa plays a crucial role in the conservation and preservation of the artifacts. It employs proper conservation techniques to safeguard the objects and ensure their long-term preservation for future generations.

Visiting the Archaeological Museum in Polonnaruwa provides an opportunity to delve into the history and cultural heritage of the ancient city. It allows visitors to appreciate the craftsmanship of ancient artisans and gain a deeper understanding of the Polonnaruwa Kingdom and its influence on Sri Lankan history.

Jaffana heritage


Jaffna, in Sri Lanka’s northern region, has become an increasingly popular tourist destination due to its unique cultural and historical attractions. The city’s rich heritage and vibrant cultural traditions make it a captivating place to explore for both local and international visitors.

One of the main draws for tourists in Jaffna is its magnificent Hindu temples. The Nallur Kandaswamy Kovil, with its elaborate architecture and colorful religious ceremonies, is a must-visit. The temple attracts devotees from around the world and offers a fascinating glimpse into Hindu rituals and practices. Other notable temples in the area include the Naguleswaram Kovil and the Keerimalai Naguleswaram Kovil, both of which hold great religious significance.

Jaffna also boasts an array of historical sites that showcase its rich past. The Jaffna Fort, built by the Portuguese in the 17th century and later fortified by the Dutch, is an impressive architectural landmark that offers panoramic views of the city. The historic library, destroyed during the civil war but since restored, is a symbol of Jaffna’s intellectual heritage and resilience.

Additionally, Jaffna’s culinary delights are not to be missed. The region’s unique cuisine, influenced by Tamil and Sri Lankan flavors, offers a range of delectable dishes. From mouthwatering seafood preparations to iconic Jaffna-style crab curry and string hoppers, the local food scene is a treat for food enthusiasts.

Overall, Jaffna’s importance as a tourist attraction lies in its captivating blend of cultural heritage, historical landmarks, and gastronomic delights. The city’s temples, forts, and culinary experiences offer a glimpse into the rich tapestry of Jaffna’s traditions and make it an enticing destination for travelers seeking an authentic and enriching experience in Sri Lanka.

Dambakola Patuna

Dambakola Patuna, also known as Dambakola Patuna Sangamitta Temple, is an ancient historical site located in Jaffna, Sri Lanka.

Dambakola Patuna is believed to be the place where Sangamitta, the daughter of Emperor Ashoka of India, arrived with a sapling of the sacred Bodhi tree. The Bodhi tree is the tree under which Lord Buddha attained enlightenment. It is said that Sangamitta landed at Dambakola Patuna with the sacred sapling, which was later planted in Anuradhapura, becoming the Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi, one of the most sacred sites for Buddhists in Sri Lanka.

The site is located in the coastal village of Dambakola Patuna, about 30 kilometers north of Jaffna town. It features a serene and picturesque setting near the sea. The area has a historical ambiance and is dotted with ancient ruins, including the remains of a Buddhist stupa and other structures.

Today, Dambakola Patuna is a place of pilgrimage for Buddhists, and devotees visit to pay their respects and seek blessings. The site attracts both locals and tourists interested in exploring its historical and religious significance. It provides an opportunity to learn about the early Buddhist influence in Sri Lanka and the island’s connections to Emperor Ashoka’s era.

While visiting Dambakola Patuna, it’s advisable to dress modestly and show respect for the religious site. It’s also recommended to check the local conditions and any guidelines or restrictions before planning a visit.

Naagadeepa Viharaya

Naagadeepa Viharaya, also known as Nagadeepa Temple or Nagadeepa Rajamaha Viharaya, is a prominent Buddhist temple located on Nagadeepa Island in the Jaffna District of Sri Lanka. It is an important pilgrimage site for Buddhists and holds great religious significance.

According to Buddhist tradition, Naagadeepa Viharaya is believed to be one of the places where Lord Buddha visited during his second visit to Sri Lanka. It is said that Lord Buddha came to the island to settle a dispute between two Naga kings, Chulodara and Mahodara, who ruled over Nagadeepa at the time. Lord Buddha mediated and resolved the conflict peacefully, establishing harmony and promoting Buddhism in the region.

The temple complex at Naagadeepa Viharaya features several structures, including the main shrine, a stupa, and various statues depicting Lord Buddha and other important figures in Buddhist mythology. The sacred Bo tree (Bodhi tree), which is believed to have been planted during Lord Buddha’s visit, is also revered by devotees.

Devotees visit Naagadeepa Viharaya to offer prayers, make offerings, and seek blessings. The temple is especially crowded during religious festivals and full moon days, attracting pilgrims from different parts of Sri Lanka.

To reach Naagadeepa Viharaya, visitors need to take a short boat ride from the mainland to Nagadeepa Island. It is advisable to dress modestly and maintain respectful conduct while visiting the temple.

Kandarodei / Kadurugoda Buddhist Temple

Kandarodai, also known as Kadurugoda, is indeed an important archaeological site in Jaffna, Sri Lanka.

Kandarodai is an ancient Buddhist site located approximately 14 kilometers from Jaffna town. It is known for its collection of small dagobas (stupas) made of limestone. During archaeological excavations, around 62 dagobas were discovered, making it one of the largest concentrations of dagobas in Sri Lanka.

The construction of the dagobas at Kandarodai is believed to have taken place during the Anuradhapura Era, showcasing the rich ancient history of the area. The use of limestone in their construction is notable, as it differs from the typical brick or stone construction found in other Buddhist sites in Sri Lanka.

Apart from the dagobas, various artifacts have been found at Kandarodai, including coins, a Buddha statue, stone inscriptions, and foreign materials. These findings suggest that the site had connections with trade and was influenced by Buddhism.

The presence of stone inscriptions further attests to the historical significance of Kandarodai. These inscriptions provide insights into the ancient culture and traditions of the region.

Kandarodai is a site of both archaeological and religious importance, attracting visitors interested in exploring Sri Lanka’s ancient history and Buddhist heritage. The collection of small dagobas and the intriguing artifacts make it a fascinating destination for history enthusiasts.

Nallur Kovil

Nallur Kovil, officially known as Nallur Kandaswamy Kovil, is a significant Hindu temple located in Nallur, a suburb of Jaffna in Sri Lanka. It is one of the most revered and popular Hindu temples in the country, attracting devotees and visitors from various parts of Sri Lanka and beyond.

The temple is dedicated to Lord Murugan, also known as Lord Kandaswamy or Skanda, who is considered the Hindu god of war and victory. Nallur Kovil holds immense religious and cultural importance for the Tamil community in Sri Lanka.

The temple’s history dates back to the 10th century, but it has undergone several renovations and reconstructions over the centuries. The current structure of Nallur Kovil, characterized by its impressive gopurams (towering gateways) adorned with intricate sculptures and colorful decorations, was built in the 18th century.

Nallur Kovil is not only a place of worship but also a hub of cultural activities. The temple is known for its grand festivals, particularly the annual Nallur Festival, which spans several weeks and attracts thousands of devotees. During the festival, the temple comes alive with vibrant processions, traditional music and dance performances, fire-walking ceremonies, and other religious rituals.

Visiting Nallur Kovil provides an opportunity to admire the architectural beauty, experience the religious fervor, and immerse oneself in the rich cultural traditions of the Tamil community. It’s important to dress modestly and observe the temple customs and etiquette when visiting.

Nallur Kovil is a significant landmark in Jaffna, and its iconic presence adds to the cultural and religious heritage of the region. It is often included in the list of top places to visit in Jaffna for its religious importance, architectural splendor, and cultural vibrancy.

Nainativu Sri Nagapoosani Amman Kovil

Nainativu Sri Nagapoosani Amman Kovil, also known as Nainativu Nagapooshani Temple, is a revered Hindu temple located on Nainativu Island, off the coast of Jaffna in Sri Lanka. The temple is dedicated to the goddess Nagapooshani, who is considered an incarnation of the goddess Parvati, the consort of Lord Shiva. The kovil holds great religious significance, particularly for the Tamil community in Sri Lanka.

According to Hindu mythology, Nainativu Island is believed to be one of the 64 places where pieces of the dismembered body of the goddess Sati (Parvati) fell after her death. The temple is said to be built at the spot where the heart of the goddess fell. The name “Nagapooshani” combines the Tamil words for “cobra” (naga) and “goddess” (pooshani).

The temple complex features several shrines dedicated to different deities, including Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu. The main sanctum of the temple houses the idol of Sri Nagapooshani Amman, adorned with elaborate decorations and offerings.

Nainativu Nagapooshani Temple is a popular pilgrimage site, and devotees from all over Sri Lanka visit the temple to seek the blessings of the goddess. The temple attracts a large number of visitors during special occasions and festivals, such as Thai Pongal and Navaratri.

To reach Nainativu Island, visitors can take a ferry from the mainland. The island itself is small and offers a tranquil and scenic environment, enhancing the spiritual experience for devotees.

In addition to its religious significance, Nainativu Island is also known for its historical and archaeological sites, including the Nagadeepa Viharaya, which is another important Buddhist temple on the island.

Sangiliyan Thoppu

The Sangiliyan Thoppu is an ancient arch that once formed part of the outer facade of the Jaffna Kingdom’s palace gate. Today, this arch stands as a protected archaeological monument, showcasing a design reminiscent of the Dutch colonial era. It holds significant historical value, as it is associated with the memory of the last Tamil King who successfully ruled the Yarlpana Kingdom. When exploring Jaffna, including the Sangiliyan Thoppu among the top places to visit is highly recommended. After a visit to the Nallur Temple, one can easily reach this site. Various transportation options, including private and public transport, are available from Jaffna town to access this intriguing historical landmark.

Jaffna Public Library

The Jaffna Public Library is a renowned library located in Jaffna, Sri Lanka. It holds great cultural and historical significance, serving as a symbol of knowledge, learning, and Tamil heritage in the region.

The library was first established in 1933 and quickly became a prominent institution for Tamil literature and research. It housed a vast collection of books, manuscripts, newspapers, magazines, and other valuable literary resources, including rare and ancient texts. The library served as a hub for scholars, students, and the general public to access knowledge and engage in intellectual pursuits.

Unfortunately, the Jaffna Public Library suffered a devastating incident in 1981 when it was set on fire during the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka. The fire destroyed a significant portion of its collection, including priceless manuscripts and books. This act of cultural destruction was widely condemned, both locally and internationally.

In the years following the fire, efforts were made to rebuild and restore the library to its former glory. With support from various sources, including the local community and international organizations, the library was reconstructed, and new collections were established.

Today, the Jaffna Public Library stands as a symbol of resilience and the importance of preserving cultural heritage. It continues to provide a range of resources, including books, periodicals, and digital materials, to the people of Jaffna. The library also serves as a cultural center, hosting events, exhibitions, and educational programs to promote Tamil language, literature, and arts.

Jaffna Fort

The Jaffna Fort, also known as the Dutch Fort, is a historic fortification located in the city of Jaffna in northern Sri Lanka. It is one of the prominent landmarks in Jaffna and holds significant historical and architectural importance.

The fort was originally built by the Portuguese in the early 17th century. However, it underwent several transformations and expansions under subsequent colonial powers, including the Dutch and the British. The fort’s current structure reflects a blend of Portuguese, Dutch, and British architectural styles.

The Jaffna Fort served as a strategic military stronghold for these colonial powers, given its location overlooking the Jaffna Peninsula and its access to the surrounding waters. The fort was designed with defensive walls, bastions, and a moat for protection.

The fort covers a vast area and is surrounded by high ramparts and sturdy walls. Within its confines, there are several buildings and structures, including a clock tower, a chapel, barracks, and administrative buildings. The fort’s architecture showcases the colonial influence and provides a glimpse into the history of Jaffna under foreign rule.

During the Sri Lankan civil war, the Jaffna Fort was heavily damaged and suffered from neglect. However, efforts have been made to restore and preserve the fort in recent years. Today, it stands as a testament to Jaffna’s rich history and serves as a popular tourist attraction.

Visitors to the Jaffna Fort can explore the premises, walk along the ramparts, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding area. The fort offers a peaceful ambiance and is a great spot for photography and historical exploration.

In addition to its historical and architectural significance, the Jaffna Fort occasionally hosts cultural events, exhibitions, and performances, showcasing the local heritage and arts.

Keerimalai Springs

Keerimalai Springs is a natural freshwater spring located in the Jaffna district of Sri Lanka. It holds great cultural and religious significance among the local population. The springs are situated in the village of Keerimalai, which is around 20 kilometers north of Jaffna city.

The name “Keerimalai” translates to “Mongoose Hill” in the Tamil language, and it is believed to have derived from the presence of mongoose in the area during ancient times. The springs are nestled between the coastline and a rocky outcrop, offering a picturesque setting.

The main attraction of Keerimalai Springs is its healing properties. The water from the springs is considered sacred and believed to possess medicinal qualities. It is particularly renowned for its therapeutic effects on skin-related ailments, and people from various parts of the country visit the springs seeking relief from such conditions.

Apart from the healing properties, Keerimalai Springs also has a significant religious association. There is an ancient Hindu temple dedicated to Lord Shiva, called the Naguleswaram Kovil, located in close proximity to the springs. This temple attracts devotees who come to offer prayers and seek blessings.

The site has undergone renovations in recent years to improve its infrastructure and accessibility for visitors. The tranquil surroundings, combined with the spiritual aura and natural beauty of Keerimalai Springs, make it a popular destination for both tourists and locals seeking solace and rejuvenation.

Naguleswaram Kovil

Naguleswaram Kovil, also known as Keerimalai Naguleswaram Kovil, is a renowned Hindu temple located in Jaffna, Sri Lanka. It holds significant religious and historical importance, attracting devotees and visitors from both within the country and abroad.

Situated near the scenic Keerimalai natural spring, the Naguleswaram Kovil is dedicated to Lord Shiva. It is believed to have been built during the reign of the Tamil Chola dynasty in the 10th century AD. The temple is steeped in mythological legends and is considered one of the Pancha Ishwarams, the five principal Shiva temples of Sri Lanka.

The architecture of Naguleswaram Kovil reflects a blend of Dravidian and Pallava styles, characterized by intricate carvings and ornate detailing. The temple complex consists of several shrines, including the main sanctum dedicated to Lord Shiva. The sacred natural spring adjacent to the temple, known as Keerimalai, is believed to possess healing properties, and pilgrims often take ritual baths in its holy waters.

Naguleswaram Kovil holds religious significance for devotees who seek blessings, particularly for health and fertility-related matters. The temple attracts a large number of worshippers, especially during important festivals and auspicious occasions such as Maha Shivaratri.

For tourists and history enthusiasts, Naguleswaram Kovil offers a captivating glimpse into the rich cultural and architectural heritage of Jaffna. Its serene surroundings, ancient rituals, and spiritual ambiance make it a remarkable place to visit, providing an opportunity to immerse oneself in the religious and historical fabric of Sri Lanka’s northern region.